Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 53: The first time for the Rhino Tank

When he pulled it out, Huang Zhu was dumbfounded. There was an undercut on the finger-long steel nail, and Muntai's muscle tissue was still hanging on it.

Reaching out, the gasification tiger in the distance quickly returned and appeared on Mengtai's body.

"I just wanted to kidnap you, but you don't know what is good or what is wrong. The person who took you with you will not be over."

The red tiger stretched out on his body, like armor, protecting every inch of his skin.

At this time Lucy covered her mouth and chuckled, "We are risking to save you this time, but you are so uncomfortable. I said it earlier, I can wait until you are all dead, and it will save trouble."

"Enough, what are you doing? Now is the time for life and death."

Huang Zhu on the side said with a cold face, "If anyone is messing around, brothers, for your wives and children, as well as all the residents behind you, kill him. No matter who it is, Master Huang Hu is going to stop him. Don’t be merciful, remember that you are fighting for yourself, not someone."

The eyes of the surrounding base soldiers turned red instantly. They were very aware of the current crisis, and all raised their weapons to aim at Montai. As long as he dared to do it, they would pull the trigger.

Mengtai stared coldly, scanning left and right, but no one felt ashamed, but angrily.

"Please stay outside and fight the alien beasts together..."

The surrounding soldiers yelled three times, shaking the audience, and the Electronic Foundation personnel on the other side also aimed their weapons at Muntai.

Mengtai was riding a tiger and ran away to the factory area. Before leaving, he stared at Huang Zhu bitterly, "Let's see."

Huang Zhu closed his eyes, opened them after a second, and his eyes were filled with determination, "Brothers, Master Huang Hu has not appeared yet. I wanted to abandon us. Now the people of the Electronic Foundation come to help us. If we survive by luck. , Then we will join the Electronic Foundation."

Everyone looked at each other and hesitated, but Huang Zhu had made up his mind. He ignored some objections and directly ordered, "Hurry up and set up positions to solve the trapped residents."

When all the people around left, Lucy walked to Huang Zhu's side and said with a smile: "It seems that most of you are still a little reluctant. Will you persecute them like this?"

The momentum just disappeared instantly, and Huang Zhu smiled bitterly, "It's not a question of reluctance, but there is no more room for choice."

The gate of the base has been destroyed, and the Electronic Foundation has found them. They ended up with two of them, being eaten by a stone frog, or destroyed by the Electronic Foundation.

Mengtai picked up a motorcycle on the road and galloped to the factory D-17 area. As soon as he reached the door of the secret room, he saw Sergeant Kui Liang beheading dozens of old men in ragged clothes.

"You came?"

Kui Liang just glanced back, and then his gaze fell on the tank in the secret room.

Metallic blue is its only color. The ten-meter-long crawler track is left and right, and the middle is the oval cockpit and ammunition compartment, but the whole is only about half of the crawler track. The shape is a bit strange, and the last is a long one. The long barrel extends obliquely into the air, and the length is also close to ten meters.

"This tank is too strange, where did it come from?"

Kui Liang muttered, and as soon as he stepped on the track, a figure rushed to the cockpit door of the tank.

He looked up and saw that it was Mengtai, who was grinning, "I will control this guy. As long as it is there, there will be no stone frogs or electronic foundations."

As soon as his figure flashed, Mengtai disappeared into the tank, there was a violent roar, black smoke rose, and the tank passed through the metal passage in a few short periods of time.

Kui Liang quickly stepped away, looking at the back of the tank leaving, frowning and muttering:

"Why is there such a loud roar, and what is the black smoke behind it, is it gasoline, not photovoltaic fusion energy?"

At this time, Kuoguang ran in and looked at the corpses in one place, "Huh? They are all prisoners with the worst sickness. They were all sent here."

"Huh? Prisoner?" Kui Liang's expression eased slightly.

With a smile on his face, Kui Liang strode out of the metal passage.

In the residential area, the situation became more and more stable. A large number of snake men were killed by the squad, the giant stone crab was bombarded with various rockets, and more residents were rescued.

A slender figure stood on the railing in the tall residents upstairs, and Lucy looked at the huge figure occupying the field of vision.

"Eh? It's down? Something is in trouble."

The stone frog whose head hit the upper rock was pulled by its claws, finally loosening the rock, and the claws fell down with force.

Bang, the earth shook, and everyone looked over in horror. The stone frog was lying on the ground, his mouth opened wide, and a roar full of anger resounded through the audience again.

Those snake men and giant stone crabs all panicked and rushed forward frantically, mingling with the base personnel, causing huge chaos.

"Hold up, hold up all, our family is behind, we must not let them go one step further." Facing this situation, Huang Zhu shouted anxiously and firmly.

A large number of soldiers immediately rushed forward without ordering. The bullets were shot with bayonets, and if the bayonets didn't work, they would be wiped out with their hands.

For a time, it was extremely tragic.

When Iron Nugget and others saw that the situation was not good, they hurried back to the truck with the scarred prisoner of the snake man.

"Boss, drive quickly."

Luo Fei, who was staring at the stone frog, hurriedly manipulated the truck to make a giant turn, and at the same time stretched his right hand out of the car window to face the double-headed sword hook on the ground.


The twenty-meter-long double-headed sword trembled slightly and flew towards the heavy truck immediately.


At this time, the stone frog croaked, and when he saw the familiar truck, its eyes instantly turned red, pulled by its four claws, and walked quickly.

A few steps rushed behind Luo Fei, and a big mouth was bitten down.

"Boss, be careful." The iron observing through the skylight almost broke his throat.

Luo Fei repeated the same trick again and let the truck fly into the air. At this time, the stone frog moved faster, and the two halves of the tongue suddenly flew out, wrapped around the magnetic cover of the truck, and wrapped the spherical shape tightly.

The stone frog with powerful recovery ability allows it to recover from its wounds only after a short period of time. At this time, its tongue no longer bleeds and still has a strong stickiness.

"I..." Luo Fei's head was clouded, and he didn't lick it anymore, it would be tongue-tangling.

"I... rely on..." Xi Huai also confided, not playing cards according to the routine.

"Boss, help..." Iron Nugget let out a desperate cry.

With a swish, a heavy truck more than 20 meters long was dragged into the huge mouth of the stone frog and pressed tightly against his lips.

Smash it... the big mouth of the stone frog merged in a second.

The light blue magnetic cover also deformed, and the energy in it dropped at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Xi Huai, absorb the life span of the snake-man, and can live a few seconds is a few seconds." Luo Fei put one hand on his cheek and started thinking about life.

For him, the chance of being able to escape from the stone frog's mouth is almost slim.

"Luo, if there is an afterlife, I must break off friendship with you, no, I will never know you again."

In his mind, Xihuai's annoyed voice scratched Luo Fei's brain cortex like glass, making his whole body numb.

"I know, I know."

With a sigh, Luo Fei turned around, and the Iron Nugget and the others shot at the big mouth of the stone frog under the example of the dreamer.

Although her face was full of tears, she still encouraged everyone while loading the saw blade, "Everyone, as long as we work hard, there will be good results, and we will definitely go out."

"How to get out, we are in its mouth, and it's about to die." Even the tall and mighty iron block couldn't help but shed tears, holding a Gauss rifle and shooting aimlessly at the outside.

"Definitely, as long as you have a dream, you will be able to succeed." At this time, the delicate painted dream showed a different kind of stubbornness.

The crowd shot like crazy, this may be the last time they lived in this world.

At the moment when they were struggling, a strange tank rushed in the residential area, and its arrival aroused everyone's cheers.

Tanks are the backbone of the city. Many people have seen their power, but there are more people who don’t recognize their power.

According to legend, they can beat the sky, the ground, and destroy the sky. They charge in the most dangerous places to expand resources for the city and eliminate the invading enemies.

Now, they finally saw a living tank.

Sitting in the cockpit, Mengtai was enjoying the cheers of the crowd. At this moment, he felt as if he had mastered the entire base. He stood up from the cockpit with a little excitement, waving to the people on both sides like a leader.

"Don't worry, I will eliminate the stone frog, defeat the Electronic Foundation, and lead you to a good life."

His words made Huang Zhu's face suddenly blue. He gritted his teeth and said to himself: "Just a tank is so arrogant. Isn't it true that there is no Electronic Foundation?"

Lucy upstairs from the resident showed a playful look, "A tank with black smoke, wouldn't it be an assembly... Tsk tsk... If yes, it will be fun..."

Satisfied with his vanity, Montai drove the tank to the avenue between the residential buildings, and there was no visual barrier to obstruct the view from the stone frog thousands of meters away.

He got into the cab, confidently holding the joystick in both hands, densely packed with buttons.

The sight in front of me was the picture reflected by the detection device, and the sight on it quickly moved to the stone frog, "Yeah, Luo Fei's truck was bitten into his mouth, and it can be strong for so long. It is not easy."

"I didn't want to save you, but now is the best time to shoot. It's cheaper for you."

At this time, the stone frog was motionless, which was the best target. Mengtai finally set the sight on the stone frog's forehead.

"It's your mistake to come here, let me, the future lord, punish you now, rest assured, I will erect a monument for you in the future, right under my feet, hehe..."

Mengtai, who was talking to himself, couldn't help flying with joy, and lightly tapped his right finger on the shooting button.


In the expectation of everyone, there were two loud noises in the rhino tank, brilliant fires appeared on the tall barrel, and a shell flew out of the barrel in the blink of an eye, and only two seconds later hit the stone frog's forehead. .

But at this time, no one cared about the condition of the stone frogs, but looked at the rhino tank. Their faces were full of surprise, despair, confusion, and absurd smirks.

The entire rhino tank exploded on the spot, and all the parts flew into the sky.