Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 387: Smooth entry

Luo Fei also saw the scene behind him, and he could see that the Fearless Army did not want to let these mercenaries leave.

The mercenaries who gathered behind them all had fear and anxiety on their faces.

No one's eyes are blind, and they all know the plans of the fearless army behind them.

But in front of them, there is a trap made up of electro-optical beetles, and the sad thing is that they must move forward and enter it.

Luo Fei heard low crying behind him, they didn't want to die, but they had no choice.

"Luo Fei, since you let us follow you, you shouldn't let us go to death." The men's single page, who also felt this depressive atmosphere, was a little impatient with the hot weather.

Luo Fei slid his finger on the old map to draw the shortest path.

"Relax, although it's a little troublesome, it's easy for you to get in and out, but what troubles me is how to get in that base? Where is its door?"

After pondering for a moment, Luo Fei knocked on the map in his hand. This was a copy obtained from the biologist Wu Liang. It was not even clear to him whether it was accurate.

"I need to investigate." Luo Fei made a decision.

But this was rebutted by Xueyi, "Do you think they will give us enough time?"

Luo Fei and Xueyi also turned their heads and looked behind them, Xuanyi's figure had appeared in the Fearless Army.

The impatience on his face, even if it was hundreds of meters away, the smell of fart still reached the tip of their noses.

"You are right, we don't have much time, let them all get in the car."

"Huh? Get in the car?" The leaflet opened his mouth wide. What are you going to do in the car now? It's suicidal to go in the car.

"Yes, there is no time." Luo Fei gritted his teeth suddenly.

His brows frowned tightly, because he sensed the second [thinking point] that appeared nearby.

What this means, he knows best in his heart.

"Misfortune never comes singly."

During the induction, the second [thinking point] was getting closer and closer to them. Under pressure, Luo Fei shouted directly behind him: "All get in the car for me. The only ones left are death."

The Crab Cannon Mech jumped onto the heavy truck, and the people looked at each other.

They did not give them too much time to think, nor did they give them a chance to refute.

The muzzles of the heavy machine guns on both sides of the Crab Cannon Mecha had been aimed at them, and they did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

Two bullet chains strafed behind them, igniting a cloud of dust.

The mercenaries who were threatened by their lives had to get into the heavy trucks desperately, for fear that they would be hit by bullets if they were slower.

"Luo Fei, what are you going to do?"

Not only the mercenaries but also Rudin's instructor were unhappy with him. Right now, he was the only one who dared to be fierce Luo Fei, and Luo Fei did not dare to go back.

After all, he is half an elder.

"There is no time, start the truck and rush forward..." Because of anxiety, Luo Fei roared loudly and in a hurry.

But how could Rudin listen? One step forward is terrible.

At this moment, Luo Fei had sensed that [Thinking Point] appeared on his left, about 200 meters, and was still advancing rapidly.


The invisible pressure has fallen heavily on Luo Fei, and Luo Fei no longer waits.

The magnetic field lines of the whole body are directly increased by 5 times through the increase of the Crab Cannon Mech, and then spread to the entire truck.

"Let me go..."

Following Luo Fei's roar, the heavy truck flew forward in an instant.

"Luo Fei..." Instructor Ruding, who was stimulated, couldn't even brake.

He was about to swear, but a behemoth in the distance suddenly rushed out.

With a loud roar, everyone who saw it panicked.

"It's a heavy armored lizard, a heavy armored lizard... hurry up... no... don't go forward..."

The mercenaries screamed, and at this moment, a huge cloud of smoke enveloped the truck.

In the next instant, the entire truck disappeared from the vision of the Fearless Army.

"Damn, do they still have this ability?"

The captain of the Xuanyi Division, who was pinned down by the heavy armored lizard, was a little shocked. He suddenly thought of something and shouted: "No, they want to swallow the base by themselves. Hurry up and stop them."

"They just have a few people, can they get everything in the base?" Kaya on the side was puzzled, the other party had fewer than dozens of people, what could they do?

"Those mercenaries are not to be feared, but there are members of the 12th Legion."

The captain of the Xuanyi Division seemed to have realized it suddenly, gritted his teeth, "Yes, the 12th Legion, they are trying to grab the spoils from us, so they hide their true strength. Now they have exposed them and are about to grab the results of our battle. Can't let them succeed."

He was about to order the troops to pursue, but at this moment, a huge heavy armored lizard rushed over, like an armed truck crashing into the fearless army.

The crowd flies up like toys, or is crushed into pieces of iron and scraps.

"Destroy it, stop it..."

At this time, multiple lines of command orders came from behind.

The Fearless Army quickly showed strong offensive power.

The vehicle-mounted heavy machine guns on the armored jeep, dozens of rockets, and countless hand-held heavy machine guns all emit powerful light bombs.

Most of them hit the heavy armored lizards. The steel armor on its body turned into steam under the plasma liquid, and the outer shell disappeared, exposing the same steel internal organs.

All the other bullets rushed to its internal organs, causing the heavy armored lizard to scream continuously.

He was hit hard in the blink of an eye, so the heavy armored lizard turned and fled the same way.

Under the restraint of Captain Xuanyi Fan, the Fearless Army did not pursue it. This was a waste of ammunition.

After this delay, the disappeared heavy truck was long gone.

But the tire tracks left by the truck are very clear, extending from the sand dunes to the cactus in front.

"Find them quickly."

The frustrated Captain Xuanyi insisted on letting the Fearless Army initiate a charge, and the two army soldiers behind him did not dissuade him, but followed behind him helplessly.

As soon as he approached the cactus cluster, countless electric **** fell into the Fearless Army, turning into torches one after another because of the high-voltage current.

The Fearless Army's heavy machine guns and plasma rockets finally caused some damage to the opponent.

The surface of the cactus is evaporated by the plasma, the fibers inside are exposed to the air, and there is a complex network of channels inside.

On the wall of the channel network, there are densely packed white insect eggs, and a basketball-sized electric light beetle is climbing back and forth in the egg pile.

The bullet of the heavy machine gun finally opened the thick shell of the electric beetle, exploding the thick yellow liquid in its body.

However, the blocking of the electric beetle caused the Fearless Army to stop in place, and the progress was very slow.

Within ten minutes, the heavy truck had broken into the cactus group.

The mercenaries in the car cheered suddenly, but were quickly suppressed by Luo Fei, "Shut your mouths, everyone, you don't want to be discovered by those bugs."

Although he was reprimanded, there was an excitement in the eyes of every mercenary.

Looking at the mist floating around, they couldn't imagine that the electric beetles would ignore them and let them in like this.

"Hey, look at the back, it's more exciting, it's the Fearless Army, they have suffered heavy losses..."

Observing the surrounding mercenaries, they quickly discovered the changes behind them. The Dreadnought Army and the Lightning Beetle fought very fiercely. The two sides shot you and me, and deaths and injuries continued to occur.

"They also have today. It really deserves it. Let us do artillery... Now it's good. They will consume each other with the electric beetle over there. The wealth in that base is ours..."

Everyone imagined that they would reach the pinnacle in the future. At this moment, the heavy truck came to a halt in a sudden stop.

The purpose is here.

The Crab Cannon Mech fell in front of the cab of the heavy truck and said to Instructor Rudin and them:

"You hurry down and look for the entrance to the base. I can't maintain this state for too long."

"This..." Instructor Ruding glanced around.

Except for the yellow sand in front of them, there are groups of cacti all around. As long as their current invisibility disappears, they will be exposed to the range of the electric beetle.

Realizing his own crisis, he hurriedly drove the mercenaries out of the car.

"Be sure to find the entrance to the base."

A mercenary was very active and jumped out of the place wrapped in the green mist, but when the ball was generated, it fell from the sky, turning him into a fireball in a blink of an eye.

This frightened all the mercenaries and didn't want to get out of the car without saying anything.

The angry instructor Rudin yelled at them, but to no avail.

"Our protection is going to disappear soon, we all come out quickly..."

The promoted mercenary Tian Xuan replied dissatisfied: "Can't you take advantage of this time to rush out of this cactus group?"

"Yeah, can't we go out?"

"When the Fearless Army rushes in and kills all the electric beetles, we will come in again."

The mercenaries kept yelling, and by the way made a quite reasonable suggestion.

The messy sounds of those mercenaries were all in the ears, but Luo Fei was not affected in any way.

Asked Xueyi who was sitting on the mecha: "Can you let your'bridesmaids' explore the underground situation?"

Before that, Luo Fei had already turned on [Magnetic Energy Scanning]. With the increase of Crab Cannon Mech, he was able to scan about 150 meters of underground depth.

It's just that in his senses, besides the yellow sand, it is still yellow sand.

"I try, but I can't guarantee the results."

Xueyi raised her beautiful black eyelashes and waved the red umbrella on her shoulders. Dozens of figures flew out quickly and dived into the ground.

"Your red umbrella is not a psionic weapon, so where are your'bridesmaids' hidden?"

Luo Fei had some doubts when repairing the other party's damaged red umbrella.

This is obviously a red umbrella disguised as an ordinary mechanical gun, but in her hands it can use the effect of a psionic weapon.

For example, hide those ‘bridesmaids’ and become an invincible shield.

"This is a woman's secret..." She turned slightly and answered the question.

But this also illustrates some problems.

Luo Fei nodded slightly, thinking in his heart, "This is also brought about by her own ability...Is this ability a derived ability or a main ability?"

Just as he was puzzled, a ‘bridesmaid’ emerged from the ground and whispered a few words in Xueyi’s ear.

"Found it, it's just below us, about 200 meters deep." Xueyi touched the ground with her toes.

"200 long does it take to dig this?"

Somehow, Luo Fei looked at the Nail Man, and at the same time the cannon of the Crab Cannon Mecha also pointed at him.