Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 592: Think carefully

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As the princes who were watching the royal family leave, Yun Xiao's heart was unavoidable.

It can be said that if it weren't for seeing it in person, I am afraid that no one would have imagined that the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty actually has such a terrible crisis.

The second prince and the third prince are likely to have one more prince soon. In this way, the young generation of the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty will basically become puppets in the hands of others, and wait until these three become one of the zhongs After ascending to the throne, then the entire Great Zhou Dynasty is equivalent to being controlled by outsiders!

Perhaps, by that time, the royal family is still superior in the eyes of ordinary people, but the nature between the two is essentially different.

"Hey, the mountain rain is about to come and wind all over the building. First, it was Leiyun Mansion and Leiyun Academy, and now it is the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty. I don't know if other mansions and other academies have experienced similar things. ………"

The crown of the tree is zhong, Yunxiao is now lying in the small tree house he built, but he can't help but think a lot.

The experience of the Lei Family and Leiyun Academy made him mistakenly think that it was just something inside Leiyun Mansion, but this time he saw that the royal family was also controlled by the same medicine, which made him have to think about it. Spread out.

It is conceivable that since the opponent can target Leiyun Mansion and Leiyun Academy, and can also target the royal family, why can't other mansions and other colleges become their targets?

And if such a hypothesis is true, then the unknown mysterious forces have also taken action against other provinces and other colleges, then in this case, will there be some colleges or government offices that have been controlled by others? And if all of these assumptions are true, that is to say, among the newcomers recruited by the True Wu Sanctuary this time, there are likely to be puppets controlled by others!

In this way, the opponent's dark hand is equivalent to having penetrated into the real wu holy courtyard as a zhong! When he thought of this series of questions, he only felt that his heart was secretly cold, but he didn't dare to think too much.

"Yue, I hope I have been thinking about all this, maybe the problem is not as serious as I thought?"

After a long sigh of relief, he can only comfort himself in his heart at this moment, but this kind of comfort is actually more like a self-deception. After all, his series of speculations are basically reasonable.

"The most important thing right now is to improve my strength. I am still not afraid of anyone in the Yuandan realm, but I will definitely not be the opponent of the robbery realm strong. Only by making myself strong enough can I cope with any crisis. , Protect the friends around you!"

The pressure of the invisible zhong also made him full of desire for powerful power, because in the face of powerful power, any conspiracy will be meaningless, but the premise must be strong enough!

"Since the surrounding wood element aura is so strong, I didn't prevent it from practicing seriously." Thinking in his heart, he took out his golden futon, and then directly sat on it cross-legged, and started his own crazy practice.


As his practice began, the aura of heaven and earth in a radius of hundreds of miles converged secretly towards his location. In addition, the ancient trees around were also releasing their own wood aura. Don't hesitate to provide him, help him improve his strength.

Frankly speaking, his kind of cultivation had a great impact on the surrounding flowers and trees, but at this time, he only thought about the unknown crisis, but he didn't have so much thought to think about it.

I don’t know when, with him as the center, a breeze was blowing around, and in such a strange situation, even the beasts of Zhenzhu Mountain would be far away from this area. Don't dare to get close.

The moon sets and the sun rises, and a new day is coming soon, and when the early morning sun shines on Zhenyu Mountain, Yunxiao finally slowly stopped the operation of the exercises and opened his eyes leisurely.

"The effect of this night's practice is really extraordinary, but the impact is really greater." Feeling that his true vitality has faintly become more fulfilled, Yun Xiao's heart can't help being very satisfied, but when he looks up When he saw the surrounding scene, he couldn't help but shook his head.

At the sight, the original green trees were obviously dimmed at this time, and even some trees with lower ages became a little yellow at this time, and I don't know how long it will take to recover.

As for the flowers and plants at the bottom of the dense lin, they have become very withered right now, basically being drained of all their vitality.

It can be seen how much wood energy he has swallowed during the night.

"I hope that this place can recover sooner and reappear the previous beauty as soon as possible." Shaking his head and sighing, he has nothing to do at the moment. While speaking, he stood up, put away his golden futon, and then left directly.

A new day has arrived, but he is going to collect his previous hush money, and he doesn't know whether the second prince Zhou Jinglei's person has already arrived at this moment.

With his current strength, between a few ups and downs, he came to the position he had agreed with the second prince Zhou Jinglei, and then directly found a place and sat down leisurely.

Sitting cross-legged, his mental power suddenly expanded toward the surroundings. Originally, it only contracted a distance of ten miles around it, but it suddenly spread to the surrounding area of ​​thirty miles.

With the continuous improvement of the true essence, he can feel that his mental power is also subtly progressing forward. Although the progress is small, it is concrete and sensible.

For example, his previous mental power was able to explore an area within 30 miles, but after this night of cultivation, his spiritual power could explore an additional 10 meters and 20 meters, although compared to the distance of 30 miles, Such a number is really nothing, but it is after all a process of gathering less and making more...

While waiting while cultivating, Yun Xiao didn't think it was so boring, and this kind of waiting did not last long.

It was almost an hour, his eyebrows were raised slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It came quite early, but I don't know how the goods are prepared and whether it will satisfy me!" With a pick at the corner of his mouth, he first took out his night clothes and replaced them, and then his figure disappeared in a flash. , After a few breaths, it has appeared ten miles away...

At this time, a middle-aged man was observing everywhere in the surrounding Milin, his face was full of vigilance.

"Your Excellency, are you looking for me?"

Just as the Zhong-year-old man was patrolling the surroundings vigilantly, a light laugh suddenly sounded, but it resounded behind his back, no more than ten meters away from him!

"It seems that your Excellency has already been waiting here!" Hearing the voice coming from behind, the figure of the Zhong-year-old man trembled, and he turned his head in surprise and looked at the black figure behind him.