Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 427: The accident comes first

"It would be great if we could know where they are first."

Wan Ling said with regret that although the Forest of Cunning and Enchanting is not too big, it is not too small. It takes ten days and ten nights to ride a motorcycle around it.

It will take a lot of time to find the remnants of the foreign empire.

"I know where they are?" Suddenly, a strange hoarse voice sounded from behind a tree that Wanling passed by.

"Huh, who is talking?"

Wanling and others stopped and were about to pass.

Luo Fei lifted his eyelids, thinking of something, and said, "Don't go, it's a tree head, a kind of strange beast."

However, Wanling didn't think so, and smiled: "Maybe it really knows?"

So she instructed a fearless soldier to come over and ask.

The poor fearless warrior turned into cannon fodder again, and when he reached the back of the tree, there was a sound of ‘pouch’.

"Danger..." The fearless warrior issued the last warning, leaving only the sound of chewing food.

The few people looked at each other, and finally, the eyes of the two Kuiyong fell on Luo Fei.

"Oh, you guys can really call people... well, let me ask."

This is easier for Luo Fei. When he came to the back of the tree, he saw a big mouth swallowing a pair of leather boots.

So its true face appeared in front of him in its entirety.

A big gray-brown face like a millstone grows on the tree, with deep folds like a knife cut, making it look like a tree bark from a distance.

It has a collapsed nose and dark eyes, as if it can really see the armed mechas close to it.

"Hiccup... I'm full, please leave." After burping, it shrank into the bark with some fear.

Huh? Does this guy still know how to bully and be afraid of tough?

"Then tell me, where are those strangers?" Luo Fei asked tentatively.

As a result, it really replied, "Go forward from here, and you will encounter a piece of red trees. As long as you go through, you can see those strange people."

This made Luo Fei couldn't help but think of another idea, maybe he could use food to make a deal with the other party.

At this moment, a clatter sounded, and several bullet chains hit the tree trunk.

The sawdust collapsed and flew, the big tree broke, exposing the big white insect body inside.

It turns out that this tree head is actually a kind of tree worm, just with a big face head against it.

"What are you doing?" The Crab Cannon Mech stepped back to prevent accidental injury by his own people.

The split-type heavy machine gun was very fierce, and countless blood holes were punched out of the tree head worm's body, and a white viscous liquid suddenly flowed out of it.

"Ah, don't kill me..."

The big head actually knew to beg for mercy, but the fearless soldier who shot did not understand mercy.

After a while, half of its body was interrupted.

Death is inevitable, and the body is full of holes. Even if the opponent does not shoot, he will die from serious injuries.

Before he died, his big head was stubborn, and he opened his mouth and yelled, "Humans have invaded..."

Luo Fei even laughed a little when he heard its yelling.

Wanling even laughed out loud, "Hahaha, this kind of strange beast is so funny, it will beg for mercy and help..."

"But what can these bugs do? They just send us food..."

Kuiyong also raised his fist to his lips and coughed slightly, "Okay, stop making trouble, the task is important."

However, at this moment, the same dull and hoarse voice came from not far away, "Humans have invaded..."

"There are accomplices, kill them." Captain Lifeng also walked back, although there was annoyance on his face, he was not anxious.

But the next second.

In the distance, "Humans have invaded..."

Farther away, "Humans have invaded..."

In the distant direction, many identical voices sounded at the same time, as if the entire forest was shouting: "Humans have invaded..."

The loud sound came suddenly, causing Lifeng and the others to tremble.

Everyone secretly said in their heads at the same time: "Not good."

In the depths of the woods, it seemed that an ancient creature was awakened, and those tree heads immediately changed their rhetoric.

"They are on the left, they are on the right, they are in the front, they are here..."

Each tree head is like a signpost, each pointing to the location of Lifeng and others.

Point out the direction for a certain biological group at all times.

"They exposed our position, quickly, kill them all." Kui Yong looked horrified.

Who knows that these weak guys still have such a function.

The fearless warriors acted quickly. In groups of five, they kept shooting at the loud trunks, interrupting the big tree, and killing the tree head worms inside.

But beyond everyone's imagination, there are more of them than imagined.

The head of a tree was killed, and another came out of the big tree next to it.

Changed from their previous fear of death, now they need to use quantity, use their lives, and demand their own perseverance, and let the invading humans pay the price for their stupidity.

"We must retreat... we can't stay here anymore."

The Kuiyong Army Army saw that the effect was not good, and even the number of opponents was increasing, and even made him think that if he wanted to destroy the tree head, he had to destroy the entire forest of deceit.

"No, my task has not been completed yet."

This was naturally opposed by Captain Lifeng Division, and the task of the Wu Jun was completed, but his, there was no progress at all. What face does he have to go back?

"Everyone obeyed my orders and moved on. No retreat was allowed. I would kill anyone who dared to retreat."

Faced with the huge crisis in front of him, Captain Lifeng had a fierce look at the moment, his eyes widened, as if he was going to choose someone to eat in the next second.

Wanling also wanted to refute, just opening her mouth, she was covered by the side of Kui Yong.

He lowered his head tremblingly and whispered in a voice that only he could see: "If you can't resist, you will die, if you can't resist, you will die..."

Seeing that both of them had no objection, Lifeng turned his head and looked at Luo Fei, "How about you?"

Luo Fei looked at him on the screen and meditated: "The avatars are probably in trouble now. They can't leave now. Let this team become my strength to help me get the teleportation of the Eye of Time Device."

As soon as he wanted to have a teleportation device, Luo Fei was confident that his strength could grow rapidly in a short period of time.

"Well, I will follow you, and I will provide strong support."

The Crab Cannon Mech took a step forward, and the leader of the Lifeng Division unconsciously stepped back. This was a natural reaction when facing danger.

"Let you know, why do I dare to face Fengchuan Zheng."

The powerful aura made Lifeng squint slightly, "Then let me wait and see, I hope you are not a silver gun wax head."

Then he turned around, faced the depths of the noisy woods, waved his right arm, and shouted at less than a hundred fearless warriors: "Humanity is victorious..."

"Mankind wins..."

The fearless warriors formed a team of five, in groups of five, striding forward.

In the middle of the road, I met a yelling tree head and was about to attack. Suddenly, two three-meter-long flying swords suddenly flew to penetrate the tree trunk.

Luo Fei's voice came from behind, "They are handed over to me."

In a moment, Luo Fei absorbed all the life of the tree's head.

After not getting far, five gray-white giants were directed over, and two flying swords flew past like cutting machines.

They also wanted to grasp the long sword with their palms, but at the moment of contact, the entire long sword turned into a bright red color, along its palm, cut into its arm until it split into two.

It had just wailed in pain, and another long sword had flown from the other side and swiped along its legs.

First one fell to the ground, then the second one, the third...

Puff, puff, puff...

Five in a row fell to the ground in an instant, and they struggled in pain.

But the two long swords continued to cut each other's limbs, and then absorbed the other's vitality again.

Along the way, Luo Fei's two long swords are like death sickles. Where there are creatures, there will be traces of them.

As a result, along the way, before the Fearless Army had fired a shot, there were already dead bodies on the way they walked.

Soon, blood-red trees appeared before their eyes.

This is the real zone of the Forest of Deception and Charm, and what they have walked through can only be regarded as the periphery.

There are red shrubs everywhere among the blood-colored trees, and huge flowers swaying from side to side are growing inside.

At the same time, the faint red smoke made the distant scenes bright and dark.

Everyone glanced at each other, and then stepped into it without hesitation.

Compared to Lifeng and the others easily reaching the Scarlet Woods, Xuanyi and the others had to work much harder.

A tumbling, the single page had just stood firm, proud that he had just escaped the sweep of the gray giant, and suddenly a big foot kicked over him carelessly.

With a bang, the single page flew out, hit a big tree surrounded by ten people, and slowly slid down.

But before the end, a huge face as big as a millpan suddenly appeared on the trunk. It opened its mouth and a giant net made of white silk wrapped the single page in.

Then it sucked hard, and half of the single page disappeared in the big tree.

In the forest, a fiery snake entangled a gray-white giant, and the burning of the flame made it howling frequently, but it did not defeat it for a while.

The second gray giant was about to slap Xuan Yi's body.

At this time, Luo Fei appeared as a black-armored warrior squatting among the treetops, taking out a proton sniper rifle and aiming a shot at the gray giant's head.

The light blue beam instantly passed through the face of the gray giant who was raising his palm, directly penetrating its black void.

However, the beam seemed to be swallowed, and the other party did not respond.

Without thinking about it, Luo Fei's avatar hurriedly shot its chest and abdomen, penetrated smoothly, and a hole with a large thumb appeared immediately.

The gray giant in front of him glanced sadly at his chest, and suddenly did something unexpected.

It sucked wildly at the surrounding air, and its suction power was beyond everyone's imagination.

The tree was uprooted and flew into the opponent's head. When it was approaching, the whole body was broken, and it got into the black hole section by section.

The surrounding bushes also flew up, continuing to disappear into the larger and larger black hole.

In Luo Fei's surprised eyes, the gray-white giant's head was also swallowed by the black hole, followed by its body.

At this time, Luo Fei realized that something big had happened.

He hurriedly opened his wings and flew into the distance, but the wind behind him suddenly increased.

Another gray-white giant was also sucked in. Captain Xuanyi, who had no time to escape, just ran a step, involuntarily flew backwards, and finally disappeared.

The single page swallowed by the tree's head did not escape his own fate. The whole tree was uprooted and stuffed into a black hole several meters high.