Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 471: Encountering an deceased

Snap, the black watch opened, and a smiley face appeared on it, and at the same time a voice of waste money arrived, "Your account has received 10,000 waste money."

"Hi..." Luo Fei took a breath of surprise, "It's really paid."


The figure inside was about to speak, Luo Fei quickly stretched out his finger, and turned off the black watch with a snap.

This time, Luo Fei looked at the black watch on his wrist, full of eagerness.

Sure enough, the next second, it rang again, slowly and firmly, "Answer the phone and send you money."

Snap, Luo Fei opened the black watch again in a thunderous manner, and immediately sounded in his ear, "Your account has received 10,000 coins."

It's so sweet.

Before the other party could speak again, Luo Fei quickly closed the black watch again.


What Fei Tuo watched from the side was stunned, and gave Luo Fei a thumbs up, "Boss, Gao, it's really high..."

The way to get money fast in this way was unprecedented, and Luo Fei felt that he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life.

However, the illusion is an illusion after all.

The same voice sounded from the black watch again, and Luo Fei turned it on again. This time, the sound of money arrived no longer.

Luo Fei waited for two seconds, very disappointed.

The figure in the black watch with a gentle smile said: "I am the third conqueror of Skyland City..."

Snap, Luo Fei hung up instantly, lying on his back in the chair, regretting:

"This weird creature is really powerful. It can actually transfer money, not only that, but it can also imitate the conqueror of Tianyu City."

Immediately Luo Fei sneered, "But he doesn't know. I have no contact with the third general. How could he contact me?"

Feitu nodded seriously, "The boss is right, but I don't think this can be a strange beast. It's probably a nearby mechanical base. After all, they are the ones who can control the coins."

Luo Fei also nodded sensibly, "You have a good analysis, there should be robot troops here, we'd better leave here..."

Just as the two were discussing, crisp footsteps came from the dim carriage behind them.

Black military uniforms, tall figures, and black wings are all present.

With a solemn expression on Mengxi's face, he lifted the black watch on his wrist, and the head of a man with blond hair and a gentle face was reflected on it.

"The third expedition in Skyland City, the bright star, the bright expedition, the compassionate Guangyi... I'm looking for you..."

A series of names exploded in Luo Fei's ears, making him unresponsive for a long time.

He pursed his lips and seriously considered the current situation, nodded slightly, neither humble nor overbearing:

"It turned out to be the sir, and we were flattered for the first time with you."

"It doesn't seem to be the first time we met. We met several times just now, but you seem to have hung up." The blond man smiled softly.

"Are you there?" Luo Fei thought slightly, then suddenly he patted his forehead, "So you are really a conscript."

"I'm extremely sorry." Luo Fei's face was indifferent when he said an apology. "You know, in this desolate place, everything can happen. It is unreasonable to receive a signal suddenly in a place where there is no signal. If you connect at will, then everyone in your car will be in danger."

"Plus, I don't know you, so sorry."

Luo Fei apologized again without any waves, and saw that the man in front of him didn't care, "Well, being wary is the quality of an elite officer, you are very good."

After a pause, he went straight in, "The reason why I am looking for you is because of Fengchuan's trust. Now, let's talk with you two."

As soon as the picture turned, Feng Chuan's stern face appeared in front of Luo Fei.

Luo Fei straightened his back slightly, his eyes opened slightly, and he was actually looking for help from other conscripts in order to find me. It is estimated that the price paid was very high.

Previously, Luo Fei killed the opponent's secret troops, and it was strange that the opponent had a good temper. Besides, if Luo Fei really wins the two cities, Fengchuan's position will be in jeopardy, and he will definitely have a countermeasure when he comes this time.

The two looked at each other for a second, and suddenly they all smiled together.

First, there was an unaffected greeting, about whether you had eaten or not today, is the weather good over there, and how have you been sleeping lately?

Of course, Luo Fei was telling the truth with a smile. He didn't eat today, the weather here is not good, and he was woken up just after sleeping, and so on.

The two sides are friendly on the surface, but in private they have become hostile.

Soon, Feng Chuan finally came up with the topic, "Luo Fei, you must be the first to notify me after you lay down the city. I will help you. Otherwise, the city you just won will be taken by Pan Bei. What a pity?"

"Pan Bei?" Luo Fei got new information. He quickly sat up straight and leaned forward slightly, "Where is he?"

Feng Chuan smiled triumphantly, "This requires me to send someone to investigate. We can exchange information regularly. You report to me your position, and I report to you Pan Bei's position."

hiss? Is this trying to spy on me?

Luo Fei smiled and said, "This is a good idea. I'm on the grey cliff path now, where is Pan Bei?"

Without hiding, Luo Fei directly reported his position to him. Feng Chuan obviously didn't expect Luo Fei to be so straightforward and startled.

After hesitating for two seconds, he lowered his head and squirmed his lips, "Pan Bei... his battleship is about to be completed, and he is ready to set off."

In other words, he hasn't moved yet.

Luo Fei smiled and said: "That's good, let's contact more in the future."

The communicator finally turned off, and Luo Fei lay on the seat, smiling, "It turns out that it hasn't moved yet."

"We are far ahead..." Luo Fei suddenly laughed.

Mengxi took the black watch back, his face still solemn, and solemnly said to Luo Fei:

"Luo Fei, we should be careful to seal the river. He must wait for us to conquer the city before coming to grab our fruits."

"Well, I know, but his speed is not as fast as ours." Luo Fei pointed to the outside, "This gray cliff path will allow him to pass for more than half a month."

Mengxi still worried: "He doesn't have to be faster than you, as long as he is faster than the recipient, or... the recipient is his person."

This situation opened Luo Fei's eyes and was stunned, "He is a conscript, can he be so silly?"

Mengxi smiled bitterly: "He doesn't need to do it with his own hands, he can do it by his subordinates. After the fruit is picked by his subordinates, he will curse his subordinates painlessly, so that he can gain prestige and enough income.

Luo Fei opened his eyes, "You are quite clear."

Mengxi closed her hair, "I used to do this often."

"It's enviable." Luo Fei shook his head slightly, rather regrettably.

"What do you envy?" Mengxi asked again.

Luo Fei laughed, "I want to be so cheeky too..."

At this moment, Xihuai’s voice sounded from the bottom of Luo Fei’s heart, “The foreign people and animals in the car have been lost. Next, please choose the person to be absorbed. How about the one with wings, she will sometimes be behind. Speak ill of you."

"Huh? Say bad things about me." For a while, Luo Fei's eyes looked wrong at Mengxi.

Killed, that won't work, somehow I have classmates.

Luo Fei thought for a moment, and then gave an order to Feitu, "Find a calm place and park the car for a while. We need to hunt."

"Yes." Feitu saw that the platform around him was big enough, and when he turned the steering wheel, Lucky Number steadily shifted past.

This platform is in the shape of a willow, with a length of up to 300 meters, of which the widest point is 50 meters, and the Lucky Number is more than enough to stop on it.

After stopping, Luo Fei summoned Tian Ao, Fei Tu, Zang Fang and Xue Yong.

"Because our energy reserves are insufficient, I now give you a task to find nearby strangers and strange beasts, and return to report immediately after finding them."

The four of them looked at each other and looked around at the scenery outside. The place is not big. Four people are needed?

"Okay." In the next second, the four took the walkie-talkie and walked to the four sides of the willow leaf platform.

Although the task is not heavy, it must be careful.

Several people came to the edge of the platform, looked down, and then explored along the edge.

The wind on the gray cliff plank road is sometimes small and strong, it all depends on God's mood.

So when Xue Yong came to the edge of the platform, the soil under his feet suddenly collapsed.

He followed the fall, but he had nothing to do with the wind.

Hearing the movement, Luo Fei and others hurried over to check.

"What's wrong? Xue Yong?" Luo Fei picked up the walkie-talkie, expecting a reply from inside.

In the next instant, there was a sound from the intercom, but it was a woman, slightly hoarse, "Below, he was caught by me. I want to save him, so I drop the rope."

"Huh? Who are you?" Luo Fei and the others were surprised, there are people down there?

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, do you still want to save him?" said the walkie-talkie.

There is no need to choose this kind of choice. Luo Fei asked Feitu and others to get the chain.

The chain was left along the place where Xue Yong fell, and the other end was tied to Lucky.

In the sight of Luo Fei and others, the chain suddenly tightened, and a clattering sound immediately sounded.

"Be prepared for battle, they are coming up."

Luo Fei and the others slowly backed away with their weapons in their hands until they were within the protection range of Lucky's magnetic shield.

Soon, the figure in white armor appeared from one end of the chain.

From the opponent's clothes and the armor pattern on his body, Luo Fei discovered that the opponent was actually from the snow patrol team of Bingju City.

As more people came up, one of the fighters wearing a red sword also jumped up.

In her hand, it was Xue Yong's walkie-talkie.

About 10 people came to the Willow Leaf Platform. They all held weapons and pointed at Luo Fei and the others, but Xue Yong was not among them.

"Luo Fei?!" It was Ying Yuan, the head of the snow patrol team who made the sound.

This was obviously beyond Luo Fei's expectation. Luo Fei was also puzzled: "Where did you take Xue Yong?"

"He fell." Ying Yuan looked like she took it for granted, "Is he a robot, should I save him?"

Luo Fei patted his forehead and was very upset. He didn't expect that the other party could not save Xue Yong. What should I do? He should not be able to save it.

It's useless to think too much, the person in front of you still knows it, and it is unrealistic to want to avenge Xue Yong.

"Speaking of why you are here?" Luo Fei asked Yingyuan to find out the situation, and said to Tian Ao: "Go and ask Mengxi to check it out."

Seeing that they were old acquaintances, Ying Yuan also let people put down their weapons and came to talk, "After you leave, the underground energy in the Bingju Basin has also been exhausted, so Bingju City is gone, and we have to find a way out."

"What?" Suddenly hearing the news, it was a bolt from the blue for Luo Fei, how could he just leave?

"Do you know where they are?" Luo Fei looked at the head of Yingyuan.

I saw Ying Yuan shrugged and didn't care, "They walked too fast, we can't catch up at all. All I can tell you is that they are heading southeast."

"Southeast?" The map was instantly simulated in Luo Fei's mind. The southeast end of the Xiluli Mountains is between the Qiming Prairie and the mountains. There is an endless sea, and above the sea is the largest island nearby. -Flaming Island.

Does Bingju City still want to cross the ocean?

"Are there anyone else in the Bing Moment Basin?" Luo Fei asked again.

I saw Ying Yuan all answering him, "Yes, but they are split again. The troop headed by Wumeng and the superpowers headed by Rui Lao fight each other, and those vulture predators take the opportunity to grow."

"Because it was too messy, so I chose to leave there."

One news was more shocking than one news, and Luo Fei could not speak for a long time.

"Maybe this is a common problem of humans."

Upon hearing Luo Fei's sigh, Ying Yuan snorted and disagrees very much, "I think it is no different from a foreigner, because there is no strong person to suppress it, the result has become like this."

"Yes, the city lord is gone." Luo Fei continued to sigh.

"No, you are gone." Ying Yuan stared at Luo Fei's eyes, "Because you are gone, Rui Lao is no longer honest, always looking for Wu Meng's troubles, both of you come and go, first is a run , Then scolded, and finally developed into a fight."

"But, with your strength, you can also balance them." Luo Fei looked at her suspiciously, and swept around her again, "Are you left with these people?"

"Obviously." Speaking of the manpower, Ying Yuan was not angry. "When it comes to my subordinates, I am very angry with your concubine."

Luo Fei moved his eyes horizontally and muttered, "Why do you all call each other like that?"

"What? She also said that I am a ‘姘头’?" Ying Yuan quickly reacted.

Luo Fei quickly clarified, "No..."

Ying Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, but Luo Fei's words came from behind, "There are two missing'yours'."

Ying Yuan immediately turned her eyes wide, and said, "Looking for a fight."

Without waiting for her to draw the knife, Luo Fei changed the subject lightly, "What did Wu Meng do afterwards?"

Yingyuan drew the sword a few times but couldn't draw it all the time, knowing that Luo Fei was playing tricks.

He gave him a hateful look, and then gave up unhappy, "Later, because Rui Lao always fights guerrillas, Wu Meng's people are killed and injured a lot, so she hit me in the head in order to expand the force."

"When I found out, my subordinates were basically controlled by her, it was really disgusting."

After Ying Yuan's description, Luo Fei could already imagine the scene at that time, one after another troops rushed to the ice wall guards, leaving Ying Yuan with an empty shell.

But the patrol members who rushed to the past were just a pile of cannon fodder, and when faced with an attack by Rui Lao and others, they would only be wiped out instantly.

But when the Snowstorm Mecha troops arrived, it was estimated that they had already left where they were.

Coupled with the absence of the protection of the snow patrol in the basin, Luo Fei can already meet the madness of the vulture plundering group.

Luo Fei was basically predictable about the next thing, "Then when Wu Meng found out that she was not their opponent, did she come to persuade you to join her camp, because you didn't agree, so she left?"