Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 433: Escape

Then he saw the tall Kotou in front of him, staring at him with his head one and a half heads lower than him.


His yelling was only halfway through, and the flickering claws slapped his cheeks.

With a click, his cheeks were extremely distorted to one side, one eye protruded to the utmost extent, and the other was almost invisible.

There were three deep scratches printed on his broken cheeks, causing him to fall to the ground violently, unable to stand up anymore.


There was a human being tied to the bed, and he was struggling constantly when he saw Luo Fei's appearance. However, he was bound by the bandage and couldn't escape.

As Luo Fei got closer, he struggled harder.

His pupils kept shrinking, and the fear on his face kept expanding.

At this time, Luo Fei lowered his head and approached him, slowly opening his mouth, and the stench between sharp teeth pierced the tip of his nose.

Seeing that he was about to collapse in a huge madness, Luo Fei finally said something wickedly at the last moment:

"Good evening, Reese, you are lucky to meet me."

Reese's pupils were instantly the size of a needle eye. Seeing the stranger in front of him gently tore the tape off his mouth, he couldn't help but blurt out, "How do you know me?"

Luo Fei showed a terrifying smile, "I am Luo Fei...'s clone..."

Reese is the remaining corps who is still alive under the captain of Lifeng of the third squad.

Ability is a channeling technique that can guide objects thrown or projected by oneself to an accurate target.

Simply put, it is equivalent to Luo Fei's magnetic guidance, but in comparison, Reese's range of abilities is wider.

No matter how incredible it is, Reese can only reluctantly choose to believe it.

Reece, who was free again, moved his stiff hands and feet and asked, "Then what should we do next?"

"Of course it is to escape, do you like to be here?" Luo Fei opened the blue curtain not far away and glanced back after hearing this.

"Oh, no, I don't like it here."

While talking, he followed Luo Fei's side, and through the figure of Luo Fei's avatar, he was shocked when he saw the twisted creature on the bed.

"Ah, what is this..." The big man let out a very sharp cry, causing Luo Fei to snorted very dissatisfied.

On the bed where the experiment was conducted, the human-unlike monster was repeating the same sentence without spirit, "Let me die, let me die..."

Then Luo Fei's golden pupils glanced at the opposite side, and the shadows of numerous human limbs appeared on the blue curtain at some unknown time.

someone is coming.


The heavy curtains were lifted, one by one wearing white clothes, masks and white hats, holding an unnamed organ in one hand, and a silver scalpel in the other. At the same time, a blood-stained doctor appeared in front of Luo Fei. .

When they met suddenly, neither of them had time to prepare, and looked at each other awkwardly for a second.

In the next instant, Luo Fei and the two reacted and hurried forward to rush.

The doctor on the opposite side also took action, running around, dancing and dancing, and at the same time shouted like a pig, "Help, kill..."

"I'm going, how can you kill more people..." Liston was so angry that he saw the person in the hospital bed so miserable, and he almost became his companion.

When he thought of this, he immediately chased up, grabbed a doctor by the back collar, and was about to drag him down, but saw a shimmering scalpel inserted upside down and shot him in the right eye.

Reese didn't notice for a moment, and watched the scalpel about to enter his eyes.

Suddenly, the scalpel stopped until the blue veins on the doctor's forehead were exposed, and the weapon in his hand remained motionless.

Taking this opportunity, Reese's right finger inserted into the doctor's eyes, causing him to cry in pain.

Immediately he withdrew his finger, grabbed the scalpel in the opponent's hand, took a step forward, and pierced the opponent's eyebrows.

Then he turned his head to see other doctors and assistants running around, most of them disappeared.

But in the gloomy room, there were constant screams of infiltrating people.

I saw a black shadow shuttle behind the curtain, like a ghostly shadow, blinking down at one person, and then leaping towards another without stopping.

Until half a minute later, there was no sound anymore.

The original noise turned into silence. Reese was holding a scalpel, but sweat was on his forehead. It seemed that a fierce beast was always hiding behind the curtain behind him, looking at his neck, staring at him.

"Guru..." He couldn't help swallowing, then turned slightly.

A tall creature with torch-light eyes suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Ahhhh...Help..." Without thinking about it, he threw the scalpel out of his hand.

But midway, the scalpel turned a corner and landed in the hand of the incoming object, Luo Fei said in a rather dull and helpless voice:

"Can you see the people clearly?"

After being interrupted by Luo Fei, he realized that he almost hurt someone and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry...Yes..."

Before he finished speaking, a big hand suddenly grabbed his collar and dived towards the ground.

At this moment, the door of the injection room opened, and a group of people stood outside, not entering, but a rain of bullets.

The rain-like bullets smashed all the curtains into sieves, the living organisms on the hospital bed were instantly bloody, and the surrounding instruments scattered all over the floor.

It lasted about ten minutes, nearly tens of thousands of bullets were consumed, the injection room was already in a mess, and even the metal walls were riddled with holes.

However, the black armored warriors were still not satisfied. The rags were still hanging there, affecting their vision, so someone took the grenade from the belt and threw it in.

But the grenade hadn't rolled a few meters yet, it suddenly fell back against common sense.

Hey, just play...

Heck, the black armored soldier had just retreated into the corridor, and several grenades hit the wall of the corridor.

Dozens of pairs of eyes fell on several small objects at the same time.

In the next second, several black armored fighters rushed over, and each pressed a grenade under him.

Immediately after a few bangs, human body fragments flew randomly.

Just after the explosion, the unharmed black-armored fighters rushed into the injection room quickly. The well-trained soldiers went through the hospital beds and shot directly at the personnel above.

Soon they came to the innermost part of the injection room and gathered in front of a big hole half a person high.

The metal wall about half a meter wide rolled and opened, and the dark night scene outside could be vaguely seen from the inside.

In the bushes, two figures were seen running fast.

The black armored warriors looked at each other, and from the masks they were wearing, their question was drawn, whether to chase or not to chase?

Surely we won't be chasing, and we didn't get the order to chase?

I don't know whose mask suddenly expressed such a complicated message, and the other black armored fighters agreed.

Everyone nodded, turned and left. Just after walking a few steps, a fat figure suddenly appeared from the door, lifting his fat feet and kicking on the chest of a black armored soldier near the entrance of the cave.

As if hit by a heavy tank, the black armored warrior passed through the big hole and disappeared instantly.

"He has already gone chasing after him, what are you waiting for, give it to me quickly."

What can other black armored fighters do, chase after...

They were about to go down, when another calm voice came from behind them, "Stop it all."

Fat Hongsi quickly turned around, saw the person coming, lowered his head slightly, "Professor Mingdao, can..."

The incoming person waved his hand and said gently: "They are all guards. If they leave, who will defend me, let the shell team outside chase after me. In order to prevent the information from leaking, don't stay alive."

"Yes, thank you for your understanding." Fatty Hongsi solemnly said, watching his white figure disappear in horror.

Wiping the sweat off his head nervously, he screamed, "What are you looking at? Let the shell team catch up."

In the dark jungle, the vision of Luo Fei's avatar Kotou is still full of fluorescent colors, but Reese's eyes are really black.


There was a scream, followed by a heavy object falling on the ground.

Luo Fei stopped quickly, turned his head, and saw Reese lying on the ground, his face pressed to the ground.

"Hi...When is it, you still want to sleep?"

He hurried over and pulled him up, only to see two blood drops flowing out of his nostrils.

It's probably painful.

"I tripped under my feet, I can't see the way..." Reese was aggrieved, "I don't want to sleep, although I want to..."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Fei covered his big mouth with one hand and dragged him into the bushes.

He still wanted to struggle, but his head was pressed to the ground by a big hand, "Don't move, someone."

However, he didn't listen, and was still struggling. Luo Fei asked in a low voice, "Do you want to die?"

"I can't breathe..." he said very hard.

"...I'm sorry." Luo Fei withdrew his hand without embarrassment at all.

Just at this moment, the sound of a mechanical heavy object rang out, and a behemoth walked out of the bushes on the side. A group of black armored fighters followed closely behind a road that was separated.

It's a mecha self-propelled gun... Luo Fei hurryed down and raised his ears to prevent them from finding it.

On the road, a black armored soldier stopped, lowered his head, and glanced at the blood stains in his sight.

"There are fresh blood stains, they are nearby."

The black armored fighters quickly warned the surroundings. The well-trained fighters, centered on the self-propelled artillery, set up four teams to explore the bushes on both sides.

Luo Fei and Reese quickly held their breath and were quite nervous.

With regard to that self-propelled gun, Luo Fei's ability strength could not be controlled at all, not to mention his physical strength was almost consumed at this time.

Once found, it's dead.

At this moment, a black armored team appeared in front of the two of them, and a section of the branch was separated, and they were about to be seen. At this moment, slap...

A black piranha emerged from the bushes like a snake. With a slender neck and a huge head, it bit a black-armored warrior, raised its head, and instantly swallowed half of his body.

"Very well, the black armored soldiers are attacked. They will give priority to the piranha. It is a good time for us to escape." Luo Fei said immediately.

Reese nodded in agreement, and rushed backwards together with Luo Fei.

When the black armored fighters encountered such a situation, they retreated very skillfully, regardless of the black armored fighter that was swallowed.

"This is Professor Mingdao's pet, don't shoot." Not only did he ignore him, but he also solemnly reminded the black armored soldier who was about to be eaten to give up resisting.

Luo Fei, who just got out of the bushes, felt something was wrong, why haven't the gunfire sounded yet?