Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 479: Endless

After tidying up the battlefield, besides getting some worn-out weapons, it was the fur of the snowmen, which was the raw material for making warm coats.

This project is a bit big, obviously not something Luo Fei can complete.

Fortunately, Ling Fei controlled a hundred snowmen in the battle, and their help should be quick.

In this battle, Mengxi really killed the most. According to Lucky Radar statistics, Yingyuan killed only 213 snowmen, Luo Fei only had 57, and Tian A and Feitu totaled less than 50.

In addition to the dozens of killed by the Baixue, there are now a total of 700 that need Luo Fei and others to deal with.

Just as the three mechas and the "Bullhorn Demon" were dragging the corpse, a convoy of various modified vehicles approached from a distance.

In order to prevent misunderstandings, people in each car stretched out half of their body and waved a white flag with a pile of used coins painted on the white flag.

This is not a surrender, but a hope for friendly exchanges. It is also a banner commonly used by businessmen in the wild.

One hundred meters away from the ridge, they stopped one after another, and on the leading chariot, a heavily wrapped man waved to Luo Fei, "We are travelers, we have no malice against you, but we just hope to help you clean the battlefield. , If it’s not hurry up, the smell of blood here will attract other strange beasts."

Naturally, you have to pay for helping. Luo Fei knew very well that part of the fur recovered would become their trophy.

But they were right. It was too late and couldn't stay here. The strange beast that smelled of blood might already be on the way when it came.

Luo Fei was about to agree to them, but saw Yale come out of the White Snow and shouted with a loudspeaker:

"Thank you for your kindness, but we can handle it ourselves."

The man who thought he could be sure of his tenacity was slightly stunned, and said: "There are so many here, can you handle it?"

Yaleru continued to shout: "Don't worry, we can handle it..."

The man showed a disappointed look. After all, this is a lot of income.

If you want to be more moisturized in your life outside, you must seize every opportunity to make money.

Just when the man left helplessly, Yaleru shouted again:

"But in the light of the relationship that everyone is a traveler, if you want to help, you can help dispose of a corpse, you have to give us 10 waste coins."

The man took a breath, "Shall we give it to you?"

"Yes, yes." Yaleru said very hard, "we don't force or persecute, we fully respect your wishes..."

This surprised Luo Fei. It would be a pity that this guy didn't become a businessman.

Compared with mercenaries who use tasks in exchange for rewards and merchants who use exchanges for money, these travelers are more like a combination of mercenaries and merchants.

Has a certain combat effectiveness, and can also find business opportunities to make money from the battle.

When it matters, they are more rule-abiding than mercenaries and more honest than businessmen.

"Well, just as you said." The man's tone was rather helpless.

Well, make less money.

Luo Fei couldn't help but gave a thumbs up to Yaleru, and saw that he turned the speaker around again and shouted, "I will divide the money I make for you in half..."

"Hey, worthy of a traveler..." Luo Fei quietly retracted his right hand.

It's too early.

Sure enough, the number of people is strong, and there are more than 100 travelers who came, plus the drag of the chariot, and the cleaning was completed in only half an hour.

While gaining thousands of waste coins, he also lost hundreds of furs.

Afterwards, Lucky and Baixue slid down the **** and joined the traveler convoy to advance towards the col under the mountain.

The terrain in front of the col is excellent, which is very suitable for defense.

Backed by the towering snow mountain peaks, on both sides are rising cliffs, leaving only a passage in front for only one car to enter and exit.

As the convoy came in, sitting in the co-pilot’s room, exclaimed, "What a place to die..."

Yes, once the valley mouth can't be stopped, this is a tomb for these travelers.

But they also have a countermeasure. After all of them came in, they piled up the valley mouth with snow to make the illusion that they could not pass. As long as there are no other accidents, no one can hit the ice wall to play, right?

Although there is also white snow inside, it is unexpectedly warm, and the wind above the head whizzes by, but because of the terrain, it can't blow into the col at all.

So the crowd gathered dozens of cars in a group, and before night fell, a bonfire was raised in the central area.

Now is the time when everyone is familiar with the conversation, as for the transaction, you can wait until tomorrow.

Everyone is a traveler who has gathered from all over the world. At this moment, we need to verify their identities or establish a good relationship.

Luo Fei sat on the snow, followed by Zangfang and Feitu. These two are the masters who love to join in the fun. Behind them are the members of Yingyuan's group. They can also come out for free activities if it is safe.

According to Luo Fei's observation, the number of people in each car is different, with as few as two people and as many as a dozen.

The equipment is also different, some holding old rifles, some wearing heavy armor, holding advanced energy weapons.

As one of the representatives, there is the men's team that had previously called out. They have the most manpower, 15 members, and well-equipped equipment.

The chariot being driven is huge, comparable to a heavy-duty truck. It still uses tracks. The car is hung with a conspicuous howitzer and two heavy machine guns on board.

The crowd faintly led them.

In addition, there was a mini tank that made Luo Fei quite concerned. This car was only the size of a jeep, was elliptical and had high-grade ceramic armor affixed to it, and only two people drove.

These two people can't be underestimated, they are wearing heavy purple armor, which makes them look fat in a circle, and they hold weapons that are not so much guns as cannons.

After inquiring, it was a gravity gun, and the gravity bullet it fired could collapse all objects within ten people around it. It was a type of high-level energy weapon.

Except for a large number of people, a well-equipped, no one else is outstanding, similar to a general mercenary.

"Cheers, for our bright future."

The leader of the team, Shi Ji, raised the iron cup in his hand, and the people around him responded in time, and also raised the dishes in his hand, "Cheers."

Under the shining of the flame, everyone drank it, and after a while, everyone became familiar with it.

"I am Shi Ji from Tianpu City, how do I call it?" When the atmosphere became more and more harmonious, Shi Ji walked over alone and sat beside Luo Fei.

First glanced at Luo Fei's attire, and then suddenly realized:

"You are an officer of Skyland City. If you want to join our travellers, I advise you to put on other less representative clothes."

"After all, some people don't like...mutated people..." Shi Ji was slightly far away from Luo Fei without a trace.

"Thank you for your reminder." Luo Fei knows this too well. Some people always want people with special abilities to disappear because of fear and fear, or jealousy and envy.

"I'm Luo Fei from Tianyu City, you can call me Luo Fei." Actually, Luo Fei doesn't belong to anyone. He is an orphan from the orphanage, but wherever he joins, he is the protector of the forces. It will make him less troublesome.

But now... it seems to be a little far away.

Among the crowd, Luo Fei saw some hostile gazes. When Luo Fei noticed them, their gazes quickly moved away.

Shi Ji also noticed and reminded: "They are from Iron Fragment City. Since they heard that Iron Fragment City was almost destroyed by Tianyu City, they have clamored every day to make the people of Tianyu City pay the price."

Luo Fei showed a surprised expression, "Iron Broken City was destroyed by the City of Robots. Why are you looking for Tianyu City?"

"Oh? Can you tell me something?" Shi Ji showed a look of interest.

Luo Fei then gave a rough account of the last Three Cities War.

Shi Ji exclaimed again and again.

At this moment, the warrior wearing purple heavy armor also came over, sitting on the ground a head taller than Luo Fei and Shi Ji.

The round helmet on his head opened automatically, revealing a stubble face.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to the two of them, "Hello, I am Bo Dian from the Great Ditch."

"Dahaigou?" Luo Fei just revealed his doubts, and Yalelu on the side explained to Luo Fei:

"It's a submarine. They are moving in the sea south of the Qiming Prairie."

A submarine? Gee, it must be wonderful underwater.

After a short greeting, Luo Fei asked his own question, "I want to find Bingju City, do you know where they are now?"

Bo Dian thought for a moment and said:

"On the way here, I saw a huge robot. I heard that it is Bingju City, right?"

Luo Fei's eyes lit up and he nodded affirmatively, "It's it, do you know where it is now?"

Bo Dian was silent suddenly, did not answer, but stood up, "I'm a little tired, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Seeing his departure, Shi Ji didn't seem to be in the mood to chat, and left Luo Fei's side.

Yalelu on the side hooked his head and whispered in Luo Fei's ear, "He wants to have an advantage in tomorrow's transaction, because you want him, so the price will continue to suppress you."

Luo Fei looked puzzled, "Then can't I just buy his news?"

Yalelu hurriedly covered Luo Fei's mouth, and he was relieved to see that other people hadn't heard it.

"Shhh, there is an unwritten rule among travelers that all information except transactions must be free at the party."

Before Luo Fei asked, Yalelu explained to Luo Fei:

"Because we travellers are on the verge of death almost every day, selling news at a high price is not only disgusting, but travelers who don't get the news may die tomorrow where they don't get the information."

"Because this is not good for all our travelers, so there is this unwritten rule."

"But..." Yalelu shrugged, "Dang, after all, there are countermeasures, such as the one from the Great Ditch."

"But..." Yale complained for him as soon as he said that he was not. However, the weak can make reasonable demands."

"Everything is to survive together." Luo Fei knew that the danger level of the travelers was even greater than that of the mercenaries, so that in such an environment, although they were all strange individuals, they were more united.

"Yes, yes, that's what it means." Yaleru nodded vigorously, "All for freedom."

Um? Um? Um? ……free? Not to survive? Luo Fei glanced at him suspiciously.

As night fell, everyone gradually dispersed, and after a tiring day, it was time for a good rest.

Luo Fei and the others returned to the Lucky Number, and were also ready to sleep.


The small attic door suddenly made a noise. Luo Fei, who had just lay down, waved his hand and opened the door, "Come in."

However, there was a gust of wind blowing outside, and no one appeared.

"Huh? Nobody?"

Just when Luo Fei was about to ask Xi Huai who was playing a prank, on his wall, a figure was sneaking out of the shadows.

With eyes facing each other, the visitor asked in surprise, "Why didn't you open the door?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly realized that the door was open. The visitor was a little embarrassed. Only then did he remember that Luo Fei could remotely control the metal door.

"Mengxi?!" Luo Fei raised his head, "It's so late, why are you looking for me?"

Mengxi smiled sweetly, "I'm free, I'm looking for you to sleep."


Luo Fei coughed violently, and the other party's language was like a needle stick, which almost made Luo Fei breathless.

Seeing Luo Fei's embarrassment, Mengxi covered her mouth and chuckled, and slowly fell onto Luo Fei's bed. Luo Fei sat up to make room for the other party.

"Let's talk about the purpose of your coming." Luo Fei waved his hand, and the door that was opened closed again.

Mengxi glanced at the teleporter on the bedside, which was wrapped in a light blue magnetic cover, and said bluntly:

"Why don't you use it, as long as you use it, we will be able to reach the city of Bingju City very quickly."

Luo Fei sighed, "It's not easy. First of all, I need the coordinates of Bingju City, and secondly, I need a lot of silica to start it."

"Can't photovoltaic fusion energy pillars?" Mengxi suddenly interrupted Luo Fei's statement.

Yes, not only a large amount of silica can provide energy, but also photovoltaic fusion energy pillars can be used, and it can also be used multiple times.

"Lucky also needs energy pillars to provide energy, especially now that we have a laser array."

Luo Fei was about to explain, Mengxi's voice came faintly, "But you have two..."

Well? who said it? Don’t you know that such an important matter is kept secret? Forget it, it seems I don't know who said it, there are no secrets between women.

Luo Fei rolled his eyes, "Well, we can open it, but we don't know the coordinates."

"Here." At this moment, Mengxi took out a fist-sized black mechanical ball from her clothes.

"What is this?" Luo Fei looked carefully, and there were faint traces of assembly on it.

"Positioning teleporter." Mengxi explained while playing with the metal ball in his hand:

"I asked Huimeng to make it. As long as it is placed in Bingju City, we can transmit it directly."

"Emeng knows this technology?" Luo Fei has a bunch of question marks in his head. He is very clear about the growth direction of Eimeng's technology. At present, he only has the ability to make firearms, make mecha shells, and transplant tank weapons.

"Ah, this..." Mengxi's eyes floated wildly, and his voice gradually became quieter, "This is the high-end technology I stole from the Ammonite."

"Steal..." Luo Fei didn't know what to say anymore, and reached out to take the metal ball in the opponent's hand, then thrown it back, a whirlpool immediately appeared, swallowing the metal ball.

Mengxi instantly narrowed his eyes and became vigilant, "Do you have new abilities again?"

"Well, it's newly developed." Luo Fei nodded absently.

It seems that Mengxi's strategy for Bingju City is extremely concerned, or that it has reached the point where he can't wait.

This also means that Luo Fei has to give half of the credit, so he doesn't want to grin...


Suddenly there was another knock on the door, Luo Fei was surprised, who was it?

Mengxi stretched out a finger to block her **** lips, and slowly sneaked towards the ceiling.

"Please come in." Seeing her completely disappeared, Luo Fei said to the door.

The door opened, and a glove with white steel came into view first.

The moment he saw it, Luo Fei already knew the person was coming, "Ying Yuan, something?"

The door finally opened, wearing white armor, wearing a triangular helmet, and holding a metal rod in his right hand.

Why is this armor so familiar?

Oh, yes, the Guardian IV power armor.

"Hi... Si Qing, why are you here?" Luo Fei blinked.

The air valve of the helmet opened, revealing an angry little face, "Luo Fei, you hate it, but you can't recognize me. I just want you to see the power armor I made, and you, woo..."

Then he turned and ran away.

"Drawing a dream?" Luo Fei looked dumbfounded, wearing a faceless armor, it was strange to recognize you.

However, the other party was sad and needed comfort. Luo Fei was about to get up to chase, when suddenly the same silver-white metal gloves fell on the door frame.

Luo Fei thought that Eimeng had returned, so he lay down again, "It seems that you know you misunderstood me, Eimeng..."

Huh, the figure walked in at this moment, his face looked like frost, the sword was also pulled out from behind, and the blade flashed with cold light, "I saw you bullying Huimeng, are you ready to accept punishment?"

"Wait..." Luo Fei hurriedly stopped her, "You should believe in my character, I am not that kind of person..."

However, Ying Yuan had completely pulled out the sword and strode towards the bed.

Da Ma Jindao sat next to Luo Fei, stunned Taishou on the ground, bluntly said:

"I heard that you have a ghost king sword that also looks like a sword. As long as you give it to me, I will believe in your character."

"Hiss..." Luo Fei took a breath, gave it, and lost a super psionic weapon. If he didn't give it, it would be a character problem.

The point is, who said it, and talk about it all.

"The side effects of the Ghost King Sword are very big...Listen to me..." Luo Fei still wanted to work harder.

As a result, Ying Yuan looked at him with an irrefutable tone, "I know its side effects, but it's just some annoying voices, give it to me...otherwise..."

She shook her hand Taidao, "I will convene a general meeting to judge your sins..."

"Here..." A crack suddenly appeared on the steel ground, and the black Tachi rose from the ground, Luo Fei hesitantly grabbed the Ghost King's sword and placed it in Ying Yuan's hand.

"Here you are, my character..." Luo Fei looked straight into her eyes, very firm.

One is bleeding, and the other is social death. There is no choice at all to satisfy her.

Ying Yuan was overjoyed, smiling with satisfaction, "Very good, although your character is not good, but I will not talk nonsense."

Yes, my character hasn't gotten rid of the chaos yet anyway.

The door closed again, Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and finally left, lying on the bed just about to catch up, suddenly, the door was knocked again.

It's endless...