Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 361: Come to an end

On the ground, the fighting method of the tooth shell alien is very simple and rude, just charge, charge, charge again, close to the human forces to fight in close combat.

The human strategy is to temporarily build fortifications and fight defensive wars.

Passing over them, Luo Fei sighed, "Flying is really exhausting, but it finally sent them away."

The weight of the three people combined is extremely heavy, Luo Fei's steel type iii power armor, Zang Fang's hermit type iv power armor, and Xue Yong's steel skeleton.

The total weight exceeds at least ten big men, which is also a big challenge for Luo Fei.

It is advisable to stay in the air for a long time, and also maintain your own stealth state.

"But now on the ground?"

The ground is now covered by artillery fire and bullets, and it will definitely be damaged by shrapnel if it falls on the ground.

But when he thought of his own magnetic circle, Luo Fei chose to land in a tin room with only the remaining walls.

Close to the window that was torn into a polygonal appearance, Luo Fei carefully probed the direction of the lava tooth turtle.

Compared with the previous, the lava tooth shell was significantly thinner, and the jetted fire snake was also half a catty like Heng Lao.

"That's not right... Elder Heng is going to do it."

Luo Fei raised his head, the huge Hydra in the sky was shrinking, the original tall building-like body is now only the size of a villa.

"Heng Lao is old and physically declining after all, and it is estimated that the recovery of physical fitness has not kept up with the rate of consumption.

"That won't work, I have to help him."

Luo Fei measured a distance of 512 meters between him and the lava tooth turtle through the distance measuring light ruler in the power armor, which exceeded the range of his ability to display [Magnetic Energy Absorption].

"If I go there, I will be discovered by those dentitioners who will [detect the breath]."

After thinking about it, the surrounding artillery became looser, Luo Fei moved to the back wall and poked his head out.

Toothshell aliens charge quickly, they are like heavy mechas, ignoring the rain of guns and bullets, fighting with the human fighters on the temporary defensive array.

The artillery fire naturally began to loosen up.

This is an extremely unfavorable battle for humans. In melee combat, many of them are not opponents of these tooth shell aliens who ignore life and death.

Humans’ fear of death makes them fearful when fighting.

The human forces on the defensive positions are obviously not far from defeat.

Luo Fei thought for a moment, dialed the communication from the airy sea, and said calmly:

"Fenghai, let the storm cover all the long-range firepower of the lava tooth turtle."

"All? But we can't hold it anymore, and we need gunfire..."

There are screams everywhere around Feng Hai, and his situation is just as bad.

Luo Fei calmly said: "If we don't fire the cannon, we will definitely lose the battle, and even the entire Iron Broken City will become their food hunting ground. Now we fire the cannon, we still have a chance to turn over."

"Are you sure we can win?" Feng Hai couldn't make up his mind.

"There is no hope of 100% victory in the world." Luo Fei said lightly: "But I can give you 200% victory."

"I believe you a ghost..."

Two hundred percent chance of winning? Feng Hai didn't believe it, but he pondered for a moment, and he could only compromise under the shadows of different people everywhere.

"I will inform the storm that idiot now."

The electric waves meet in the air.

Feng Hai: "Storm, hurry up, all the artillery bombards the lava tooth turtle."

Storm: "The front line is about to collapse, they need support."

Feng Hai: "Idiot guy, as long as you bombard, Luo Fei can turn the tide of the battle."

Storm: "Where are you? I blasted you to death..."

Suddenly, another voice was inserted strongly into the communication between the two, "Listen to my order, all long-range firepower bombards the lava tooth turtle."

Storm: "Who is your xx? Dare to command me?"

Feng Hai: "Hello, Lord of the City."

Storm: "City Lord, listen to my explanation..."

Toot, the lord hung up the communication.

Toot, Feng Hai hung up the communication.

Only the storm that was messy in the cold wind was left.

Among the dilapidated walls, Luo Fei sat cross-legged, looking up at the sky.

Under the incandescent light, countless incandescent light bombs flew, shells, and missiles stacked.

Sliding over a distance of nearly one kilometer, landed in a predetermined position.

Countless flames rose up around the lava-toothed turtle, and the shrapnel hit the lava-toothed turtle's carapace but was all shot away.

Although the surrounding tooth shell aliens supported the gas shield, under the continuous blow, the gas shield quickly dissipated, and then torn apart.

After a wave of attacks, the tooth shells around the lava tooth turtle did not exist, and even the rest were scarred.

"Feng Hai, inform the storm to shell the end of the team of Toothshell aliens to prevent them from returning." Luo Fei raised his arm and the black watch.

"Huh? Tooth-kind is going back?" Feng Hai looked around him, he was behind Tooth-kind.

If this is shelling, wouldn't it even be covered?

"Don't linger, let me know quickly."

Luo Fei hung up the communication, hid himself, jumped out of the wall, and quickly approached the lava tooth turtle.

"This?" Feng Hai was in a dilemma. He didn't want to die yet. After thinking about it, he dialed the storm.

"Yes, instead of bombarding the dentition, they may have to go back and let the coalition charge to hold them."

In the command room, the storm stroked his chin with his left hand and thought, "Isn't it a dead end to let the coalition charge? What stupid tactic is this?"

After thinking for a moment, he ordered, "Retreat the coalition forces and stop them from pursuing with artillery fire."

On the battlefield, the coalition forces withdrew from the temporary defensive positions, while countless artillery shells in the sky fell on the positions.

The ground was blown up, and the tooth shell alien was blown up.

But seeing the human coalition retreat, they swarmed forward.

Without a front cover, once being overtaken by the tooth shell alien, the human coalition will only be annihilated.

"What kind of a ghost order is this, is this sending us to death?" a wise mercenary cursed.

"Run quickly, we lost." The timid mercenaries lost the courage to fight and just wanted to flee. Their behavior also affected a large number of unknown mercenaries.

The human coalition is on the verge of retreat.

At this time, Luo Fei stood in front of the lava-toothed turtle.

There is nothing to say, [Magnetic Energy Absorption] is activated.

The pain of the disappearance of vitality made the lava-toothed turtle wailed.

The painful tone made everyone in Iron Broken City frightened.

Especially the dentition, they stopped offensively and turned back to retreat.

【Acquired life span of 100 years】

Within a few minutes, the lava-toothed turtle in front of me became thinner, and its scales appeared loose.

The spikes on his back no longer emit flames, and the lava fire from his mouth gradually diminishes.

"It's weakened. As long as Heng Lao is working hard, the opponent will be over."

Luo Fei sighed slightly, raised his head, and looked at him hopefully.

But the next second, his expression stiffened on his face.

In the sky, Elder Heng retracted the mist snake and flew into the distance with lightning speed.

In a flash, there was a black spot on the horizon.

"This... took away the clouds?"

Looking back at the lava-toothed turtle, Luo Fei felt a little pain in the pine kernel, "What can I do?"

The lava tooth turtle continued to lose weight, the pupils of his eyes spread, and the dark green blood couldn't help flowing out.

Without external threats, the lava-toothed turtle still feels that its life is still passing by.

It slowly retracted into its carapace, and at the same time the silica on its head glowed light blue.

The light forms a semicircular energy shield, which expands continuously, enveloping the entire lava tooth turtle.

Naturally, it also cut off Luo Fei from stealing his life.

Seeing that the tooth shell alien in front was withdrawing, Luo Fei knew that he could not stay for long, and immediately flew out.

Seeing the appearance of the lava tooth turtle, all the tooth shell aliens were shocked, and frequently roared up to the sky, so they had to guard around the lava tooth turtle and did not want to leave.

The war came to an end.

The incandescent light on the ceiling went out.

This is to reduce energy consumption.

On the edge of the ruins, simple tents were erected to form a simple camp.

From time to time there was a deep, painful grunt.

The chariot was parked on one side of the camp, always aiming the muzzle at the center of the ruins.

When necessary, the human camp can be a buffer zone between the chariot and the tooth shell alien.

Command the car.

The storm sat on the seat and listened carefully to the report of the battle.

"Commander, our artillery ammunition and missiles have been exhausted, the next batch of ammunition replenishment will take four hours."

"In this battle, more than 400 personnel were lost, some ammunition was consumed, and there were no other losses."

"The tooth shell alien is expected to lose 1,000. The lava tooth turtle was attacked by inexplicable force, and its body was much thinner. At this time, it is being protected by an energy mask."

After finishing the report, the informant turned around and continued to check the abnormality on the interest rate map.

"Is there any news from Luo Fei?"

After the storm tidied up some messy collars, he had already learned the identity of Luo Fei from Bo Yi.

"Not yet." The information officer reported.

The storm turned his seated chair and faced Bo Yi and others.

With an arrogant expression:

"Luo Fei is a dangerous man. I think we should capture him."

Several people had different expressions, Bo Yi hesitated and said:

"We don't have the power to hunt him down, and his combat power is very strong, otherwise there won't be a 3 million bounty."

"Not only that, why are we hunting him down? After all, the dark web bounty has been revoked." Hou Yong folded his arms with disdain on his face.

Now is the time to work together to fight against the aliens, what kind of ability to deal with their own people.

Miao Jiao pondered for a moment, and her **** and white eyes looked at the three people in power in front of her.

To put it bluntly, the few people present have already controlled all the forces in Iron Fragment City.


The magnetic sound attracted all male eyes.

Miao Jiao stroked her long hair and spoke slowly, "What are your plans for the future?"

"What do you mean?" The storm obviously didn't quite understand what she meant, and said to himself:

"In the future, I will be the head of the city guard of the Iron Broken City. Maybe I can become the new husband of the city lord."

Seeing the strange gaze in everyone's eyes, he quickly put away the strange smile on his face, "Ahem, all you heard just now were hallucinations... Yes, hallucinations..."

Facing his infatuation, Miao Jiao rolled her eyes and said in a charming manner: "What I'm talking about is, what are you going to do after Tianyu City has captured Iron Fragmented City?"

"What should I do then, of course it is to fight them to the end, for the lord of the city." The storm raised his eyebrows and waved his iron fist vigorously.