Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 700: Obtain the trust

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For Han Lingxiao, he had no way to determine the origin of Yun Xiao in front of him, nor did he know what Yun Xiao's purpose was for him this time!

Although Yun Xiao kept saying that he was here to help him, they never knew each other. With Han Wanshuang’s relationship alone, he really couldn’t believe that Yun Xiao was with him, not to mention that his daughter was not here at the moment. How do you know if Yun Xiao is really friends with his daughter?

"It seems that Uncle Han is still not very at ease with his nephew, but this is also human nature. Uncle Han's feelings, my nephew can fully understand."

Seeing Han Lingxiao looking at him suspiciously, Yun Xiao knew that it was unrealistic to make the other party trust him completely. In that case, he didn't need to waste his energy.

"There are some things that my nephew is indeed inconvenient to talk to Uncle Han. However, as long as Uncle Han knows, I'm not in the gang of the uncle Han. Besides, I have no other meaning in coming this time, just want to I have to give Uncle Han something."

When the voice fell, he didn't wait for Han Lingxiao to answer, he just took out a dozen detoxification pills, and when he raised his hand, he threw all of them towards Han Lingxiao.

He came to see Han Lingxiao this time, in order to give the other party some detoxification pills, so that the other party has more confidence, so as not to be easily threatened by the black-clothed forces and do some regrets for life. As for whether the other party believes him, and Whether he will understand his love or not is not what he cares about.

In any case, the other party is Han Wanshuang's father. Even if he looks at Han Wanshuang's face, he doesn't want the other party to be controlled by those people in black and eventually lose his life.

"this is……………"

Seeing the detoxification pills thrown by Yun Xiao, Han Lingxiao almost subconsciously grabbed all these pills in his hands, with an expression of excitement on his face that could not be suppressed.

He is really familiar with the detoxification pills. In fact, if you want to say what kind of detoxification pills he has seen now, then it is absolutely none of these detoxification pills. After all, this thing is his life continuation!

"These detoxification pills were obtained by my nephew from those mysterious people. This time, I gave these detoxification pills to Uncle Han, firstly because Uncle Han is Wanshuang's father, and secondly because my nephew did not want to see it. Uncle Han was intimidated by those **** guys, and now with these fifteen detoxification pills, Uncle Han can at least guarantee that it will not be poisoned within fifteen years, and after fifteen years, the nephew should have found a complete detoxification. Way out."

There are a total of more than 50 detoxification pills on his body. This time he gave Han Lingxiao 15 pills. This is indeed because the other party is Han Wanshuang’s father. If there is no such relationship, he would never give him 15 pills. so many.

"How to detoxify? You mean you have a way to completely detoxify?!!!"

Grasping the dozens of detoxification pills that Yunxiao threw over, Han Lingxiao had become more and more convinced of Yunxiao at this time, because he knew best that those guys who had calculated him in secret would definitely not be able to give him so many detoxification pills. of!

Although he still didn't know where Yunxiao came from, at least, Yunxiao shouldn't be his enemy.

"It's true that Uncle Han, my nephew has indeed found a way to completely detoxify, but it will be a bit troublesome to be a zhong. My nephew is not sure how long it will take to succeed, but it will definitely take less than ten years."

Seeing Han Lingxiao slowly relax his guard against herself, Yun Xiao was also happy, and then smiled and replied.

Refining the Holy Spirit Pill is indeed not something he can do right now. However, he believes that as long as he manages well and manages the Flame God Formation, he will be able to get it sooner or later. By then, as long as he has cultivated the Flame God Formation, he should be able to handle it. After refining the Holy Spirit Pill, he still has this self-confidence to some extent.

" you really have a complete detoxification method?!" Hearing Yun Xiao's answer, especially seeing Yun Xiao's expression at this moment, Han Lingxiao became more excited.

In fact, he knew in his heart that those mysterious people secretly controlled him, so even if he did bad things for the other party in the future, they might not give him a complete detoxification antidote. Maybe after the other party uses himself, more likely it is. Kill him, and the best result is to let him fend for himself.

Because of this, he couldn't help getting more excited when he heard that Yun Xiao had a way to completely detoxify.

"Uncle Han, you don’t need to think too much about the extra things. What you need to do right now is not to reveal that you have a dozen detoxification pills, and then continue to deal with those mysterious guys. They can get substantial benefits, and once the nephew obtains a thorough detoxification method, he will definitely be the first to help Uncle Han detoxify."

Of course Yun Xiao would not say anything about the Holy Spirit Pill, and now everything is still unknown, even he dare not be sure of anything, so of course he dare not make a time guarantee.

"Well, it seems that Nephew Xian is really a friend of Wanshuang, but the mansion blamed you!" At this point, he obviously didn't have to continue to doubt Yun Xiao, at least he couldn't think of what Yun Xiao was doing right now. For him, what bad influence can it have.

He raised his hand and carefully collected the dozens of detoxification pills. He walked directly from the upper hand of the main hall and came to Yun Xiao to watch Yun Xiao from a close range.

I have to say that Yun Xiao’s eyes are very sincere. He has read countless people, who is sincere and who is false, and can basically tell a general idea. Speaking of which, if it wasn’t for his own son who had counted on him, then he would be fine. No matter how the performer comes, he may not be able to calculate it.

"It's okay, if Uncle Han can trust my nephew, my nephew is already satisfied!" Seeing the other party approaching, Yun Xiao couldn't help but smile. He knew that the other party really believed him. In fact, the other party actually believed him. Apart from trusting him, there seems to be no better choice at all.

"My nephew, if it's unnecessary, my mansion won't say anything else. If my nephew is nothing important, please ask my nephew to stay for a banquet. My mansion will get drunk with my nephew today!!"

Putting aside everything else, the dozens of detoxification pills that Yun Xiao sent him today are already worthy of his thanks to Yunxiao. After all, fifteen detoxification pills are equivalent to giving him ten. Life span of five years!

"You don’t need a banquet. My nephew still has some trivial matters to deal with. I am afraid I can’t stay here too much today. However, after my nephew gets the method to detoxify Uncle Han, I will call Night Cream back. My nephew must Have a few drinks with you!"

Drinking now, I'm afraid I won't have any interest in drinking, not to mention that he really has to go to the other three realms, and take the situation of the other three realms into his own hands as soon as possible.

"So..." Hearing Yun Xiao's words, he was about to leave. Han Lingxiao's brows couldn't help but a slight wrinkle, and a hesitation flashed in his eyes.