Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 453: Tragic street fighting

Hearing what Moxi said became more and more terrifying, Luo Fei immediately raised his head and laughed a few times. The ear-splitting laughter shook away the fear in his body and at the same time shook away the fallen leaves above his head.

"Don't worry, Moxi, I'm fine."

A big hand suddenly landed on Mo Xi's head and rubbed it gently.

Mo Xi lifted his head and saw the smile on Luo Fei's mouth, his heart quickly relaxed, "Huh, you shouldn't be bitten by them, that's good..."

In the end, Luo Fei did not tell her.

At this time, the surrounding emerald branches shook, and a large column of water continued to emerge from the water.

The sound of rustling sounded all around the jungle, like a violent wind rushing in, sweeping the fallen leaves.

Hey, Luo Fei turned around, and the werewolves with wet bodies knelt in front of Luo Fei.

Ya Shisan and another werewolf walked through the passage vacated by the werewolf and appeared in front of Luo Fei holding a slate map.

"Elder Golden Retriever, here we are."

Luo Fei lightly nodded his head, his eyes fell on the bright red lines on the slate map, and ordered:

"Count the number of people, collect nearby food, and prepare to set off."

"Yes." All the ugly men and werewolves dispersed.

When Luo Fei's line of sight moved to the depths of the deep forest covered by the luxuriant leaves, an extremely fierce battle was erupting in the dark night enchantment of the forest of deceit.

On one side is the reformed alien unit that wants to get out of the night barrier, and the other is the alien unit that swears to guard the homeland.

In this battle where the stand is very firm, everyone's morale has no effect at this moment, only deadly fighting.

The battle between the two sides reached its zenith on the road to the Rabbit Face Castle.

Foreign people came up from all directions and besieged 500 black armored fighters together.

The ear-splitting sound of fighting continued one after another for a long time.

They first used long crossbows or plague rifles to shoot them indiscriminately.

Although besieged by strangers who were several times as large as his own, the black armored fighters did not panic at all.

They were arranged into a square array, with steel shields placed in front of them to block the rainy crossbow bolts.

The price paid is to make one side of the steel shield a hedgehog, and the final price is to greatly increase the wear rate of the steel shield.

When the critical point was reached, the metal shields shattered one after another.

Those arrows all fell on them, turning them into hedgehogs.

The black armored fighter's counterattack was also extremely fierce, and the continuous flying of light bullets suppressed all the assault troops of the alien organization.

The combat modes of the two sides are very different. The black armored fighters are defense, bullet shooting, artillery bombardment, and long-range suppression.

The strangers mostly use melee combat, and the thick-skinned ones hope to break the opponent's formation and fight them close to the body.

The black armored fighters knew this well, and could only do their best to suppress them.

This is the tug of war between the two sides, the contest between consciousness and consciousness, the number of ammunition and the number of lives.

The dead and wounded strangers laid a ground on the blue brick floor, facing the suppression of artillery fire and the harvesting of ammunition.

They soon discovered that the threat of artillery fire was too great, so some strangers rushed out of the city with the intention of destroying the self-propelled artillery.

And this is also the purpose of Hongsi.

Standing in the center of the team, he listened to the movement of foreigners around him in the rain of bullets. In order to obtain the actions of the other party, a group of transformed soldiers who transformed into foreigners stayed in the foreigner team for a long time, passing their movements at any time.

So that Hong Si has long known the movements of strangers.

The strangers around didn't seem to decrease, but Hong Si had known that their follow-up force had been at least reduced by more than half.

"Strengthen the firepower and move forward quickly." Hongsi made a decisive decision.

The bazookas that have been preserved all of a sudden released deadly warheads, and they landed on the main entrance of the Rabbit Face Castle.

After the fire and gun smoke disappeared, the city gate was turned into fragments, revealing a hollow hole.

"Kill, rush in."

Hongsi commanded Ruojing, and the black armored soldiers around him were fierce. They charged with spears, and the first echelon rushed into the gate smoothly.

But then, they were stunned.

In front of them, those strangers were already prepared, using wooden boards and other objects to block their own figures, and they only showed up when the black armored warriors entered.

At this moment, the overwhelming strangers besieged them on three sides, and the number of more than 5,000 is fifty times that of the black armored fighters of the first echelon.

The disparity in strength is really too big, those strangers charge frantically, and the flying miniature grenades also prevent them from advancing.

In a blink of an eye, a large number of strangers rushed into the black armored warrior, and their sharp claws and teeth all fell on them.

Death is inevitable, then they will make their own death worthwhile at this moment.

With a burst of ghost crying and wolf howling, these black armored warriors swelled and transformed into kooks. They opened their fangs and rushed forward to fight with each other.

Fighting against the black armored warrior is the elder longbearded ratman. As a member of the holy clan, their equipment is not bad. The strong ratman will be armed with armor and spears. crossbow.

With the combination of distance and near, the first echelon of black armored fighters with only 100 people even had one-on-three combat power, but in the end it was gradually eliminated.

The rat people rushed out of the door, but were intercepted by countless bullets. They were killed and wounded, but piled up at the door to form a wall of dead bodies.

Until this time, the rat man's crazy emotions were interrupted.

Elder Long Beard stood between the ears of the Rabbit Face Castle, standing high and looking far away, clearly seeing that the black armored soldiers did not give up their intention to continue the attack.

When they came to the edge of the city wall, countless dead branches stretched to the wall like a ladder, and the black armored soldiers jumped up the wall along the dead branches.

It happened to meet the rat people who came up to garrison, and a big battle broke out between the two sides.

In close combat, the number of rat people dominated the absolute right hand. Despite the bravery of the black armored warrior, he was still invincible. While killing several times strangers, he also fell a lot.

Calculated according to this ratio, even if they were all dead, they would only get half of the other's life as a rat.

Hong Si, who knew this well, was annoyed, and gritted his teeth and ordered the self-propelled gun behind him:

"Open fire on the castle and smash all these thief-eyed guys to pieces."

The self-propelled artillery was ordered to quickly shift the impact point from the left and right and the back of the team to the front. Under the bombardment of the artillery fire, the densely packed scavengers immediately dumped a large area.

The elder on the rabbit's face really doesn't know what to do with such a situation. It has nothing to do with human bombardment.

"What to do? What to do?"

At this very anxious moment, a turning point occurred outside the city.

The troops that divided the troops and pursued the self-propelled artillery array appeared in front of them. In order to move quickly, a four-legged race-centaur race appeared, a species with a horse in the lower body and a beast-shaped body in the upper body.

They held the javelin, held the big axe, and rushed up with a hunting style, shouting wildly.

Then, they were kicked back faster, trampled, and hit.

Those self-propelled guns did not evade, and rushed into the centaur team of less than 50 people in a unique rhythm of steel pace.

As the screams sounded one after another, the artillery fire of the self-propelled gun still did not stop.

On the edge of this battlefield, three weird mechas appeared quietly.

"Should we help those humans?" Faitu stayed in the cockpit and shaved his beard leisurely. This battle didn't mean much to him.

In fact, this is also true for Luo Fei.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Fei analyzed layer by layer:

"The people of the'Eye of Time and Space' are no longer truly human. They have all been transformed to look like humans and strangers."

"Hmm..." Luo Fei pondered for a moment, "As for the strangers in front of them, there are indeed too many of them, and they are a threat to the future human world. They must be reduced."

"But..." Luo Fei considered the nature of the'Eyes of Time and Space', "Even if those humans survive, they are also a major scourge to the human world, and they cannot be allowed to survive."

Fei Tuo was already dizzy by Luo Fei's words, and finally asked with a rough neck, "Then we should help or not, boss, can you please say something?"

Luo Fei was silent for a moment, watching the situation in front of him, after the centaur returned without success, more strangers rushed over, crushed by darkness.

Self-propelled guns do not dodge, they are like little giants, and they kick to death little dwarfs who are less than half their height.

But if the number is large, it will definitely cause qualitative changes. The aliens climbed onto the cockpit of the self-propelled gun, constantly beating and destroying.

Under the hard armor, strangers can only do useless work in vain.

Twenty behemoths seem to have entered the flock of tigers, crushing those strange people all over.

And at this moment, a huge figure among foreigners came over.

The hippo aliens, who are rare among the war clan, are tall, with thick skin and thick flesh. When they come to the tall self-propelled cannon, they can look directly at its muzzle.

"Come on, let me tear you apart."

The hippos made a dueling declaration, but in the next second, they were bombarded with dross by a shell.

But some hippos rushed without saying a word, carrying huge power, and holding the big feet of the self-propelled gun.

As they exerted force, they overturned the four-legged self-propelled cannon to the ground.

Therefore, without the assistance of their hands, they can only struggle on the ground in vain.

A series of ten self-propelled cannons all fell to the ground, densely covered by strangers, and there were dense beatings all over the body.

Not to mention, it's pretty sweet.

The strangers finally discovered the weakness of the self-propelled artillery, so the smart people quickly followed suit.

For example, those who are good at digging holes dug a circle of pits around the self-propelled gun, and the self-propelled gun slams into the air and overturns to the ground on the spot.

Some brought ropes, tied their feet, and then started a tug-of-war competition.

Each self-propelled artillery was in crisis, and even if they kept bombarding each other, they could not stop the opponent's enthusiasm for victory.

"No, J-741 is dangerous."

J-741, who had been in the self-propelled artillery queue, slowly backed away, trying to stay away from the terrifying and cruel aliens here.

It is considered an outlier in this group of self-propelled gun arrays.

It was so alien that even the pilot inside it couldn't stand it anymore. With a few bangs, the black-clad pilot opened the hatch and climbed out, angrily using a small pistol to attack the surrounding strangers.

Only in the next second, a crossbow bolt pierced his forehead.