Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 324: give me money

To the effect, this is not a phantom ability at all. He originally thought it was just a crappy ability that could attract the attention of others, but now it seems to be a strange unknown ability.

You must quickly kill the woman in front of you... Although you don't know what will happen to you next, the easiest way is to kill the instigator in front of you. As long as she dies, the peculiar bug will lose its proper function.

"Magnetic electric heating, magnetic rotating, go..."

The whole body of the long sword sword showed red brilliance, like a legendary laser sword.

Being cut by such a long sword, the result can be imagined.

Just as the long sword flew in front of the woman, a figure suddenly ran out from the oblique side and knocked the long sword away.

Luo Fei's heart was shocked by the strange appearance of the visitor. His long sword was more than enough to sever the steel type II armor, but the opponent smashed his long sword away unscathed. The visitor obviously also has a unique ability. .

So Luo Fei immediately cast his powers with all his strength, and he could already feel the negative impact that purple bug had on him.

It is absorbing his physical strength, which is equivalent to reducing his abilities.

The effect is reflected in the long sword he controls. The red light on it is obviously dimmed a lot, and the speed of rotation and flight are slowed down a lot.

"Ha..." The figure that appeared suddenly slammed into it again, clinging to the long sword.

At this time, Luo Fei could see the appearance of the other party clearly, which was a human, obviously it was a moving sculpture.

Or, it is the changed state of the ability person.

Luo Fei prefers that the opponent is a superpower, because this is the most reasonable explanation.

The long sword cut various fragments on the person's body, but it was obvious that the power of the long sword was getting weaker and weaker.

In the end, he was caught by the statue man.

The icy breath in his body became heavier and heavier, Luo Fei felt that he was once again in the night in the Getan Desert, and his whole body was full of bone coldness.

No, the loss of physical strength is getting more and more serious... Luo Fei's forehead has already appeared frosty cold because of the extreme cold of his body.

The stalemate can no longer continue... and Luo Fei caught a glimpse of the woman's electromagnetic gun that had gathered energy again.

Biting the tip of his tongue hard to cheer himself up, Luo Fei quickly drew out the white infrasonic gun from behind.

Aim at the woman in front of you and shoot it first, and a buzzing sound like a mosquito sounds, and the invisible sound wave circle penetrates into the opponent's body at the speed of sound.

The woman trembled suddenly, her brows frowned, and she looked very painful, and the trigger she was about to press was also released.

The rate of fire of the infrasonic gun was very fast, and the infrasonic circles fell on the woman's body one after another. Not long after, her eyes began to loosen, and blood flowed from the corners of her mouth, eyes, and earlobes.

The infrasonic gun has destroyed her internal organs, and over time, it can kill the opponent.

At this moment, the statue man stood in front of the woman again, like the other's bodyguard, always helping her to block dangerous attacks.

He struck a heavy stride and made an impact, with a continuous infrasonic bombardment.

Maybe the physical fitness surpasses the relationship of the woman, and the statue man persisted for a lot longer than her.

After a while, the statue man had appeared in front of Luo Fei.

At the same time, Luo Fei's physical strength was severely depleted, and his whole body was weak, and his legs did not even have the strength to leave the place.

Bang, the statue man unceremoniously hit Luo Fei against the wall.

A mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth, and Luo Fei felt that his body was about to fall apart.

Sliding down from the wall, but Luo Fei still insisted on shooting at it, otherwise he would be knocked into meatloaf by the opponent.

The effort paid off, and the sculptor in front of him began to change. The stone armor on his body cracked, revealing a man wearing a steel type II armor.

In the next moment, the other party knelt to the ground, lying on the ground.

Slightly relieved, Luo Fei's index finger pulling the trigger of the infrasonic gun was also released. He really had no strength.

But at the same time, his heart trembled. The worm was not only eating his physical strength, but now it was eating his vitality.

He already felt that his lifespan was declining again, but the speed was so slow that he did not feel the crisis yet.

But at this time he no longer has the ability to continue to attack, this is the most terrible, but there are still many Will's people below.

He needs to regain his strength as soon as possible.

At this moment, the sound of slight footsteps sounded in Luo Fei's ears.

who is it?

Sputan was seriously injured by him and kicked again. He is now unconscious, and the woman and statue figure in front of him are also severely wounded and fell to the ground. They are also unconscious. Is it Will’s?

Looking worriedly, he saw that it was the previous man who only wore a bath towel.

He glanced around, and finally landed on Luo Fei.

Seeing that only he was still conscious, he slowly squatted down and looked at him with some pride, "Hey, I think you are good at being my little brother. If you agree, I will blink and I will save you. How about?"

As a powerful superpower, the controller of the Lucky Number, and the existence respected by various boss-level figures, let me be your little brother?

Luo Fei thought for a while and blinked.

It's better to know the current affairs as a Junjie, and wait until he gets rid of the purple bugs in his body, then teach him how to be a good eldest brother.

"Then it's settled." The man lifted Luo Fei on his back, his knees sank, making him grin, "I'm going, why are you so heavy."

Looking at the weird gun beside the woman, he knew how powerful it was, and he broke Luo Fei's magnetic shield in the blink of an eye.

He picked up the electromagnetic gun and was about to give it to the other party. At this moment, company employees appeared at the stairs.

He immediately shot a purple light, and in his incredible eyes, the employee who was hit instantly turned into a ball of flame and exploded, forming a wall of fire at the top of the stairs.

"I'll go, so great." The man in the towel was taken aback.

I want to play again, but at this time there is some noise from the elevator, and someone is coming up in the elevator.

Immediately, he came to his original house with Luo Fei on his back. This time calmly, he smoothly took out the spare key from under the carpet and opened the door.

With the door closed, the elevator door just opened, and Wu Ji came out.

I watched the people who fell on the ground in a circle, and asked the subordinates to carry them back.

Soon, Will, who had broken his left arm, followed him with a look of resentment.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he quickly discovered the doubt.

Luo Fei was not found, but the three of them were seriously injured and none of them died. Obviously, the other party didn't have time to deal with it, and he had some troubles, so that he didn't have time to deal with it.

"Ghost face is injured, he must be hiding somewhere, find him, and bring him to me."

The surrounding company employees were about to knock on the door of the room. At this moment, Wu Ji trembles his ears and says:

"Listen, there is the sound of armed chariots in the distance. It is the city guards who are coming. We must leave here as soon as possible."

Sure enough, Will who was listening attentively also heard the noise outside. After weighing the pros and cons, he gritted his teeth unwillingly and said: "Retreat."

Behind the door of the house.

The man in the bath towel looked through the cat's eyes and saw that those people were relieved because the city guards were about to arrive.

Carrying Luo Fei, he came to his bedroom and put Luo Fei on the bed.

Instructed: "My new recruit, you stay here, don't say anything, I will send those city guards away."

Luo Fei, unable to move, could only blink his eyes.

Then I felt my hand empty, it turned out that the infrasonic gun was held by the opponent.

"I'll keep this gun for you. If you use it now, it's too dangerous." After speaking, he took two high-level guns and left the bedroom with joy.

The reason why this guy saved me is probably because he wants my infrasonic gun... Luo Fei shook his head very helplessly and funny.

Looking around, the mottled walls, the hangers in the corner and the wardrobe next to him are all ordinary appearances.

With his eyes closed slightly, he felt the extremely cold worm in his body, thinking about how to expel it from his body.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of supernatural creature will either use the ability to kill it or just wait for it to disappear on its own.

However, Luo Fei felt that the worm in his body was extremely tricky.

It seems that it can absorb Luo Fei's physical strength and vitality to maintain it for a long time. If it can't be expelled quickly, then Luo Fei is likely to be swallowed to death by it.

"Magnetic energy absorption."

Luo Fei tried to use his ability to dispel it.

The lines of magnetic force penetrated deep into his body and penetrated into the body of the worm. Not long after, a little bit of vitality was sucked out of it.

Yes, it can do it, as long as one day comes, it will disappear... Luo Fei is fortunate.

With a solution, Luo Fei can also sleep peacefully, while secretly sighing: "This is the purpose of multiple abilities. Sooner or later, he can help himself. Combination abilities are king."

At this time, a voice came from the door outside.

"Master City Guards, hello, I am the inspector Zangfang of this restaurant. This is my work permit. Oh, what happened here?"

"Well, it's a group of people who are in a gunfight here, and it's fierce."

"Yes, it seems to be an infighting, what, there are still the corpses of the Burning Blade personnel outside, then I don't know, after all, it is outside."

"Okay, go slowly, I will write a report and forward it to you."

The city guards came and went, cleaning the battlefield by the way. All the surrounding residents stayed in their houses tremblingly. When it was all over, they carefully opened a crack in the door to check the surrounding environment.

It seemed that nothing really happened, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.


At 11 o'clock in the evening, the giant elevator door connecting the tunnel to the outside world opened, and a group of people walked into the Iron Broken City.

Headed by are Le Guan, Xue Yong and the group of flying fish mercenaries who are trapped in the robotic spacecraft.

No one knows how they escaped, but that's how they came out.

Deep into the iron broken city, it still has the distinction of day and night.

The overhead and street lights are on for 16 hours during the day, and when they are off for 8 hours, they are night, which means that the residents can sleep.

In the darkness, Will and others did not continue to walk the road, but shuttled through the alleys.

Before taking a few steps, Hu Si's figure appeared in front of him, and he smiled to express his harmlessness.

When Will and the others were on guard, he came to Will and said with a smile: "I guess that weird must have been wiped out by you."

The two sides fight, and only one side walks out alive. According to common sense, the winner is self-evident.

"Please forgive our previous behavior, after all, we were also persecuted by that weird man."

Hu Si bent down slightly, maintaining a humble smile, "I think we can certainly make up for our apologies, but... you need to give me money first."