Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 416: nonsense

"Chuck..." Siqing, whose neck was pinched, couldn't breathe, she could only make fragmentary noises constantly.

"Enough, Mengxi, let her go." Luo Fei finally said out at this time, looking at Mengxi with sharp eyes.

But Mengxi didn't care at all, and naughty tongue out to Luo Fei, "Are you distressed?"

Luo Fei's eyebrows twitched suddenly, feeling helpless, and then faced Fengchuan who had drilled out of the sand, "Can you take care of your men, she is harassing me."

However, Feng Chuan shrugged and walked to the car door, "I'm old, you young people's affairs will be left to you young people."

Snap, the door closed.

Luo Fei looked over helplessly, but saw Meng Xi smiled and retracted his hands, and put his arms around Si Qing.

In a blink of an eye, the two laughed at each other again like good sisters.

I rub...what's the situation?

"Oh, sister Siqing, you almost made a big disaster, dare to hit the head of the general, you don't want to live anymore." Daddy Mengxi said angrily, causing Luo Fei to get goose bumps instantly.

Luo Fei was very uncomfortable with her changes.

"Thank you for your sister's help, otherwise I will definitely be dead today." Si Qing also rolled over and pressed her chest, with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth.

Friendship or other weird emotions filled the air. Luo Fei was very uncomfortable anyway, and turned around to leave.

Unfortunately, the pioneer "Raiden" drove over.

The voice of heavy metal came from the tank, "Xi Huai said, I need to communicate with you, and the lucky number is up to you."

I wanted to go back to my newly built small attic and lie down for a while, but the arrival of'Thunder and Lightning' made Luo Fei retreat.

Sitting on the edge of the car roof again, Luo Fei nodded and said, "Yes, what do you want Lucky to do?"

"Raiden" did not answer this question, but rather angrily asked, "Is it enough for us to be driven out by you?"

"You still want to oppress us to serve you? We used to be humans, not real robots. Why do you still refuse to let us go?"

The other party suddenly questioned him, leaving Luo Fei confused, and quickly interrupted him, and if he went on, he might give him a flash of lightning.

"Wait a minute,'Raiden', what are you talking about? Xihuai is my friend, but he is a bit flawed and needs me to guide him."

Naturally, Luo Fei didn't tell the truth, he didn't want to tell the origin of Xihuai, so he had to explain a lot.

Sure enough, the'Thunderbolt' was silent for a while, seeming to be communicating with Xihuai.

At the same time, Luo Fei also communicated with Xihuai and made a confession with him.

After a while, "Thunderbolt" said deeply, "Sorry, I blamed you, it was all because of the sequelae that people brought to us at that time."

Taking this opportunity, Luo Fei asked: "What happened to you at that time, why did the Iron Broken City drove you out?"

"Raiden" didn't conceal it either, and told Luo Fei all of it.

It turns out that the people such as "Raiden" were not pioneers created by the Iron Fragment City, but came from a city called Weihe City.

It's just that Weihe City is relatively weak and its productivity is very limited, and because of the creation of strong pioneers and exhausted the city's materials, Weihe City collapsed due to lack of materials.

Later, it is conceivable that the people of Acropolis were full of hatred for the pioneers, and they were driven out.

However, their tragedy is not only that, they have been wandering and they have encountered a migrating iron fragment city.

At that time, the city lord accepted them, and for this reason they helped Iron Broken City settle in the surrounding mountains. During the hundreds of battles, the strange beasts and strangers inside were driven out.

But then, after the second-generation city lord came to power, because the pioneers such as "Raiden" had been deported, they threatened to expel them again.

Regarding this, they were full of anger, but for the gratitude of the first generation of city owners, they decided to guard the Iron Broken City again until a certain generation of city owners chose to accept them again.

Listening to the whole story, Mengxi interrupted from the side: "We, Tianyu City, welcome you to join us very much. We will provide you with all kinds of ammunition, that is, maintenance services, and we are also free..."

"But we don't want to join your civil war." Raiden interrupted her. "We not only swore an oath, but also engraved this regulation in our consciousness program. Forgive us not to join you."

The unexpected rejection did not discourage Mengxi, she solemnly said:

"Rest assured, we will not let you join the civil war, you will be where you should be, and the task of conquering the city will be done by us."

"We need to think about it again." But "Raiden" still didn't agree. He also had his own considerations. For example, did Tianyu City lose the battle?

Everything is possible, right.

Putting this topic aside, "Raiden" stated the true purpose of the trip.

"We don't have many shells now, we can only use photovoltaic shells."

"Don't get me wrong, we don't want to borrow cannonballs, but Xihuai uses cannonballs, which are very powerful."

"I want to say that our continuous firepower is insufficient, and the mechanical body that can be eliminated is very limited. If the opponent has a large number, we can only passively be beaten."

"And what we are facing is a city of robots. The machines they produce must be faster than we can eliminate them."

"So, we need to make some choices."

"Please speak." Luo Fei seems to have guessed something. In order to eliminate individuals that are dangerous to humans, these pioneers can abandon their lives at any time.

Raiden said: "The first choice, we will retreat now, first take refuge in Tianyu City, get enough ammunition from there and then come back."

"The second option is that we are here to fight guerrillas, and we can delay as long as we can."

Then the two became silent.

For a long time, Luo Fei asked curiously: "Then the third choice? Nothing?"

"Do you want us to use self-detonation to kill the robots one by one?" "Raiden" said badly: "According to the probability we calculated, even if we self-destruct, the probability of destroying the city of robots will not exceed 3%.

"This is a long battle. With our existing strength, it would be nice to be able to delay the development of the city of robots."

At this time, Lucky’s door was suddenly opened, and Feng Chuan stood at the door with a grim expression, “We only have two days to destroy the city of robots, or you only have a dead end.”

The atmosphere suddenly condensed, and several electric snakes popped up on the magnetic coil of'Thunder and lightning'.

The other party was angry.

"We are not obligated to die for you."

Feng Chuan was unmoved, and coldly poked at their sore spots, "It turns out that you are just a bunch of cowards, so that's why you were abandoned by the two city masters and abandoned by humans."

"We are not... cowards." The thunderbolt shouted excitedly.

However, Feng Chuan just sneered, "Okay, then prove it to me and destroy the city of robots for me."

'Thunder and lightning' fell silent abruptly.

Not only does the city of robots have how many weapons are activated, but also the existing troops, the "Thunder and lightning" are not sure.

While the atmosphere was stalemate, there was the sound of air pressure jets in the sky.

A suspended chariot flew over, and at the same time, on the sandy ground in the distance, an armored jeep came in front of Lucky amidst the roar of engines.

From the inside jumped out the guardian Aokang, the purple-haired girl, I heard that she was Liu Xi, the destroyer of the Galaxy Stars.

There is also Pan Bei that Luo Fei never forgets.

As soon as they appeared, the purple-haired girl Liu Xi and the guardian Ao Kuang stopped Pan Bei who was full of anxiety and prevented him from doing anything impulsive.

At the same time, Feng Chuan was also standing beside Luo Fei, keeping his eyes on him at all times.

In order to prevent the two from fighting again, it can be described as painstakingly.

Knowing that the fight would not be possible, Luo Fei looked at Pan Bei with his arms around him, but saw that he was wearing a blindfold on one of his eyes.

It can be seen that he also needs to pay a lot of price for leapfrogging that kind of terrible monster.

But what made Luo Fei feel strange was that the other party did not look at him angrily as before, but anxiously looked at Mengxi and Siqing who were hugging each other by his side.

has a problem!

"Siqing, you are Siqing." Pan Bei suddenly called out Siqing's name, and Siqing turned around in surprise.

"You know me? But I haven't seen you."

At this time, Pan Bei was very excited and shouted, "You are my future wife, an excellent wife of the city lord, and an administrative officer who assists me in managing all government affairs."

"Come to my side, that Luo Fei is a demon in human skin, he will kill you."

"Hiss..." Everyone suddenly took a breath.

Luo Fei sucked loudly, and his teeth were almost cold.

Suddenly shouted, "Pan Bei, I thought you just had some opinions on me, but I didn't expect that you actually framed me so much and said that I was a demon in human skin. Do you have any evidence?"

"Yes, yes, Pan Bei, isn't it a bad idea for you to frame people like this?" The guardian and others also frowned.

Mengxi even shouted: "Pan Bei, although Luo Fei and you were both stubborn when you were in the orphanage, they didn't do anything that hurts the world, right? How could you frame him like this?

Then he snorted coldly, "Hmph, I can see you through, I still had a glimmer of hope for you, but now it seems that you are the villain."

Hearing a familiar voice, Pan Bei saw Mengxi clearly behind Siqing this time and exclaimed: "Mengxi, you are not dead, Shadow Wings, how did it appear on you?"

"What makes me not dead?" Mengxi's forehead was exposed, and she felt that she was facing a lunatic.

"Enough, Pan Bei, you have disappointed me too much. I will take away your position with my own hands. I will make you painful."

"Why?" Pan Bei suddenly shouted angrily: "Why did you treat me like this? Why did you betray me, with this old man, I am also a conscript now, no worse than him."

"Ahem..." Luo Fei hurriedly interrupted his snarling. If this goes on, Feng Chuan's face won't look good.

When the time comes, there will be more than two of them fighting.

Glancing at Feng Chuan's Tieqing face, he found that his eyes at the moment were full of anger at Pan Bei.

Luo Fei said: "Pan Bei, don't talk nonsense if there is no evidence...Where is Lord Fengchuan getting old?"

Hearing these words, Feng Chuan's face looked good, and he gave Luo Fei a look approvingly.

"Also, Pan Bei, whether there is something wrong with your spirit, I am very concerned about it." Luo Fei sighed slightly, unexpectedly Pan Bei had become like this, talking nonsense everywhere.

If so, as a brother, he will definitely help him get back to his original state.