Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 451: Evacuation

The artillery shells pass through the hierarchical artillery shell group, and then fly down into the array of self-propelled artillery.

With a blast, the trees shattered, the bushes burned, and scattered shrapnel cut countless leaves.

In front of the self-propelled artillery queue, Hongsi glanced back at the direction of the explosion, the flames blazing into the sky.

"They actually have the ability to counterattack. Continue to increase their attacks, and at the same time let the people inside open the city gates and attack the old capital in one breath."

Then after thinking for a while, he said: "After entering, don't chase and kill those strangers. We rushed directly into the opponent's castle and returned to the outside world from the inside."

Under the command of Hong Si, about 500 black armored fighters slowly touched the city wall in a scattered formation.

When there were still 600 meters away, the black-clad warriors shot at the guards on the city wall first.

At the beginning of the war, the black armored fighters used precision shooting, and the bullets rushed to the head of the Kotou.

In a sudden attack, no stranger was found to be attacked on the spot by the Kotou, their metal helmet was useless at all, and was immediately exploded.

"Enemy attack..." Captain Kotou reacted when the wall was in a mess.


After being attacked, the remaining Kotou lay on the wall to hide.

Hearing the command of the Kotou Captain, despite their reluctance, they straightened their waists and shot the crossbow arrows in their hands.

In the next second, many Kotou people opened their eyes wide, and in the sky, orange-red light bullets had already shot towards the city wall.

After dozens of explosions, the entire city wall was blown up, and those kooks were flying in the sky, but their faces were full of fear.

The roar finally stopped, the Captain Gotou rubbed his ears that had been croaking, and looked at the city wall, it was blurred, and his heart also shed tears like floods.

Then it turned its head and saw a group of koboos rushing towards them.

The Kotou captain showed joy and waved to them excitedly, "Here, we need your help."

In its vision, dozens of Kotou aliens climbed the city wall and came to its side.

Without waiting for it to open a hug to welcome it, those dog-headed strangers waved their weapons mercilessly, and slammed it on its body.

Blood and bone scum came out of it. It lay on the ground looking at them puzzledly, wriggling its mouth and making a sound, "Why?"

But what greeted it was another hammer that fell on its head, making the world in front of it completely disappear from its vision.

The door of the old capital slowly opened, and more black-armored fighters formed a phalanx and rushed into the city.

With the shield as the vanguard, the grenade gun behind him, and the support of the self-propelled artillery outside the city, the black-armored warrior advances very smoothly.

Small groups of alien troops were lost in the grenade, and more alien troops were wiped out in the fire of the self-propelled artillery.

Their goal is very clear, which is to occupy the Rabbit Face Castle.

Inside the rabbit face castle.

In the conference room constructed of blue bricks and tiles, there were only three people in it.

The long-bearded ratman walked back and forth in front of the round table, his frown showing his anxiety.

"What should we do? Those humans have launched an attack on us and it is unstoppable. What should we do?"

Little Rabbit Moxi had no idea for a long time, shrinking into Luo Fei's arms, looking at it from time to time, meaning to let him make up his mind.

Luo Fei scanned the miniature model map on the desktop, and the hills, rivers and trees were all lifelike. Just looking at it made people fascinated.

"This is?" Luo Fei asked curiously, pointing at it.

Elder Long Beard turned his head and waved his hand impatiently, "When is this, you actually want to ask the map of the lush forest that the Rabbit King has pinched out."

"Oh? This is the lush forest..."

Luo Fei turned a deaf ear to Elder Longbeard's words, scratching his chin with his right hand, he was indeed full of interest in the map in front of him.

"You are right, the human beings are here prepared, and the firepower is very powerful."

In the impatience of Elder Long Beard, Luo Fei called two Kotou aliens to remove the miniature map in front of him.

"So, I decided to evacuate the dark night barrier and head to the wild forest."

"What?" Elder Long Beard was directly stunned, "A human guardian is looking for us outside. Once we discover our existence, they will attack us."

"We must never go out." Elder Longbeard jumped up excitedly, "They have destroyed the empire, our king is now dead, and we have no power to stop them."

Luo Fei has different thoughts on this.

"Not necessarily." He pointed to the map in front of him and believed: "Although there are many dangers in the wild forest, look at it."

Luo Fei pointed to a red curve on the map, as if it had been dyed with a special dye.

"This road seems to be marked by your Rabbit King. In other words, your Rabbit King is planning to leave here."

Elder Longbeard stretched his head, his eyes fell on the red line, but the red was winding and twisting, and what was worse was that it broke in the middle of the lush forest.

Behind...Elder Longbeard's eyes were bigger than the copper bells, and he took out a magnifying glass from nowhere, and kept searching from the red fracture.

As a result, nothing was achieved.

Luo Fei saw its hidden thoughts in its actions, and guessed:

"The road behind, the Rabbit King may not have been explored yet, and we need our own efforts to do the rest."

"Not finished?" Elder Longbeard was taken aback and waved his hand again and again, "Then we can't go anymore. Although the Forest of Cunning and Charm is ghostly to outsiders, it is already very familiar to us."

"But the lush forest is different. The creatures in it are numerous and fierce, which is quite terrifying to us."

Luo Fei spread his hands and said, "Since Elder Long Beard you don't want to leave, please stay here to preside over the overall situation, and Princess Moxi and I will leave this place that is about to be destroyed."

That's right, it is destruction. Even if the "Eye of Time and Space" does not destroy it, Feng Chuan Zhengjiang does not intend to let them go.

There is still a glimmer of life out of the dark night barrier, and there is only a dead end to stay here.

Seeing that Luo Fei was about to leave, Elder Longbeard flicked his tail angrily, smashing a large piece of blue brick on the ground.

"Since you want to leave, let's go. This is the last home of our alien empire. Where else can we withdraw?"

The hysterical ratman roared angrily, "Even if I die, I will die with those humans."

But Luo Fei couldn't hear it anymore, he had left the Rabbit Face Castle with Mo Xi.

Found Li Feng and others in the hut around the wall, and said to them:

"Now the people from'Eye of Time' have entered, will you leave with me or stay here?"

Several people looked at each other. Reese saw that Lifeng was holding his arms and watching coldly. Kuiyong and Wanling had only anxious eyes in their eyes, and they were at a loss.

He wrinkled his brows as if to make a major decision, and looked straight into Luo Fei's eyes, "We chose to stay. Anyway, the'Eyes of Time and Space' are also humans, aren't they?"

Luo Fei curled up the corner of his mouth indifferently, "I learned from the memory of one of the'Eye of Time and Space' that they are not friendly to other humans. Treating other supernatural beings, if they are weak, they will be caught for experimentation. Oh."

Wan Ling was shocked, "Then we will go with you."

"Wait." Kuiyong showed a different color and stood in front of Wanling, "I don't believe you, you are already in the same way as foreigners."

Luo Fei was taken aback, and then he reflected what he had done, but does he care?

This is just a clone, and he is the regent here. I have to say that the charm of power has begun to make Luo Fei, oh no, his clone is very fascinated by it.

Luo Fei smiled lightly, and said, "Okay, I won't interfere with your decision, then... don't pass it."

When Luo Fei was about to walk out of the hut, a strong voice suddenly came from behind, "Wait a minute, I will go with you."

Luo Fei stopped at the door, turned his head, and appeared surprised on his face.

"Lifeng, are you sure?"

From the very beginning, Lifeng was full of opinions on Luo Fei, but right now, the other party was still willing to follow him.

To be honest, Luo Fei suddenly had a new perspective on him.

Could it be snake disease?

"Of course, why should I lie to you?" Lifeng sneered in his heart: How could it be possible, there are just phantoms in front of me, I'm just about to see what the **** you are trying to do.

"Captain?" Reese was unquestionable, but Lifeng was determined and said flatly: "Needless to say, I will follow Luo Fei. As for my intentions..."

Lifeng turned around and looked directly into Reese's eyes like a wolf until the latter was slightly flustered, and Leon tremblingly said: "Captain, I also decided, I will follow you forever."

The scene in front of him made Kui Yong look silly, "Crazy, you are all crazy, you are following but a stranger who cannibalizes without blinking..."

He lamented several times, and finally nodded his head vigorously, "Well, my old bone will follow you."

"I also know that if I don't go with you, you must think that I will go back to tell you."

"But don't worry, I won't inform Master Fengchuan...because..."

When Kui Yong raised his head in a voice, there was no shadow of Luo Fei and others in front of him.

"Huh? Where did you go?"

Wanling hurriedly dragged him out and ran, "Father, stop talking to yourself, they've already left."

In the Bunny Face Castle bunker, in front of you is a row of fountains running upstream.

The normal situation is that a huge rabbit statue opens its mouth and spit black water into the square pool in front of it.

But what was in front of him was the other way around, as if the rabbit statue was absorbing the black water in the pool, endlessly.

Luo Fei was standing in front of the pond, bowing his head in thought.

Behind him, a team of strangers are gathering.

Previously, Luo Fei sent out his own Kotou foreigners to contact foreigners who were willing to go with him.

Only from the results, not too many people came.

"Elder Golden Retriever, we are here, and we will follow you to the death."

Luo Fei turned his head slightly, and the werewolf's Ya Shisan was kneeling behind him.

Behind it, two thousand werewolves also knelt down.

Luo Fei nodded in satisfaction, but there were also dissatisfactions, for example, there was no snake man inside.

"Huh, do you have a nest of snakes and rats?"