Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 574: track

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The night is deep, and the night in the imperial city is as lively as usual, and under the cover of the bustling street market, a man dressed in black and wearing a hat walks in the crowd arbitrarily, one after another. The shops shuttled.

Because it was covered by black veil, the face of the man in black had never been revealed, and in such lively places as the imperial city, people dressed up like him often appeared, so no one would care.

Along the way, the man in black still didn't buy any items, but his footprints almost spread all over the imperial city.

"Hu, what is this guy doing? Isn't he going around? Isn't he feeling my probing?!"

At a distance of about ten miles from the black-clothed man, Yunxiao also wandered freely in the street as a zhong, but his mental power has always been locked in the black-clothed man, not giving him the slightest chance of escape.

Seeing the man in black continue to shuttle back and forth from shop to shop, he has a feeling of being discovered by the other party, but I can think about it again, if the other party can feel his exploration, I am afraid that he would have felt it when he was in Zuimeng Pavilion. Arrived, but it will never wait until now.

"I've been shopping for more than an hour, isn't this guy going to stay around until dawn, right?" The mental power has been watching a goal closely. Frankly speaking, this is really a boring and energy-consuming task. Son, if it weren't for this person's important matter, he would have had no patience to follow it down a long time ago.

"Follow it, there is nothing left or right to do, I don't believe it, this guy will always hang out outside!" This is a process of stamina competition, maybe the other party just wants to use this method to consume what may exist Follow the energy of the person, and then seize an opportunity to get out.

It is a pity that the other party is probably going to miscalculate this time, because for him, who is based on his mental strength, no matter how hard the other party continues to toss, as long as he does not disappear out of thin air, then he will definitely not escape the lock of Yunxiao.

Of course, during this period, Yun Xiao was more than purely tracking. After he separated his mental power and locked the opponent, he simply went shopping in various shops in the imperial city, which can be regarded as a further understanding of the imperial city.

Speaking of it, his previous experience at Zuimeng Pavilion made him understand that the place in the Imperial City is intricate and complicated. Maybe a shop is a special place, just like Zuimeng Pavilion, maybe what kind of background it has behind it!

With such thoughts, he immediately felt that he was chasing around with each other, which was something to look forward to.

In this way, the two of them have always been about ten miles apart, basically keeping the same route. They really wandered in the imperial city for most of the night, until the night was full of intensity and all shops were closed. , The man in black finally changed a little.

It was a seemingly ordinary inn. The black-clothed man walked around for most of the day, and finally entered this inn as a zhong. Under Yun Xiao's observation, after the other party entered the inn, he entered directly into the inn. The room, and when he saw the scene in the room clearly, his eyebrows couldn't help but raised slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It's really vigilant enough to come here for a sneak peek?!!!"

Under his observation, in the room that the black-clothed man entered, there was already a person in it at this time, and he was also dressed in black, and his figure was almost the same as that of the black-clothed man.

After a brief exchange between the two, the black-clothed man who was in the room was paid by the black-clothed man, walked out of the room, and finally left the inn, and continued to stay in the few shops that were still open. Hanging around, as for the original black man, he took off his black clothes in the room and put on an extremely ordinary clothes.

"Tsk tsk, fortunately my mental power is always locked on you, otherwise, you will really be fooled by this one!" Seeing the man in black drop himself off the bag, Yun Xiao couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

This trick is not unwieldy. If someone else is stalking the other person, it is definitely going to be taken by the other person. In addition, at this time, the man in black changed his clothes, and the whole person is like a person. , How can anyone recognize it?

"See what tricks you have!!" With a cold smile, Yun Xiao casually found a shop and stopped for a while, quietly waiting for the next move of the black-clothed man.

In any case, this inn is definitely not the terminal for the man in black. He believes that the other party will continue to take action until he returns to his lair.

Sure enough, after about a quarter of an hour, the black-clothed man finally moved again and walked out of the inn leisurely. During this period, several men who were similar to him walked out of the inn, which was obviously his predecessor. Arranged.

It can be said that the other party has basically achieved an extreme in order to conceal others' eyes and ears! Even if it is the eyeliner with rich experience, I am afraid that he will easily get rid of it.

Of course, in Yun Xiao's eyes, all of this is basically regarded as fun.

Setting off again, the man in black became a very ordinary Chinese man, and such an image on the street is really inconspicuous to a certain extent, because the whole street is basically like this when you look at it. Image.

Yun Xiao didn't get too close, still keeping a similar distance. Fortunately, this time the opponent no longer wandered around, and he could also speed up a bit.

Time passed, when the black-clothed man stopped again, it was already the hour of the next day. In the end, the black-clothed man opened a shop that bought materials for Warcraft and went directly to the shopkeeper's room.

"Hu, good fellow, what's the situation? Is this his lair?!"

When the black-clothed man entered the shopkeeper's room, Yunxiao, who had been following him all night, stopped in the distance, his face was full of uncertainty.

From what he observed, the man in black seemed to be the shopkeeper of this shop, because after the other party returned to the room, he was familiar with everything inside, but he made himself a pot. Tea, and then drank it leisurely.

"Does this guy usually do business here?!" His eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of clarity flashed through his heart. He knew that it would be difficult for him to follow the other party to the present, but it would be difficult to go further.

Judging from the current situation, the man in black should be the shopkeeper of this shop. Of course, such an identity is definitely just a cover. As for what kind of power is behind the other party, I am afraid that further investigation is needed.

"Awesome, really amazing, using the shop as a cover to do some shameful deeds secretly, it seems that there must be a bigger network behind this person!!"

At this moment, no matter how stupid he was, he could still see some clues, but the more so, the more he could smell the conspiracy.

To be sure, the Great Zhou Dynasty is undergoing a huge crisis test. He still does not know how much the crisis covers, but since this matter has even been involved in the royal family, it is absolutely impossible to affect it. Too small.

"Maybe, I should get in touch with this person, maybe I can learn more about something..."

He has already followed here. It is impossible for him to leave directly like this. As for whether he can reveal the truth of the matter, it can only be a matter of luck.