Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 467: For the honor of the queen

This is simply a replica of the plundering group... Luo Fei's eyes are like electricity.

He doesn't have much favor with these cruel people.

Xiajing Erwen said again:

"The current Mikasa mercenary group has dropped to more than 100 people. Since there is no supplement from the Flaming Islanders, our group leader chose to join the Burning Army here."

"If His Royal Highness wants to eliminate the Mikasa Mercenary Corps, I think I should consider the Burning Army Corps."

"Burning Army?" Luo Fei frowned. He hadn't heard the name of this legion before, and asked in doubt: "Who are they?"

Xia Jing Erwen shook his head with a confused expression, "We don't know, I only know that they are very strong, and our head still chooses to surrender to them after weighing the pros and cons."

The complicated situation caused Luo Fei's brows to be slightly frowned, but within a second, he calmed down. He pondered for a moment, "This Burning Army is estimated to be a local armed force, and it is not to be feared."

"It's better to destroy your Mikasa mercenary group."

In a few words, Luo Fei set the ending of the mercenary group in front of him.

When Fei heard that there was a battle to fight, his eyes flashed a little, "Boss, let me go, I will definitely get them all cleaned up."

"You?" Luo Fei smiled and shook his head, "No, although your combat ability is good, but if the opponent cuts off the plank road, you will fall into the abyss."

"Damn, these despicable villains." Fei Tu glared at Xiajing Erwen fiercely, as if he was about to face the enemy.

Erwen down the well stepped back imperceptibly.

I’m yours now, don’t stare at me...

Luo Fei was about to point out that he planned to let Zangfang, Tian Ao and him pass. For the three of them, Zangfang and him could be invisible, and Tian Ao could turn into blood and move from the back of the plank road.

At this time, there was a sudden bang outside, and a large piece of rock fell from the top of the plank road, smashing a large piece of the plank road.

Luo Fei's eyelids jumped as he watched, watching the broken plank road and gravel fall into the abyss.

"No, it's a landslide, and..." Xia Jing Erwen exclaimed, "The mandrill will be attracted."

"The Mandrill?" Luo Fei rubbed his head with a headache, but he didn't expect to see these strangers everywhere.

"Yes." Xiajing Erwen explained: "They are the frontier troops of the Inhuman Empire, but after the Inhuman Empire is destroyed, a small part of it remains here to cultivate and live."

"But when they encounter this kind of landslide, they will come out from below to check it out. Once they find us, they will definitely attack us."

While explaining, intensive gunshots sounded on the opposite plank road, and at the same time the quack and strange noises passed between the cliffs.

Luo Fei took out his sight glasses and looked at the opposite side. Under the heavy rain, many gray figures were running on the cliff with their long tails.

Under the sweep of bullets fired by the sentry, gray figures were shot from time to time, and black blood fell from the cliff.

Those gray figures were covered with long gray hairs, as if they were wearing a heavy sweater.

They have slender limbs, flexible figures, grinning faces, protruding jaws, sharp teeth on the inside, and canine teeth snarling out of the outer lips.

The weapon used is actually a rare bow and arrow, with a body length of 3 meters and an arrow of 2 meters. Judging from its rough craftsmanship, it is obviously made by a stranger's handcrafted workshop.

Although the weapons are rough, their power is not small. They lie on the cliff with their tails hooked on the raised rocks and branches. With their slender arms pulled, a sharp arrow cut through the rain and flew into the sentry post.

There was a faint scream in the heavy rain.

Suddenly, with a swish, a sharp arrow flew in from the window and shot it precisely at Si Qing's chest.

When it was said that it was too late, Luo Fei looked at the arrow, the latter suddenly turned a corner, rushed past Si Qing, then circled the room, and flew out from the window.

The arrow's speed was not slow, it was just a flash, and a gray figure on the cliff wall at a distance of 100 meters from the opposite side fell off the cliff.

"It's those mandrillers." Fei Tu walked to the window, guarded Siqing, and said to Siqing looking back, "Sister-in-law, it's dangerous here. You should go back to the car."

"You..." The protected Siqing didn't appreciate it. On the contrary, she was annoyed. She gave Luo Fei a fierce look, and stepped heavily on the floor and walked out of the guard post.

Without the Guardian IV power armor, Siqing's combat effectiveness can be said to be the lowest among everyone.

Being protected as a weak person, how can this make her feel better.

Angrily, she boarded the Lucky number, thought about it, and came to the laboratory of the dream.

As soon as she opened the door, Siqing wiped her tears and complained to Eimeng, "Eimeng, Luo Fei bullied me."

Hui Meng was doing an experiment. Hearing that Siqing was being bullied, her eyes widened and she was bullish, "What? He bullied you? This is really outrageous."

Siqing couldn't help nodding, "So, Huimeng, can you make me a powerful armor, I want to bully it back."

Eimeng waved her small fist vigorously, "Don't worry, with the information you provided, I will definitely be able to make a good power armor."

At that time, the Guardian IV power armor was abandoned, but the information in it had long been retained by Siqing. As long as the technology and materials can keep up, Eimeng can create exactly the same power armor.

In the sentry post, Luo Fei shot a few shots outside, easily knocking out the mandrill who attacked the sentry post.

With the scream of howling from the cliff, all the mandrills finally retreated downward and soon disappeared into the rain curtain.

Then it was Luo Fei's turn to have a headache. The plank road that was smashed by the rocks was the plank road connecting their sentry to the opposite cliff.

If you want to pass, you can only look for other plank roads around you.

Huh? No, the lucky number can fly...

Suddenly thinking of the key, Lucky could fly over, and then deal a devastating blow to the Mikasa Mercenary Group.

Luo Fei was about to decide to do so, and just returned to Lucky with everyone, Tiger Hunt suddenly came to report.

He came into the cab, "His Royal Highness, my people have just sent a threatening message, saying that they have joined a large group of mercenaries and are killing us."

"Huh? Mercenary?"

Unexpectedly, there will be other troubles, Luo Fei wondered: "Are they here to chase you, or me, or someone else?"

Tiger Hunt shook his head, "Maybe they all, now those mercenaries only have hatred in their eyes, and they can't get any useful information."

"It's really troublesome." Luo Fei's biggest worry is not the mercenaries, but it consumes a little ammunition. The most worrying thing is whether the Diamong has kept up.

If it comes, then what are you waiting for, let's slip away quickly.

There is a gray cliff plank road in front, and there are enemies who don't know the situation behind. Luo Fei can only choose the best option at present, "Tiger hunt, give up your people and reload the truck, and leave here with me."

As long as the tiger hunting is still there, the remaining mercenaries and vehicles will be recruited. The top priority now is to leave here as soon as possible.

With the barriers of the gray cliff plank road, even if the Di Pam really came over, it would not be able to pass through the many cliffs in a short time.

"Sorry, Your Royal Highness, I can't leave with you." Tiger Hunt suddenly said, which surprised Luo Fei.

"Why can't you leave with me?" As Luo Fei thought, the other party was already under control. Naturally, he said what he said, but now it seems that it is obviously not.

Tiger Hunt put his hand on his waist knife, "I am willing to fight for the Queen, but I can't fall into the prestige of the Queen."

"If I also leave, then everyone thinks that Her Royal Highness is afraid of them."

Luo Fei opened his mouth, "They didn't target Ling Fei..."

"No..." Tiger Hunt still refused. "If they learn about the Queen's escape this time, they will definitely laugh at the Queen. I will never allow this to happen."

"His Royal Highness." The tiger hunted heavily in flying salute to Luo, with his right hand hitting his chest with a fist, "Please forgive my waywardness, but the dignity of the Queen cannot be desecrated."

Seeing his impassioned appearance, Luo Fei didn't want to waste his tongue and continue to persuade, "Well, good luck to you."

Lucky was eventually separated from the heavy truck, and the heavy truck has also been repaired by Paint Dream.

Under the heavy rain, the Lucky number slowly lifted into the sky, moving along the top of the seam of the earth.

A heavy truck was left in place.

Tiger Hunt watched Lucky's departure, leaving a gratified smile behind the mask. He swore with his fist, "His Royal Highness, I will definitely make you famous."

Then he walked into the guard post, brought in Erwen and others, and issued a strong order, "You guys immediately get in touch with your mercenary group, try to get them out, let me kill them all at once."

The four of them looked at each other, and Xia Jing Erwen bit his scalp and replied: "We are just outside guards, and we can't communicate with the group leader."

"But..." Xia Jing Erwen laughed: "If you abandon your heavy weapons, my lord, then we can leave from the hidden rope bridge."

It turned out that there was still a way back, and Tiger Hunt nodded. As a result, he had more tactics to choose from.

Not long after, a large number of mercenary teams appeared in the heavy rain and soon appeared in front of the gray cliff plank road.

The first thing that came into view was the heavy-duty truck of Tiger Hunting.

Immediately, all the tanks with howitzers bombarded it, and after dozens of rounds, the heavy truck suddenly turned into fragments.

"There is a sentry over there." A mercenary saw the orange light in the sentry on the side, "There are people inside."

"Blow it up." A mercenary suggested.

But some people objected, "That is the place where the guardians of the grey cliff plank road live. They can't be hit. We can't get through if we hit."

The mercenaries put down their weapons angrily, with some regrets.

At this moment, there was a loud bang, and the entire guard post actually exploded.

The mercenaries looked at each other, who attacked? Why attack? Don't want to go there anymore?

Now the trouble is big, and all the mercenaries are beginning to be confused.

However, three of the mercenary leaders were very calm, and they gathered together at this chaotic time.

Inside a heavy-duty truck, banquet drinks have been placed inside, and the three of them sat facing each other in a triangle.

One of them is Kumamoto from the Black Bear Mercenary Corps.

Under the gaze of the other two, Kumamoto gobbled up the delicacy in front of him, not caring about the dissatisfaction of the two.

"Kumamoto, are you still in the mood to eat now?" It was a thin man with a cross scar on his face, telling him how fierce he was.

"Mo Yi, the leader of the wolf mercenary group." Kumamoto's head lifted from the food, his mouth covered with greasy water.

"Only when you are full can you have the strength to work. Don't you need to eat and drink?"

Mo Yi, who was choked, gave a cold snort, and took a bite from the hind leg of a strange beast on the table.

As the muscles were torn apart, the parasites inside were also pulled out, but Mo Yi didn't care and swallowed all the food and parasites in one bite.

Seeing that the atmosphere of the two was stiff, the other was slowly picking up the parasites in the flesh.

"Whether it is full or not full, but only the bonus can make us eat."

The vitality of the parasite is very tenacious, and it can survive even if it is broken into several pieces. If it is eaten without a strong stomach, the parasite will live in the human body and absorb his nutrients.

Until the pick was clean, Xi Yi, the head of the Rhinoceros Mercenary Corps, spoke with satisfaction.

While eating, he said: "As far as I know, the gray cliff plank road is occupied by a group of people called the Mikasa Mercenary Corps. The opponent has the advantage. If we attack, we will lose out.

"Not only will it consume a lot of time and manpower, but it will also allow the criminals released by the Tianyu City Conquest to escape. The other party is worth 1 million worth of waste."

"Then what's your good idea? Dead pig..." Kumamoto looked at the other party wantonly, staring at the prey like a wild beast.

Xi Yi, the head of the Rhinoceros mercenary regiment, is indeed very fat, with a fat stomach, big face and ears.

Suddenly hearing such an embarrassing nickname, Xi Yi didn't get angry and still kept smiling.

After all, Kumamoto has opinions on everyone. When he first arrived, he attacked all the mercenary groups, poisoned, instigated rebellion, and even ambushed.

As long as he surrendered, it was no problem. Once he refused, he would be attacked several times until he died.

However, when faced with the two commanders of the wild wolf and the beaked rhinoceros mercenary group, his methods were successively ineffective, and he was also attacked by the two.

When he was half full, Xi Yi smiled and said, "I have one idea."

The two pricked their ears to listen.

Xi Yi continued: "The Mikasa Mercenary Corps is very greedy, but they are not from our eastern region. As long as we are both kind and powerful, the other party will let us pass, and will tell us where the target has gone by the way?"

"Then you send someone to contact them." Kumamoto continued to bury his head in the food.

The heavy rain showed no signs of stopping.

A 10-man mercenary squad reluctantly walked towards the ruins of the sentry post under the command of numerous gunpoints in the rear.

These 10 mercenaries are members of Tiger Hunt's black mouse mercenary group. After they left the team, they were forced into the group by the mercenary group that followed.

And waiting for them is the hardest, most tiring and most dangerous job.

They came to the ruins of the sentry post and waved the white flag in their hands at the other sentry on the opposite cliff. This was the basic operation of the negotiation.

But when they came to the ruins, gunfire suddenly sounded on the opposite side.

The dense bullets swept across the black mouse mercenary group, exploding blood flowers.

The remaining black mouse mercenaries hurriedly squatted on the ground, about a few, five of them were shot, three of them were sieved, two of them were seriously injured, and the blood quickly faded under the heavy rain.

"Hey, we are here to negotiate..." A black mouse mercenary was frustrated and stretched out his head and shouted to the other side.

I thought I would not get a response, but the opposite came from the opposite side, "Negotiations? Not here to attack? Okay, let's talk about it."

The living Black Mouse mercenaries breathed a sigh of relief and stood up again, and there was another gunshot on the other side.

Five mercenaries fell four more on the spot.