Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 418: The captured people

It flew out of the clouds and landed on top of Iron Broken City, floating there quietly.

The Iron Broken City is naturally not to be outdone, and it is another city that hits the sky with thunder light.

However, a translucent energy shield appeared around the city to block the electric beam.

The dazzling light in the sky caused Luo Fei and the others to close their eyes.

After the light passed, the world seemed to fall into peace.

Somehow, it was dawn, and Luo Fei was still fighting quietly in the previous city.

It's magnificent, huge, and deadly.

Soon, Luo Fei knew that the yellow locomotive was Fengchuan's car parking lot, and the city that flew over was Tianyu City.

Unsurprisingly, Iron Broken City chose to surrender if it didn't want to be broken into pieces.

Walking in the city of Iron Fragment City, Luo Fei's mood was very heavy. Compared with the time when he left, it looked like it was being ravaged by hundreds of lava-toothed turtles.

There is no complete building anymore. There are ruins everywhere, and there are screaming crowds everywhere. They walk numbly among the ruins, shouting the names of their missing relatives in vain.

Soon, a large number of levitating chariots flew down from Tianyu City, and the disciplined and fearless warriors walked out of it.

They walked into the Iron Broken City to maintain law and order, clean up the ruins, and at the same time take on the task of reconstruction.

They are multi-functional arms, and they move wherever there is something to do.

On the way, he saw Grie, a bronzed body, kneeling in front of the two charred bodies and crying bitterly.

Feng Hai, a city guard armored with a few people, rescued people from the collapsed ruins.

Wu Ji stood safe and sound at the entrance of the street, looking at the blackened ruins in front of him with his eyes blankly, even if Luo Fei passed by, he didn't notice it at all.

There were also Miao Jiao and Wood who were previously imprisoned. They were rescued. When they saw Luo Fei, they only sighed, and then looked at the ruins in the distance.

Suddenly, Luo Fei stopped. On his right side, a red figure was lying halfway on the ruins.

He stretched out his right finger to the distance, his head was scorched in half, and the remaining one-eyed eyes were wide open, as if he wanted to see something.

Luo Fei knelt down, brushing his one-eyed right with his right hand, and muttered: "Xihua, rest in peace."

A battle between cities surpassed Luo Fei's imagination, especially the casualties in it, it was really terrifying.

According to the statistics of the Fearless Army, there were less than 10,000 people living in the Iron Broken City, which was originally close to 100,000 people. Almost all the buildings were turned into rubble.

Next, the Iron Broken City will enter a long recovery period. As for when it will recover to its previous population, no one is sure.


Three days later.

With the locomotive-shaped Bambu galloping in the desert, Fengchuan was given a new mission.

Incidentally, Luo Fei and his Lucky Number also traveled with Diamong.

The uppermost deck of Diammon is also the uppermost deck of its bridge, and Lucky is waiting on it.

Luo Fei lay on the top of the central compartment of Lucky, resting in the small attic he made.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

Walking to the edge of the car roof and looking down, he found a fat shadow slowly walking towards the ground, holding a mechanical dinosaur head in his hand.

The Diamong stopped, and a group of fearless troops ran over to meet him.

Standing on the roof of the car, Luo Fei's eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself, "Wanlong, Xue Yong, how did they make it like this? Have you met a strange animal?"

At the same time, a fearless soldier came to Luo Fei's side, "Master Wu Jun, General Feng Chuan Zheng invites you to the bridge for a meeting."

"Well, lead the way."

Follow the fearless warrior down the deck, make a turn, and pass through the metal corridor to the bridge of the Diammon.

The area inside is the size of one-third of the stadium, equipped with a large number of separate computers, in front of the computers are all fearless warriors operating.

At this time, there were already a lot of people standing inside, all of them the army and squad captains under Feng Chuan Zheng.

They stood in a neat phalanx according to their positions, all raised their heads and looked at the high platform in front of them.

On the high platform, it is the short and stout Fengchuan General and the Mengxi Pioneer Envoy standing behind him.

Luo Fei stood silently at the end of the team, looking at the high platform.

Feng Chuan had his hands on his back, leaving only the corner of everyone's eyes. When he saw Luo Fei coming over, he nodded gently.

Then he shouted, "Bring him up."

After a while, two fearless warriors brought Bandung in, and he was holding the head of a mechanical dinosaur in his hand.

Immediately Feng Chuan introduced: "This is our businessman in Tianyu City, and is also a businessman in Bandung who has the right to operate armed mechas. I need a team to **** him back to Tianyu City."

This task is not bad. If you have a good relationship with the businessman Bandung, you will have a lot of advanced armed mechas in your team in the future.

Many people signed up, but the levy only ordered a squad captain and his army.

When they were about to set off, Bandung walked to Luo Fei's side and handed him the mechanical dinosaur head in his hand.

And explained the reason, "We encountered a human force with pitch-black armor. They suddenly attacked us. Kaya was captured by them. Xue Yong was broken to pieces in order to protect me. That's all."

Taking the head of the mechanical dinosaur and opening its big mouth, Xue Yong's head is inside, and he can still say hello to Luo Fei.

"Fortunately, you are still alive."

Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief and asked Xiang Bandung, "Did they emerge from the black teleportation hole?"

"Yes, you know them?" Bandung thought about it for a while, and suddenly said, "There is a black and white eye carved on their shoulder... By the way, it is the same as the werewolf unit they met last time."

"Yes, that's them." Luo Fei frowned slightly. He didn't expect that the people of'Eye of Time' would grab Kaya, "What do they want to do?"


Somewhere in the sky, among the clouds, a huge robot city is floating in the air.

In the city, there are automated production lines everywhere, and countless parts are turned into mechanical bodies. After being activated, they are assigned to various positions to enrich every corner of the city.

In a newly built prison, several humans were held in it.

"Damn, what do they want to do?" Instructor Rudin raised his right hand and slammed it against the railing in front of him, causing a huge movement.

Outside the railing, the two mechanical spiders looked back and ignored them.

"Rudin, stop shouting, they seem to ignore us." An iron box uttered a voice, and the poor Xuanyi was stuffed into it after being caught to prevent the opponent from escaping.

The same treatment is also given to the single page of the steel ability.

"We should find a chance to escape, or you can kill me."

Wu Liang leaned against the metal railing and looked out unfailingly, his body was wrapped with wire after another.

This is to prevent the other person from committing suicide. He did it before, and the bruise on his head is the best proof.

Bang bang bang.

Suddenly, there was a sound of impact from a distance.

When everyone looked over, a larger mechanical spider came.

It stopped in front of the metal fence, observed for a moment, and laughed, "Hello everyone, I am Red Heart 2. You can call me Red Heart, after all, Red Heart 1 is dead."

Wu Liang, an archaeologist who couldn't move, stared at it, cursing:

"You robots without temperature, what is the purpose of capturing us alive, and quickly killing us, we don't know anything about it."

The mechanical spider came in front of Wu Liang, two sharp limbs lifted up and slammed into his eyes.

Wu Liang closed his eyes in fear, but the expected stabbing did not come, but stopped an inch in front of his eyelids.

The sharp limbs were slowly retracted, and the red heart laughed and said: "Look, you are still afraid of death. Since you are afraid of death, then you have to cooperate with us."

However, Wu Liang opened it suddenly and sipped him, "Don't even think about it, you won't get any information from me."

The red heart took two steps back, not caring about the phlegm on his head, "Really, then don't blame me for skinning you out. You must know that in my memory, more than 100 people passed through this Quiz, but only half survived in the end."

"Huh." Wu Liang opened his eyes suddenly, his neck held high, "Come on, kill me, I won't blink."

For the guy who was not afraid of boiling water for dead pigs in front of him, Hongxin decided to teach him a lesson.

The eight mechanical eyes on the big head shot out eight red light beams, passing through Wu Liang's side dangerously.

Every Dao is carefully calculated, which will not harm Wu Liang but also bring him tremendous pressure.

Sure enough, Wu Liang closed his eyes in fear.

But I didn't feel the pain in my body yet, but a scream came from behind.

Wu Liang opened his eyes to look, but it was the scream of the young man named Zhang San.

The laser beam didn't hit Wu Liang, but penetrated Zhang San's body, and it didn't kill him swiftly.

It only penetrated half of his head, hands, feet, abdomen and other less lethal places.

He fell to the ground, his body trembling uncontrollably, and his mouth screamed because of pain.

Red Heart didn't kill him on the spot, but let him enjoy the pain of dying.

Instructor Rudin was full of anger, and roared at the red heart: "You bastard, I want to tear you down, there is something to do with me..."

" care about him." Red Heart is very happy, it seems to have discovered the weaknesses of these humans, they care about the humans lying on the ground.

"This will be easier. Tell me, what kind of technological developments have humans had over the years, and why do you manipulate metals to summon alien beasts?"

The two looked at each other in surprise and realized that these robots seemed to be older, but they still snorted at the same time, "I won't tell you."

This made Red Heart a little unhappy, and immediately shot out a beam of light, ending Zhang San's life.

"Even if you don't say it, we will get the information we want to know from other humans, and you..."

Red Heart turned back and was about to leave here, "Enjoy the strong feelings that nerves give you. You seem to call them pain."

The little spiders around got orders at the same time, and they all gathered around. The sharp metal limbs hit the floor, making a ticking sound, like a reminder.

Just as everyone was desperate, suddenly, a black sphere appeared out of thin air in the metal fence.

Because it appeared suddenly, everyone was unprepared.

Instructor Rudin yelled: "Come on, come and kill us, we will never give in..."

"Yes, we are not afraid of this black ball." Wu Liang also howled before dying. In an instant, the fear in his mind diminished a lot.