Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 351: Allied forces attack

The female black armored soldier suddenly suffocated.

The city lord also looked over at this moment.

The mercenaries also made a fuss when they saw this.

"Yes, for the money, we also want the treatment of the city guards."

"Yes, 3000 waste coins every month, one word can't be missed."

"This..." The female black armored soldier took a step back and asked the city lord for help.

With so many people and such a large sum of money, the city lord did not want to pay.

She pondered for a moment, "Siqing, come back, let the other party continue to lead those mercenaries, and let them use those weapons."

Many mercenaries uttered ear-splitting cheers as if they were victorious.

"City Lord...Mother..." The female black armor warrior Siqing made a slip of the tongue because of anxiety.

"Don't be impatient." The lord waved his hand.

The female black armor soldier could only swallow the words that came to her lips.

"However, in order to prevent you from going back after getting the weapon, I need you to promise me three conditions." The city lord slowly raised three fingers.

"Don't say three, it's thirty, three hundred, our boss will agree without hesitation." A strong figure stood up.

Luo Fei squinted at the storm around him that couldn't bear to exit.

"Maybe the other party will add a condition that allows me to seal your mouth. As long as the other party mentions it, I will follow it."

"How is it possible." The storm retreated Shi Shiran.

Luo Fei then looked at the city lord, "You said."

The city lord scanned Luo Fei and Feng Feng back and forth, his mouth cocked.

It turns out that this person can't control his troops at all, so as long as he controls his men.

"The first condition is that I want him to be the captain of my city guard." The city lord pointed to the storm.

Luo Fei turned his head and glanced at the storm. He was surprised at first, and then he was happy. Seeing Luo Fei look over, he quickly became expressionless again, showing endless changes.

Is this trying to split the entire Chimera team?

In this regard, Luo Fei didn't care at all, nodded, "Okay, I promise, what about the second one?"

"I want you to kill all the aliens with the tooth shell and kill the lava tooth turtle." The city lord raised his second finger.

The corners of Luo Fei's mouth twitched. It was impossible to kill all the tooth shell aliens. They would also escape. If he ran into the cave outside the city, how would he find them.

"We can't do this. The fighting power of the Lavatooth is too powerful, even if we are dead, we can't break its shell.

Besides, I only promise to drive away the aliens and eliminate them all?

I can’t guarantee this, unless..."

Luo Fei set his sight on Heng Lao, and paused, "If Heng Lao can help, then we have the hope of destroying them."

"If you can't destroy the lava tooth turtle, then I can't give you a weapon." The city lord lowered his eyes.

This is simply because he doesn't want to give weapons... Luo Fei annoys the other party with too harsh conditions.

Suddenly, there was a clearer scream outside, like the roar of a lava-toothed turtle close at hand, and all the mercenaries began to whisper and panic.

At this moment, Elder Heng finally stood up, "Enough, Tan Huai, are so many people waiting for your choice?

Today, I will decide and distribute all the weapons to them. If they dare to hit your attention, I will personally kill them all. "

The city lord opened his mouth slightly, said a few words silently, and finally turned into a sigh.

Everyone suddenly cheered. This was a memorable victory.

They defeated the city lord.

In the cheers of the crowd, Luo Fei stepped forward and proposed to the city lord, “I heard that the White Porcelain Squad is the strongest combat power in Iron Fragment City. It is a shame to let them die like this. Now it is the time to hire people. Let them be on the battlefield. The admiral will make atonement.

"This can't work, they will be punished if they make a mistake, you are challenging the rules of the Iron Broken City." The female black armor warrior hurriedly stopped.

Then she was stopped by the city lord, "Okay, Si Qing, let them go and give them weapons."

"This...yes." Si Qing reluctantly responded, and then stared at Luo Fei fiercely.

"It's not my fault, why are you staring at me?" Luo Fei shrugged, seeming not to care very much.

Next, the storm and others obtained a lot of Gauss rifles and ammunition from the castle's arsenal.

A small amount of steel type III power armor was equipped on the Chimera team.

Luo Fei did not question this, and left everything to the storm to deal with.

When it was 12 o'clock in the evening, the white lights in the sky were still bright.

In order to maintain a good combat vision, the pseudo-sunlight will continue until the end of the battle under the control of the city lord.

Various chariots drove on the street, slowly approaching the area ravaged by the tooth shell aliens.

In one of the heavily armored cars, Luo Fei, Feng Feng and others were sitting side by side in the car.

In addition to Luo Fei, there was also the storm of the Chimera team, now the head of the city guard.

Bo Yi, the director of Bone Language, is also an excellent pilot. This time he did not go to the battlefield, but was sitting in this command vehicle and commanding his own team leisurely.

Miao Jiao, the acting head of the Flying Fish Mercenary Corps, was not good at defensive abilities, so she stayed to command her own troops.

At this moment, the human coalition has a large number of troops, including more than 300 members of the Chimera team, more than 300 members of the Flying Fish Mercenary Group, more than 200 members of the Bone Language Company, and 100 city guards, totaling more than 900.

There are also a large number of mercenaries in the city, and the communication staff is giving notice to the whole city:

"All the residents of Iron Broken City, in the name of the city lord, under the command of the city guard captain Storm, the bone language company Chimera team and the flying fish mercenary group have gathered on Scimitar Street, and will use thunder to destroy the tooth shell. Alien.

Again, we call on all mercenaries and company employees who can get weapons to join us quickly and kill all the foreigners who invade our homes. "

Under the propaganda of impassioned correspondents, many combatants in the city came from afar.

After a while, a subpoena from Daitian Company came through the communication.

"Hello everyone, I'm Hou Yong, the director of Daitian Company, and I hope we can join you in the conquest of the different people from the tooth shell."

Bo Yi thought for a moment, his expression full of doubts, "Hou Yong? Are you not the captain? How did you become the supervisor?"

A helpless voice came from the communication, "Like you, the top executives ran away. In order to let me stay, I was promoted."

With another company joining, the storm felt that the odds of winning were a little bigger, and said in an arrogant tone: "Report your team and position."

The other party was very excited, and immediately replied: "We are in District 11 of Commercial Street, and there are about 200 people. We are currently at war with the other person, please come and support us."

Everyone's expressions condensed, and the storm directly asked: "How many different people are you facing, and what are the weapons and equipment?"

A 200-man team can provide more combat power to the coalition forces, and everyone does not want Daitian's team to be eaten.

"Many, there are more than 1,000 visually. Most of the preparations in their hands are grabbed from the store, and the power is about the same as ours."

"Got it." The storm looked around with arrogant eyes and stayed on Luo Fei for a second. Seeing Luo Fei lowered his head and meditated but didn't find him, he quickly shifted his gaze.

Before Luo Fei reacted, he directly commanded the entire army, "Order everyone to go and rescue the Daitian army."

At this time, the others turned their heads to look at Luo Fei, and saw that he had no response, so they notified the teams.

The storm glanced at Luo Fei with a smile on his face. Now he is the head of the city guard of the Iron Broken City. Not only the Chimera team but also the city guard can command him.

Whether it is his own status or his own power, Luo Fei is no longer his opponent, and he doesn't need to pretend to be his little brother anymore.

Seeing Luo Fei silent at this time, the storm also guessed a bit in his heart. It must have sensed the gap between the sudden changes between the two sides, and this has been silent.

But the storm wanted to test again, he turned around, his face was very calm, and he didn't dare to show an unpleasant look.

After all, if the opponent is pressed into a hurry, in this small space, none of them will be Luo Fei's opponents.

"Boss Luo Fei, we don't know the location of the lava tooth turtle for the time being, we can only trouble you..."

Hearing the sound, Luo Fei raised his head. The latter was startled by Luo Fei's black indifferent eyes, and quickly smirked.

Did he see through my thoughts?

The storm felt uneasy, Luo Fei was invincible in the car, and he also wanted to listen to Luo Fei's opinions, but if the other party goes out... then who is he?

His eyes returned to focus, and Luo Fei had just been learning about the recent situation with Xihuai.

"Well, the lava-toothed turtle is indeed a trouble. I just happened to be out for a walk."

The car door above his head opened and Luo Fei's figure disappeared in front of everyone, and everyone couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately, everyone looked at each other and smiled, and the dangerous man finally left.

"Hey." A familiar voice suddenly came from the top of their heads, and everyone's minds tightened again, looking at Luo Fei's exposed half of his head.

"Storm, equip Xue Yong and the others with Gauss rifles. How can they cause damage to the aliens without them? You are too careless."

"Yes, yes, I'll do it right now." The storm looked like he had just remembered.

When Luo Fei finally left, the unreliable storm also got out of the command chariot to check it out.

He didn't return to the car until Luo Fei stopped coming back.

The storm posed its majesty and ordered the information personnel ahead:

"Open the city holographic projection, I want to know the exact location of the lava tooth turtle."


As the information personnel pulled out a flashing light panel, the phantom light on it immediately showed the appearance of the entire Iron Broken City.

On the top of Iron Broken City, invisible cameras are installed on the incandescent lamps, which can monitor every corner on the ground.

Everyone in the car glanced at each other, tacitly suppressing the thoughts in their hearts.

Obviously, I knew where the lava-toothed turtle was, but let Luo fly out to find it. The intention was quite obvious.

It's just that this is someone's business, what does it have to do with them?

It's best to die.

Everyone turned their sights on the steel plate again. Most of the places were still neat high-rise buildings, but in the commercial area and the coal mine area, it was like a black spot of incompatibility.

Take a closer look, there are ruins all over the ground, collapsed tall buildings, burning houses, there are crying residents, and strangers everywhere.