Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 52: Ongoing

One eye was trembling because of the injury, but the other eye clearly saw the flying double-headed sword, and it also moved with its flight trajectory.

"Medium, must be..." Simon, who jumped from the stone frog after sending the sword, couldn't help but grabbed at this scene.

At this moment, the stone frog's mouth was slightly opened, and a scarlet tongue shot out like lightning. Under Simon's horrified eyes, the two directly collided.

"It's over, the attack failed." Simon murmured. He didn't think that a temporarily shaped metal sword could cut through the tongue that ignored the explosion of frozen energy.

The sound of tearing, cutting meat suddenly sounded, green blood swayed from the air, and a dazzling red circle lit up on the rotating giant double-headed sword, like a scalpel roasted by flames cutting a rotten wound. A tongue with super mucus instantly splits in half from the middle.

Eventually the long sword is embedded in its tongue.

The burnt smell filled the air, and a strong whine sounded from the stone frog's mouth. This time it was louder, stronger, and more sad.

"Qua..." The powerful sound wave spread in all directions.

"Ah..." Simon opened his eyes wide, his eyeballs almost taken out of his own eye sockets, he shouted frantically, but blood still spurted out of his ears.

The magnetic cover of the heavy truck was increased to the extreme, but under the sound waves, it was bright and dark. Luo Fei quickly commanded Xi Huai to drive back. This time he really angered the stone frog.

After changing the state of eating leisurely, the stone frog that was furious because of the injury jumped up fiercely. The stone shell on its back smashed the skylight board, countless white lamps broke, and a large number of wires and soil fell together.

The space in the base is not large at all. Only three stone frogs can move forward side by side. Luo Fei can only drive a truck to the residential area behind. The stone frog behind him slaps his tongue with a double-headed sword, just a few steps away. Came behind the truck.

"Too, too fast..." Iron Nugget exclaimed, "Boss, I will never be your little brother again in the next life. It's too bad..."

Luo Fei glanced at him with a wry smile, with an expression that was arbitrary.

"Xihuai, can you fly?" In an emergency, Luo Fei thought that Xihuai's magnetic force could affect gravity, even the gravity of a planet.

"Of course." Xi Huai screamed, because behind it, the stone frog opened its mouth and took a bite.

Amidst the screams of everyone, Xihuai immediately changed the gravitational force between herself and gravity, and rushed into the air in the opposite direction. Of course, it had no time to think and directly extracted Luo Fei's vitality.

The stone frog immediately rushed into the air, gnawed a mouthful of dirt, and slid dozens of meters on the ground, crushing dozens of metal houses.

Luo Fei immediately felt dizzy and wanted to curse a few swear words, but obviously it was very inappropriate at this time.

The entire truck was floating up and down at a position 20 meters in the air. When everyone was constantly bumping and rolling, Luo Fei increased his horsepower again and quickly rushed forward.

At this moment, the stone frog underneath wailed again. It got up with tears, and held its tongue with its paws. The wound on it was bigger and the blood shed more. Simply, the double-headed sword was rubbed off by the ground. Just let it stretch its tongue back smoothly.

Green blood filled its mouth, and when he saw the truck flying in the sky, he suddenly became out of breath, his legs jumped up vigorously, but the base height was not much, its head directly smashed into the ceiling. In the upper rock formations.

Finally had a chance to breathe, Luo Fei hurriedly controlled the truck to fly to the ground, and said to the iron block and others: "Hurry up and catch the snake man, the more the more the more."

Everyone suddenly felt aroused. At this time, they knew very well that Luo Fei would make the creatures age when he wanted to make a big move. If there were no snake people, then the final choice could be imagined.

"No wonder, I'm getting older recently, that's how it is..." The iron murmured and rushed out of the truck that landed, shouting loudly, "If anyone dares not work hard today, don't blame me for letting someone experience the retirement age earlier."

Everyone shouted and rushed out.

In area D-17 of the factory, Sergeant Kuiliang, who survived the crash of the helicopter, walked into the factory area and went to the top-secret workshop with the help of the logistics quartermaster Kuoguang.

Everywhere in the vicinity is the sound of babbling and spinning machinery. Pieces of parts are forged, either as daily necessities, or as weapons and equipment.

Passing through the metal gates, Kui Liang followed Kuoguang to the deepest part of the factory, moving in front of the gates one by one.

"This is it, but we dare not enter. There is an automatic alarm device. There was a naughty worker who accidentally broke into this place. When we found him the next day, he was already beaten into a sieve."

Kuoguang stood outside the gate in fear, and the gate opened automatically. Inside was a long corridor, about ten meters wide and 100 meters long. The ground and walls were very smooth, glowing with light blue brilliance.

Seeing that Sergeant Kui Liang was about to enter, Kuo Guang quickly reminded him.

"We will only come here when we get an order. We leave the parts at the door. The next day, the parts disappeared. I think there must be people inside."

"Someone, there is a mechanism?" Sergeant Kui Liang nodded and went directly to Huang Hu and asked him to turn it off.

"Master Huang Hu, please turn off the mechanism here and let the people inside come out." Kui Liang immediately contacted Huang Hu.

"Huh?" The little head's eyes on the black watch drifted, "The mechanics there are controlled by the repairman inside, and they only open the door at the specified time."

"You can't order them?" Kui Liang was a little puzzled, there are people who are not controlled by Huang Hu.

"No." Huang Hu sighed, "In order to control them, I ruined their ears and shocked them every day, making them live in fear, and in order to prevent others from pretending to be me and giving them orders, I simply refused to give them. Any of their communication facilities to communicate with the outside world."

"Only at a certain time, they will close the agency and come out, and then I will be ready for everything."

Hearing this, Sergeant Kui Liang gritted his teeth and said to the small head on the black watch: "Does anyone say you are a bastard."

"I have often heard it recently." Huang Hu took out his ears and looked indifferent. "After all, it is a powerful weapon. You need to be careful not to let your supernaturalists discover it."

"Humph." With a cold snort, Kui Liang directly turned off the communication on the black watch. He was afraid that he couldn't help but directly find Huang Hu and punch a few punches.

"There is no way, I can only come hard."

Kui Liang's right hand took out a grenade from his waist, and his left hand was on his chest. A badge-shaped shield with a height of two meters and a width of 1.5 meters suddenly appeared.

"Fearless charge."

He took a violent step forward, and instantly flew like a sharp arrow.

In the metal corridor, the alarm bell was made, and the red light flashed one after another, and then two base machine guns rose on the ground, and the four light chains were thrown towards Kui Liang.

The light shield was beaten up and down, but Kui Liang was still pushed to the front of several machine guns and threw out two grenades in a row to blow up the base machine guns.

The footsteps kept running, and the plates were continuously reversed on the metal wall. Several grenades were shot out. After a burst of fire, Kui Liang's clothes shattered.

Three muzzles appeared on the top of his head, three jets of flames, and Kui Liang's hair and eyebrows finally disappeared.

After passing through many levels, finally standing in front of the metal gate and inputting the password, all the organs disappeared in the metal trembling sound, and the gate in front of him slowly opened.

Kui Liang breathed a sigh of relief and stood in front of the door. As the door opened, a group of rickety old men in dirty clothes appeared in his field of vision. What each of them had in common was that they had a probe in their eyes. Micro mirror.

Looking down, a modified electric drill gun was pointed forward by them, and Kui Liang stepped back quickly in shock.


Residential area.

Montai and Lucy's motorcade opened fire to disperse the snake man and the giant stone crab, while driving into the team of Huang Zhu, between the rows of metal houses.

When the two sides converged, Huang Zhu came up in surprise, "Oh, you can count it. I have sent most of the residents to the second floor to take refuge, but there are still a small number of residents trapped here, and the rest will be handed over. You guys."

Huang Zhu didn't know anything about commanding soldiers to fight, so he didn't hesitate to hand over the command to Mengtai.

Muntai stepped out of the armored car and immediately ordered, "Five people in a group, destroy the invading snake men, and encounter giant stone crabs and large-scale snake men to call the armored car."

After giving a simple order, he happened to see Lucy getting off the armored car. He thought slightly and stepped forward:

"Your Electronics Foundation wants our Quyagu base to surrender to you, so you have to do something that convinces us. Why don't you stop the stone frog from advancing now until we get the tank out?"

To stop the stone frog must be ten deaths and ten deaths, Lucy rolled his eyes directly, "Such a severe task is left to you. As for the tank, we should drive it. After all, I have experience."

"By the way, where is the tank?"

Lucy turned to look at Huang Zhu, but the latter looked blank, "What tank? Do we have this stuff?"

The other party's answer gave Lucy a bad premonition, and at this moment Montai grabbed her with a paw and took her throat straight.

Not good... Lucy was shocked, and immediately separated two figures, one on the left and the other on the right.

Mengtai frowned and waved his right fist at one of the figures. A gasified tiger rushed out of her, and he rushed to the other figure.

"Where to go, obediently become my captive."

For Mengtai, the Electronic Foundation is always an enemy. It is unbelievable. As long as you grab the opponent's commander and let them all go up, it can stop the stone frogs and weaken their strength.

His thoughts were good, but suddenly there was a sudden noise from behind, and he turned around quickly, not knowing when Lucy was already standing behind him, and pointed at him with two nail guns.

There was a sharp pain from behind. Mengtai's expression was painful. Huang Zhu looked worriedly. There were dozens of steel needles stuck in the green vest, and blood flowed from the tail of the steel needles like a fountain. It was the modified steel. Needle.

"This blood is bleeding too fast, I'll pull it out for you." Anxious Huang Zhu held a steel needle in one hand and pulled it hard.

"Huh, ah..."

Mengtai snorted in pain, and then couldn't help yelling again, "I must kill you."