Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 437: Will be indefinitely later

"Want to keep it from me, naive." The visitor spread out a pair of wings and flew low, or fell into the shadow and disappeared, and appeared from another place.

The three mechas are fast and advance in a straight line. Except for the thick trees, the general bushes and small saplings are directly torn down.

"Boss, what are we going to do? We actually want the three of us to act together." Feitu felt very excited. He hadn't made a serious attack for a long time.

"It's a stronghold for the'Eye of Time and Space.' It's a bit strong, you guys should pay attention."

Next, Luo Fei told the two of the situation in the stronghold, and finally exhorted: "I want to get the teleportation device inside, and I must get it."

"Tian Ao, you first sneak in and find the location of the teleporter."

"Yes, boss, the task must be completed." Tian A still responded indifferently.

The three of them quickly came to the edge of the scarlet woods, and here, a woman holding a red umbrella stayed quietly on the edge, considering whether to enter.

Hearing the movement behind her, she turned around, "Hey, Luo Fei, you are here too, who are the two behind you?"

"They are my subordinates." Seeing Xueyi, Luo Fei didn't get angry. "I will hand Moxi to you. Why did you let her run away?"

It's okay not to say it, so Xueyi is even more angry than Luo Fei, "You dare to blame me, why don't you tell me that the little rabbit is an alien, and I was badly hurt by it."

"Oh? Mo Xi is still alienating a foreigner?" This was beyond Luo Fei's expectation.

After pondering for a moment, Luo Fei said: "If this is the case, then I don't blame you. I'm going to the stronghold of the'Eye of Time and Space.' Maybe I can find Professor Min Siqi's segmented consciousness. Should I go together?"

"Of course." Xueyi unceremoniously jumped onto the Crab Cannon Mecha.

The three mechas rushed into the scarlet woods without hesitation, looking for a larger night passage.

"On the front left, there is a ten-meter tall, Tianwa, Feitu, hurry up."

Fortunately, a huge dark night tunnel with a height of ten meters and a width of ten meters appeared between the two trees in a short while.

Tian A and Feitu didn't hesitate, and plunged one after another.

However, when the Crab Cannon Mecha approached, the dark passage only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing.

"It's so bad." Luo Fei turned around and continued to search, but suddenly he stopped.

The surrounding bushes swayed, and four-legged snake people appeared, and they also surrounded Luo Fei.

"Oh my god." Xueyi kicked off the armor of the Crab Cannon mecha. "Why did you run into the encirclement of others?"

"Who knows?" In the cockpit, Luo Fei stared at these four-legged snake-men, most of them were scarred and there were many bullet holes in the skin.

It must be the fearless warriors scattered here.

At this time, a tall four-legged snake man appeared from the back of the tree, leaning on the side of the tree trunk, holding his arms, and bowed his head in thought.

I don't know where to get a straw hat on its head, making it look so melancholy.

I'm pooh, pretending to be weird.

Luo Fei lied and shouted: "Empty, now you are surrounded by me, hurry up and surrender."

"Uh..." The four-legged snake man turned his head, glanced around his eyes, scratched his smooth head, "Wait, you surrounded me?"

"Nonsense, don't look at what I am driving, armed mecha, you have no hope of winning." A proud voice came from the armed mecha.

Xueyi also followed and said, "Yes, you have only a dead end when you go against us. Kneel down and surrender. Maybe I'm in a good mood and I can let you go."

Kongfang squinted his left eye, and its right eye was closed at all times, as if it would never be able to get away.

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with these two people, and directly commanded: "Kill them, and their bodies will be at your disposal."

A large green figure raised the venom gun in his hand and pointed it at the Crab Cannon Mech, and at the same time pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Zizi, the venom fell on the magnetic cover, and a puff of white smoke rose.

The energy of the magnetic shield continued to diminish, Luo Fei frowned, "These venoms are not under my control, and the guns in their hands are not made of metal. They can't be controlled at all. It's really bad."

"Shuangfei sword, laser."

It was the third old set again, offering flying swords, letting them wreak havoc among the snakes, and at the same time the laser shot at the empty teeth.

As soon as the latter lowered his head, the laser beam fell on the big tree behind him, making a small hole.

The empty teeth rushed towards Luo Fei, his body fell to the ground, and the color of his body instantly changed and disappeared from Luo Fei's field of vision.

"Huh? Invisible?" Luo Fei chuckled, "It's useless to me."

At the same time, the four-legged snake-men suffered a severe blow. With two long swords like a sickle for cutting wheat, the four-legged snake-men’s head fell instantly.

【Magnetic Energy Scanning】

The invisible magnetic field lines swept far away, and a figure outlined by a line was slowly approaching him.

To the naked eye, the place is just an unsightly bush, but in fact, the empty teeth are slowly approaching.

Knowing its direction, Luo Fei aimed at the opponent and opened the big mouth of the mechanical dinosaur.

Kong Ya raised his head first, and stared at Luo Fei with straight eyes.

Luo Fei was very curious, and then inquired about its attributes.

【Name: Four-legged Snake Man】

[Level: Crazy Shark Level-Elementary]

[Ability attributes: poison, fantasy, spirit]

【Intensity: 120~180】

【Top speed: 153】

[Characteristics: Its strength is not weakened when one eye is blind, you say it is out of breath]

【Status: prime of life】

[Skills: camouflage, mental shock, venom injection, disease]

"Mental shock?!"

Luo Fei quickly noticed the term, and before he could react, the opponent whose lines were drawn out of the figure opened his mouth.

A scream that was enough to pierce the eardrum sounded, and within the fan-shaped range in front of it, all the four-legged snake-men shrouded in pain screamed.

Within half a second, all of their seven orifices bleed and fell to the ground.

As for the targeted target, the magnetic shield on the Crab Cannon’s mecha kept shaking, and the energy value dropped sharply.

"Ion Cannon."

Luo Fei, who was hit by real fire, immediately activated the main cannon of the Crab Cannon Mecha. The blue light particles rapidly condensed in the muzzle, and the empty pupils that were releasing the mental shock suddenly shrank.

Huge energy fluctuations oscillated in front of his eyes, and it would not be long before the power of destruction would descend on it.

"No, no, no..." It yelled frantically, with the inconceivability of not knowing how to find it, and the fear of facing death.

The next second, the ion shell rushed out of the muzzle and flew towards it.

The tension reached the extreme, and the time around Wu Ya felt that all the time had stopped. At this moment, behind the empty tooth, the space suddenly fluctuated, oscillating out a black channel.

It was overjoyed in its heart, and its body fell backward.

When its body entered half of the night channel, the ion cannon happened to reach it in the same way.

In the blue light particles, the hollow tail turns into particles, the hind legs burn, and finally, like it, it also passes through the dark night channel behind it.

"It still escaped, hope it won't hate you, you deprived it of the right to have children." Xueyi gloated and patted the mecha armor.

Afterwards, it took some time to clean up the remaining four-legged snakemen. Luo Fei gained a lifespan, and Xueyi added some ‘bridesmaids’.

Dark night enchantment.

A wave flashed in the space, and an armed mech fell down.

It smashed heavily on the ground, and the figure above jumped up and down again, resting heavily on the barrel of the gun.

"I, grass..." Xueyi's voice was low and then high.

Finally she jumped off the armed mech angrily, "Luo Fei, you actually played with me."

While notifying Tian A and Feitu, Luo Fei laughed at her:

"How come? I'm not interested in you."

Suddenly Xueyi rolled her eyes and became angry again, "Then you don't want to accept me as a subordinate again?"

Fearing that Luo Fei would go back, she turned and ran forward quickly, and a voice from a distance came, "Then we will be indefinitely from now on..."

Xueyi's speed was very fast and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye. Luo Fei yelled a few times, but the other party didn't mean to respond at all.

Soon, Fei Tu and Tian Ao merged with Luo Fei according to the locator.

"Boss, where is it, it's so dark?"

Fei Tu was nagging for a long time on the way, and Luo Fei patiently explained the situation to him.

According to his memory, and guided by the J-741 self-propelled gun, it took half an hour to arrive at a spiral building hung on a tree.

On that building, Luo Fei could still see patches welded with iron plates.

The width of the whole building is only 200 square meters, but the height is up to 50 meters. In fact, the underground tree is not a real tree, but a metal building with bark.

"Tian Ao, you will enter from the patch, and you will come back when you find the transmission device."

Luo Fei gave him a difficult task.

"Okay." Tian A didn't refuse, he jumped out of the cockpit and came to the palm of the ‘Lumberjack’.

Afterwards, the ‘lumbers’ turned three times on the spot, causing the pit to draw an arc from the sky like a shot.

Accurately hit three meters above the patch steel plate.

It became a pool of blood.

This is nothing to Tian Ao, even if it becomes a pool of blood, he will recover.

It moves slowly like flowing water, smoothly infiltrating from the patch of steel plate.

Inside it was the same, messy hospital beds, dead bodies in terrible condition, and bullet holes with thick fingers everywhere. It was very messy.

Two eyes were exposed on the blood, and he observed the next surroundings, and finally landed on the ventilation duct.

Enter the ventilation duct along the metal wall, and then proceed upward along the ventilation duct.

Every section of the road must be seen through the blinds. There are cafeterias, dormitories, and equipment shops along the way.

Finally came to the top of the building, which was filled with all kinds of precision equipment, and there were two strange-looking people standing there.

In this world, the stranger the appearance, the higher the status and the stronger the ability.

The whole body is fat, countless branches grow from his body, like an arm, the fat man respectfully said to the other person:

"Professor Mingdao, this is all my fault. You are so frightened that you can't let you experiment here with peace of mind."

Standing in front of him was a man in a white coat with green hair from head to toe, and his hair seemed to be spiritual, and several long hairs twisted into five thick fingers floated in the air.

The most palpitating thing is that there are eight irregular eyes on his head.

Either vertical or horizontal or oblique, or open or closed or squinted, or white eyes, red eyes or black eyes.