Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 336: I am a ghost face

It stands to reason that for such an enemy of destroying the industry, the other party should have smashed with the other party, but he did not expect that he chose peace talks.


When the two were walking on the road, Luo Fei asked him incomprehensibly.

He sighed faintly, "I'm just a small person, I just want to make some money to support my family. I don't want to participate in the power struggle between these two, and I can't participate in it. I don't want to be when I go home. My family is lying in a pool of blood.

Therefore, reconciliation is my only way. "

Soon, the two came to a dilapidated small hotel.

Drive out all the guests inside and let the boss prepare the meals.

Before long, two teams came, one with more teams and the other with only one.

Will stepped out of more vehicles and came to the door first. When the opposite Bo Yi came to him, he suddenly smiled and said, "It's been a long time, Director Bo Yi, why do you like the hobby of wearing a mask now? "

In order to prevent himself from being confused by the other party, Bo Yi put on a gas mask and advanced filters for his eyes during this negotiation to isolate the opponent's power fluctuations.

"Huh, villain, you will die sooner or later." Putting down a sentence without any substantive threat, Bo Yi walked into the wing that Grie had prepared for everyone.

Inside the house, an iron table is placed in the center, on which is placed full of characteristic food, but there are only three chairs around.

Will and Bo sat opposite each other, Luo Fei sat in the center, forming a triangle with them.

Bo Yi, who had just escaped from the hands of the old tooth shell alien, was exhausted physically and mentally, and was upset that he had not obtained the evidence of the Flying Fish Mercenary Corps.

In this negotiation, the enemy met again, and his anger has already risen in his heart.

Furthermore, Luo Fei, who had just cooperated with him, became a witness to the negotiation, which made him feel betrayed.

He just sat down and slapped up again, pointing to Will’s nose and yelling:

"You traitor, you are the dog of our bone language company. You dare to sit across from me today. Why don't you crawl over and squat by my feet."

Bo Yi's angry rebuke was just a bluff for Will, and now he has received the attention of the Flying Fish Mercenary Group.

Because of the great loss of the mercenary group’s strength, he also saw the actual boss behind the mercenary group. Because of his abilities, he is already in a high position at this moment. As long as he stays with the boss, in the future, his The status will continue to rise.

In the future world, supernatural powers will surely become human masters.

He sat on a chair, lay on his back slightly, his eyes slightly raised, his arrogant attitude was obvious, "Heh, are you blind?"

"Isn't that dog right across from me?"

"Huh? You..." Bo Yi was furious and slammed the table.

Had it not been for the weapon to be taken away before this, Bo might have taken out a gun and pointed it at Will's head.

At this time, only one person in the small room had a weapon, and that was Luo Fei as the city guard.

Then the two sneered while mocking.

Just a few minutes later, Gree, the owner of the Devil Bar, couldn't stand it anymore, and persuaded the two of them:

"I said, hurry up and reconcile, or else you will quarrel like this, and there will never be any results."

"If there is no result, how can you explain to your respective mercenary group and company?"

But the two ignored him at all, and at the same time turned their heads to look at this Grie, who had nothing, but also took off his armor and weapons, and their contempt was very obvious.

Demo, who are you?

He was dressed in an ordinary commoner and had a sturdy figure, but his body bowed slightly, a bit like a farmer who had just come to the city from the ground.

Seeing that neither of them listened to persuasion, Grie sighed, opened his black watch and started contacting his rescuer.

It didn't take long for Will and Boye, who were still arguing, to answer the phone calls that they called together.

One end of Will's call was the woman with purple hair, and she frowned at Will, glaring at Will, "Hurry up and make peace with Bone Language Company. We shouldn't have a fight."

On the opposite side, a white-haired but shining old man appeared on Bo Yi's black watch, "Bo Yi, Will has left, you can no longer be arrogant, this will bring greater losses to the company."

"But Will has brought us immeasurable losses, especially since he also controlled me."

Boyi suppressed his anger, because Will's actions made him a laughing stock in the company, and at the same time his year-end bonus was gone because of the huge loss.

Will is not dead, it is hard to dispel the hatred in his heart.

"If you don't agree, then you don't have to stay in Bone Language Company. You should just stay wherever you should go." The old man said coldly, and hung up the communication without waiting for him to reply.

Bo opened his mouth. Between revenge and keeping his position, he finally chose the latter.

"If it weren't for the director, you wouldn't want to get out of this room today." Bo Yi sat down unwillingly.

"Oh, it's only you who can't go out." Will took a contract to the table, first signed it, and then threw it in front of Bo Yi.

This is a settlement contract. Although it is not very binding, the superficial process is still to be done.

After accepting the contract, Bo Yi examined it carefully, and read it slowly from front to end.

"Hey, you hurry up, I have a lot to do, I am very busy now." Will put his feet on the table.

"What can you do? I still don't know your ability? Is it troublesome?"

Bo Yi raised his eyelids, but his movements were still very slow, as if he wanted to spend a day with each other like this.

"Cut." Will curled his lips. "My business is too much. I have to search for ghost faces, search for Luo Fei, expand the flying fish mercenary group, and re-conquer the Huangsha Orphanage."

Bo Yi finally raised his head from the contract and frowned slightly, "Luo Fei? The guy who was offered a reward of 3 million? That is the prey of our bone language company. If you dare to **** me, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

"What is your prey? This is what the boss gave us." Will jumped to the table with a nudge and looked down at Bo Yi from a high level.

Not to be outdone, Bo Yi raised his head, almost sparks between his eyes.

There was a stalemate like this for a few seconds, and suddenly a dripping sound broke into the ears of the two of them.

Looking at the source of the sound with a puzzled expression, the sound came from Luo Fei.

"City guard, your armor is out of power, so take it off quickly, otherwise, it won't be easy to save you." Will jokingly jumped off the table.

"Yeah, it's time to take it off."

Pressing the open button on his body, the power armor immediately disintegrated from behind, allowing Luo Fei to come out of the armor calmly.

But when Luo Fei's figure appeared in front of everyone, Will and Bo Yi blurted out at the same time, "Ghost face."

Will's voice is more tense, after all, he just said to deal with the ghost face, but the other party appeared in front of him in the next second, which really embarrassed him.

"That..." Will Gan smiled and stood up from the chair, his eyes looked at the door intentionally or unintentionally.

There are his guards there, as long as they are alarmed, he might be saved.

"Ghost face, there must be a misunderstanding between us, we can be good friends, how about getting rich together?" Will carefully moved backwards, "Your strength is very good, as long as you join us, we will definitely reuse yours..."

At this time, his eyes kept flashing red, and the power of hypnosis kept interfering with Luo Fei's thoughts, but all this had no effect on Luo Fei.

Luo Fei didn't move.

Suddenly he stopped, Luo Fei had already raised the Gauss rifle in his hand and pointed it at his chest, "Remember to take me to say hello to the dean, vice dean, and classmates of the orphanage."

Grie just raised his hand, who still didn't understand what happened, and a series of bullets were shot out of the Gauss rifle.

Will turned around in horror and ran towards the door, while yelling, "Help me..."

However, the bullet quickly penetrated his body, his body flew up, several large holes appeared in his chest, and he fell to the ground with an incredible expression.

I didn't expect that I would die here.

It was originally a simple negotiation meeting.

The sudden change caused Bo to stand up, and at the same time, Will's guard, who heard the movement outside, also rushed in.

It was the wasting mercenary Jizhou and the female mercenary Wu Yi. When they saw Will's body, they were suddenly awakened as if they were suddenly awakened when they were asleep.

"What's going on?" Wu Yi raised her palm and looked at it, as if it felt so unreal.

The skinny mercenary Jizhou had the same doubts. He looked at the three people in the room and hoped they would give them doubts.

"You are being hypnotized, it's Will's ability." While Bo Yi explained, he carefully looked at the ghost face.

Suddenly, he felt a bit of a heartache, and he found that the ghost face had also aimed his gun at him.

Bo Yi unconsciously stepped back two steps, sweating on his forehead, "Ghost face, we should have no grudges, can you put the gun down first."

"No enmity?" Luo Fei tilted his head, his mouth cocked, "Who was playing tricks on me just now, made me run for nothing, offended this Grie boss, and made me gain nothing."

In the middle of the journey, Luo Fei looked at Grie beside him. He was quite calm and stayed where he was.

"This?" Bo Yi smiled awkwardly. He would have known that there was a ghost face in this armor, he would definitely not do it.

In order to ensure his own life, Boyi quickly made a guarantee, "I can personally give you some compensation, after all, the task is over, and I can't apply for rewards from the company."

He pondered for a moment, and said helplessly: "Why not, our bone language company is forming a Chimera team, which is full of elite personnel, I can recommend you to go in."

"Chimera team? What is it for?" Luo Fei asked.

Boyi explained: “This is a hunting team composed of bounty mercenaries and outstanding company employees, who are specifically responsible for chasing Luo Fei.”

"If we can win Luo Fei, then the 3 million bonus will go to you."

Join the troops chasing yourself?

Luo Fei pondered for a moment, and asked, "Is there a dormitory? Is there free food? Can you get a black table for me?"

The corners of Bo's mouth twitched. There is nothing wrong with this, but in order not to be killed by the opponent in the next second, he nodded vigorously, "Yes, there are, there must be."

Luo Fei slowly put down the gun in his hand, thinking in his heart: "When Will is dead, the Flying Fish Mercenary Corps and Bone Language Company will definitely break.

The city guards are chasing down the old Toothshell alien, and they have to deal with the Toothshell alien team in the coal mine area, and the battle will be endless for a long time.

Maybe staying in the team that Bone Language Company hunted down my own might be the safest place in the city of Iron Shards. "