Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 555: Good things come first

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When he walked out of the pavilion, Yun Xiao couldn't help but see a piece of cold sweat on his forehead, but he was really nervous.

"It's dangerous, this elder Jade has noticed me? Fortunately, I have improved my mental strength this time. Otherwise, it is really uncertain whether I will be exposed this time."

Taking a deep breath, he still felt a sense of fear at this moment. In his heart, he never wanted to come here for the third time. As long as he didn't come here, he would be fine even if he went up and down the fire.

"It turns out that Senior Sister mentioned me to this elder Jade, and it seems that she helped me brag a lot?!" Recalling the conversation between Shicai and Elder Jade, he knew that An Xin definitely helped him say a lot of good things. , It's just that what the other party thinks is good, for him there is really no way to regard it as good.

He didn’t want to let the seniors of the True Wu Sanctuary pay too much attention to himself. In his opinion, if he joins the True Wu Sanctuary now, he will gradually gain access to the training resources provided by the Sanctuary. As long as he is cautious, then Can unconsciously use the resources of the sanctuary to grow.

On the contrary, if it was noticed by the senior management of the Holy Court at this time, it would be difficult to control it as a result.

There are too many special features for him. If he is only a single attribute Wuxing Wu, then he can directly reveal his aptitude, and he will naturally be vigorously cultivated by the strong in the sanctuary.

However, he is not such a wu person, but a special existence with five five element powers and spiritual power in the body. If these conditions are discovered by the real wu sanctuary, he believes that he will definitely not fall well. NS.

"No matter what, this time the difficulties have finally come over again, and I don’t know what kind of opportunity the next holy courtyard will prepare for me to help me break through the shackles of the second stage of the Yuan Dan realm and advance to the third stage of the Yuan Dan realm. realm!"

Of course, he didn’t need to think too much about things that had passed. At this moment, he was a little looking forward to what the Real Wu Sanctuary would prepare for them next. What is certain is that the Sanctuary recruited them, so he would definitely do it. Try every means to train them, at least not to let them lack cultivation resources.

With such longing, he casually found a place to stand still, quietly waiting for others to appear.

After a short time, Li Zhong's figure came out of it, but Li Zhong's expression rarely changed, and there was no abnormality at this moment.

Afterwards, Huang Xing's figure went out, but, unlike Li Zhong, his complexion at this moment was so wonderful, as soon as he appeared, he couldn't wait to rush to Yunxiao.

"What's the situation? Junior Brother Yunxiao, what is the situation? How could Junior Sister An Xin stand behind Elder Yu? And it seems so casual?"

When approaching Yunxiao, Huang Xing asked curiously while rubbing his hands. After he had just entered, he saw An Xin standing behind Elder Jade, and she kept smiling at him, but in front of Elder Jade, he didn't dare to say a word at all, so he could only run out to ask Yun Xiao. .

"Senior Sister An Xin had better luck, and just caught up with Elder Jade who wanted to accept a disciple. No, she became Elder Jade's disciple naturally."

Seeing Huang Xing's curious appearance, Yun Xiao couldn't help shook his head, with a genuine smile on his face.

An Xin became a disciple of Elder Jade, and sooner or later this matter would spread, and judging from Elder Jade’s performance, they did not mean to hide it.

"What? Elder Jade's disciple?"

After hearing Yunxiao's explanation, Huang Xing bounced off the ground, but he couldn't believe his ears at all.

Not to mention him, even Li Zhong's expression on the side changed, and he was obviously taken aback.

"How is this possible? How could Elder Jade accept Junior Sister An as a disciple?" His expression changed, and it was really difficult for him to accept such a fact for a while.

It wasn't that he was jealous of An Xin, but in his heart, An Xin's aptitude and strength might not have reached Elder Jade's acceptance criteria.

"Nothing is impossible. Elder Yu is a woman, and Sister An is also a woman. If Elder Yu wants to accept disciples, he will naturally choose from among women. I feel that the personalities of Senior Sister An and Elder Yu can complement each other. Choose her as a disciple. It was the result of Elder Jade’s deliberation."

Shaking his head, Yun Xiao didn't say anything about An Xin's awakening of the power of the five elements. Instead, he made up an excuse, but it was not unreasonable.

"This...this is also okay?!" His eyes changed, and Huang Xing couldn't think of a better reason, so he had to choose to believe Yunxiao's guess.

"Ha, Junior Sister An Xin has become a disciple of Elder Yu. In this way, we people will have great backers in the future!!" After a brief astonishment, Huang Xing's eyebrows were slightly raised, but they became Very excited.

What is the most important this year? Of course it's the interpersonal relationship! Right now they have climbed onto the high branch of Elder Jade, and will be the zhong in the real wu holy courtyard in the future. Isn’t that much more convenient?

"This...I'm afraid Senior Brother Huang has thought about it too much. With Elder Yu's character, it's unlikely that we want to get her light."

Pulling the corner of his mouth, Yun Xiao couldn't compliment Huang Xing's optimism. After all, Elder Jade was really different from the other powerhouses.

"No matter how likely it is, it's definitely better than nothing..." He waved his hand, Huang Xing looked very open, and for a while, his mood was all right. If it’s less, it’s almost a matter of preaching it everywhere, and seeing this, Yun Xiao doesn’t say much anymore...


After a while, the door of the pavilion rang again, and after talking, another young man walked out of it.

"En? Brother Long?"

Seeing this young man walking out, Yun Xiao couldn't help being stunned, but he didn't expect that Long Xuan would come out. If he remembered correctly, the order he arranged seemed to be behind Longxuan Palace and Han Wanshuang in front of Longxuan, but Han Wanshuang was not seen at this moment, but he saw Longxuan!

"Senior Brother Long, where's Miss Night Frost? Did she go behind you?"

Meeting Long Xuan in a few steps, Yun Xiao couldn't help frowning and asked slightly in surprise.

"This.........Miss Wan Frost and Junior Sister An were all left in by Elder Jade, I don't know what happened..."

Hearing Yun Xiao's question, Long Xuan's brows wrinkled into a word "Chuan", and he scratched his head. After he entered the pavilion before, he saw An Xin and Han Wanshuang standing behind Elder Jade. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with them, but they all smiled faintly, as if they had encountered something happy.


Hearing this, Yun Xiao's expression also froze on his face all of a sudden, and he was speechless for a long while.