Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 57: Clever kidnapping

He knew very well in his heart that the other party was really moving, and if he continued to struggle, then the other party might really open fire on them.

Seeing that there has been no movement for a long time, Huang Zhu couldn't help but come over and ask, "What's wrong, still can't? Why don't we think of a way, isn't it just money? Let's go first, then slowly earn money, and then send them one by one. "

"You can only use this method." The mad wolf nodded helplessly.

At this moment, the city guard seemed to be ordered, and a large group of soldiers sprang out and shouted at the queued personnel:

"Go away, go away, our convoy is back."

The crowd in the line was forced to separate, and then looked into the distance. A convoy of 20 tanks galloped from a distance. They were large or small, with different colors and styles, and drove on in the envy of everyone. The ramp board, drive past the city gate, and enter the city.

"This is the real tank." Huang Zhu also looked at them with envy, and then at Luo Fei's heavy truck. He shook his head slightly. They all fired, but the gap was too big.

He was about to discuss with Luo Fei about the matter of stationing outside, and then there was another cry of exclamation in the distance.

"Ah, it's a tail snake, save me..."

"Run away..."

The originally well-ordered team dispersed immediately, and all kinds of people rushed to the distance desperately. Among the crowd, a snake head the size of a house emerged from the ground and swallowed three adult men into the mouth.

While the people in the distance were still rejoicing, another small snake's head emerged from the ground and swallowed several people into their stomachs in one bite.

"Close the door to prevent no tail snakes from coming in." The city guards quickly ran back into the city gate, and the gates on both sides began to merge slowly.

Some people took advantage of the chaos to climb up the ramp and wanted to force their way into the city, but as the city guards fired, they burst into blood and fell down.

After tight for five seconds, the entire city gate was closed, leaving no gap.

Everyone is desperate. The city seems to have no intention of caring about them. They can only fight for life and death.

They were crying and running, trying to avoid the attack of the tail snake, but this snake was very large, reaching hundreds of meters or so, and it could catch up with a high-speed car in one walk.

But people who can live outside are not helpless people, they immediately responded, guns, mechanical dogs, etc. all stepped forward to stop them.

"Quickly, let Luo Fei kill it, otherwise our people will be scattered."

Huang Zhu called a base soldier and asked him to inform Luo Fei, but he saw the roar of the gun barrel on the truck in the distance, and a shell passed through the golden aperture and landed on the head of the snake.

Boom, the head of the Koala fell to the ground, and its scales flew, exposing the green flesh and blood inside.

Suffering heavy damage, the angry koala raised his head and screamed in Luo Fei's direction. At this time, another shell landed on the opponent's head, pressing its voice into the throat.

At this time, its bones were exposed, and then in the next shell, the bones finally shattered, and the flesh and blood inside also melted in the flames.

Everyone looked at it in disbelief, the unbelievable tailless snake finally fell on the wasteland, motionless, blood constantly flowing from its body.

"The tail snake is dead. The pioneer helped us."

The crowd cheered, and quickly found Luo Fei and surrounded him.

At this time, above the city gate, black squares resembled opened drawers, extending outwards, one by one pedestal turrets appeared and aimed at the bottom.

They originally wanted to eliminate the raging snake, but found that the snake had been killed. They looked at each other and had to report upward.

After a while, the gate of the city opened, and a group of black cloaks walked out of the gate. They were wearing black leather jackets, leather pants and leather boots, and wearing a military hat with a badge with a sword painted on them.

They are very different from normal human beings, that is, their faces are sharply angular and shiny with metal. They are not human faces at all, but mechanical faces made of machinery.

They are not so much human beings as walking robots.

With just a glance, they found the focus of the crowd, separated the crowd aggressively and came to the heavy truck.

"I'm Huiyu, the captain of the law enforcement team. Were you firing the cannon just now?" The first soldier in black leather came to the cab and asked through the window. The voice was full of metallic synthetic sounds.

Luo Fei opened the car door and glanced at them in surprise. Is this a human or a robot?

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"I modified it myself?" Huiyu asked, checking the structure of the heavy truck. Just looking from the outside, there is no difference at all.

"Can I go up and have a look?" Hui Yu stretched out his hand and motioned to the car.

Seeing that the other party was so polite, Luo Fei did not refuse and nodded.

"Thanks a lot."

Huiyu walked onto the truck alone and disappeared from the public's sight.

Outside the car, the mad wolf came to Lucy's side and whispered: "It's actually Gray Jade. He is the number one under Lord City Lord. How could he come out himself?"

"It's possible that Luo Fei's modified tank aroused his interest. After all, the city lord cares very much about the pioneers." Lucy muttered while covering her mouth.

Suddenly the two saw one of the law enforcement team members looking at them, and the two closed their mouths immediately, bowed their heads and remained silent.

They fully understand the right of the law enforcement team to cut first and then play. If they cause their misunderstanding and are targeted by them, it is unreasonable.

Backing into the crowd, the two opened the black watch and hand-typed text to communicate.

While looking around, the mad wolf typed carefully, "But they came too fast, and a team of tanks came back earlier, but all the combat power of the Mechanic City was actually sent out. I think something is going to happen. ."

"You said that, there is indeed something strange, and after those tanks come back, Gray Jade will definitely be with the Pioneer instead of the Lord of the City." Lucy drew a picture of a thinking villain.

The two looked at each other and couldn't guess the reason. Lucy said, "Watch the changes, everything will come to light sooner or later."

"Yeah." The mad wolf nodded heavily, and then, like most people, quietly looked at the heavy truck where Luo Fei was.

There are bright light tubes on the head, rows of small rooms are lined up on both sides, the aisle in the middle is extremely narrow, only two people can barely pass sideways.

Tie Nian and others opened the door and looked at Hui Yu quietly, with surprise, doubt and solemnity in their eyes.

Ignoring the eyes of the people around him, he walked from start to finish, basically unchanged, and finally went up to the second floor and came to the magazine smoothly.

Opened the door and glanced at it, he couldn't help muttering in surprise, "Without photovoltaic fusion energy? Then why is his power so powerful?"

"It's so simple..." After reading all the structures, Hui Yu shook his head and walked out.

When he came to the corridor, he suddenly heard a hissing noise in the last room. He raised his foot and walked over, unexpectedly seeing the room built like a cage.

Inside were more than a dozen snake-men with their arms cut off. They didn't even have a single tooth in their big open mouths.

Hui Yu tilted his head, and was even more puzzled, "The incomplete snake man, the Colosseum people don't want it, and they can't sell a lot of money to the hotel. What do you keep them for? Asshole?"

After the tour, he came to Luo Fei's face and asked without any expression on his face: "You want to enter the city?"

"Yes, but the guards want money. I can't pay 10,000 per person." Luo Fei spread his hands, "By the way, it shouldn't be illegal to bring some disabled snake people in."

Hui Yu shook his head, "It's generally not against the law. If they bite someone, then forget it."

"I will restrain them." Luo Fei smiled confidently.

"Well, you are a pioneer and you can go in for free. If you want to make money, I have a task for you. Although it is a bit difficult, the reward is very high. It is suitable for you... eh?"

Huiyu swept towards the heavy truck, and did not know how to describe it, and finally could only say truthfully: "The truck tank that suits you can be refitted and become more powerful."

"Can go in for free? That's great." Luo Fei laughed happily at first. When he saw the faces of those people in the base, he embarrassedly pointed to them, "What about them, they are all with me, can you? Reduce the cost."

The corners of the gray jade, white and silver mouth were raised, turned to face everyone, adjusted his volume in time so that everyone could hear, "I can call the shots of these pioneers. From now on, you will all enter the Mechanical City. free."

Everyone didn't believe their ears, and even Luo Fei was dumbfounded. Under what circumstances would a pioneer who was regarded as a tank driver actually have such a high welfare?

After a few seconds of silence, there was a huge cheer, and some people even cheered to Luo Fei spontaneously: "Long live Luo Fei, long live Luo Fei..."

Luo Fei, who was a little fluttering, leaned close to Huiyu's ear and whispered: "You are really interesting, but I still have to thank you. If you need help in the future, I will definitely help you."

Hui Yu still turned his head blankly, facing Luo Fei, the mechanical expression on it had a very cautious meaning, "Help is not necessary, they are part of the residents of Mechanical City from now on, but if you abandon them..."

He paused in the middle, until his serious expression made Luo Fei stop laughing, "Then I will drive them all out, and will never be accepted by Machine City."

Luo Fei was startled on the spot, "You threatened me with the lives of these people? Why?"

Huiyu touched the badge on his hat with his right hand, and said solemnly, "For the machine city."

He walked through the cheering crowd. The crowd spontaneously gave way to him and thanked him, but at this moment Luo Fei was a little unspeakably dull. He felt that he was kidnapped, and the'rope' was like that It’s a lot, it’s heavy, it’s heavy.

"Why not happy, can we go in?" A pair of small hands patted Luo Fei's shoulder.

Hui Meng appeared from behind him, her face was very happy and said, "I will be able to find my parents soon, and you will be able to complete the task."

But then I regretted, "It's a pity that we will be separated soon, but don't worry, I will remodel your truck, so that it will become a real tank and let you go everywhere."

Infected by the emotion of the painted dream, Luo Fei also laughed, and quickly put the threat of Gray Jade behind him, "Well, just let me see what kind of talent you have."