Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 740: limit

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After simply practicing his hands, Yun Xiao directly started the refining of the Holy Spirit Pill.

However, the refining of the Holy Spirit Pills cannot be done casually. In order to improve his own success rate, Yun Xiao put all his heart into the preliminary preparations for fear that he might make a slight mistake.

The biggest difficulty in refining the Holy Spirit Pill is that five elements of five elements with different attributes must simultaneously deliver the same amount of five element true essence. Even the original Danyangzi, because this step is difficult to control, he often refines the pill. fail.

However, this step is not a problem for Yun Xiao. Therefore, the difficulty of refining this Holy Spirit Pill has long been greatly reduced. Big difference.

Of course, leaving aside the greatest difficulty, the 299 refining materials required to refine the Holy Spirit Pill are also a double test of the energy and patience of the alchemist, and Yun Xiao has to pay attention to it.

"It's almost done, whether it's a success or a failure, but it has to be tried. If it succeeds, then everyone will be happy, but even if it fails, there should be another chance for the remaining refining."

After preparing all the 299 refining materials needed to refine the Holy Spirit Pill, Yun Xiao took a deep breath and slowly calmed down his emotions, because he knew that he wanted to refine the pill and had a calm mind. It is essential.

He has calculated that the refining materials on his body are only enough to refine two pots of Holy Spirit Pills. If this first pot fails, then he still has another chance to remedy it. Therefore, this first pot of pill, he can completely Take it easy.

"Blessed by God, I must succeed in alchemy. After all, this is a major event related to the lives of many people!!!" He secretly prayed in his heart, but he no longer hesitated. It suddenly rippled out, and then began to arrange the flames of the gods.

"Whirring whirring!!!"

As he spoke, the raging flames had already burned, and as the flames rose, Yun Xiao's mind instantly entered the state of alchemy. As for the success or failure, it had nothing to do with him at this time.


The fiery flames burned the pill furnace, and soon it burned the pill furnace to completely change its color. However, Yunxiao did not rush into refining materials this time, because the refining of the holy spirit pill must be made in advance. The temperature reaches an extreme, so as to ensure the success rate of alchemy.

"It's now, get on!"

As soon as his mental strength condensed, he directly opened the lid of the pill furnace, and then, the same refining materials were put into the pill furnace one after another, and he was always watching every change in the pill furnace.

Although this was his first time in the true sense of refining the Holy Spirit Pill, there were too many memories about the refining of the Holy Spirit Pill in the Divine Mansion. When he needs to increase firepower and when he needs to add refining materials, his memory is almost everything he has when he is a zhong. In this regard, it is actually difficult for him to make mistakes.

It can be said that these early steps, as long as he is distracted, there is basically no possibility of failure.


"Swish swish!!!"

Two hundred and ninety-nine kinds of refining materials are considered to be indispensable, when Yun Xiao added all of these 299 kinds of refining materials to the pill furnace, it has been about two quarters of an hour. At this time, even with his mental strength, he felt dizzy.

"Good guy, this is too mentally exhausting, right? Fortunately, there are only these 299 kinds of refining materials. If there are more, I am afraid I will really be unable to hold on!"

As the last refining material was added to the pill furnace, Yun Xiao couldn't help but wipe the sweat on his forehead secretly, feeling a little grateful in his heart.

Any spiritual master who knows how to make alchemy understands that the more elixir required for a blind pill, the higher the requirements for spiritual power. After all, the timing and weight of each refining material needs to be grasped by spiritual power. It's so ridiculous that it's a thousand miles away. It's strange that such delicate work doesn't consume mental energy!

Even though Yun Xiao has good spiritual power, he is nothing more than a spiritual master. If he were to be an earth master, then the three hundred kinds of refining materials should not have any difficulty for him.

"The next step is to deliver the Five Elements True Essence. This is the most critical step in refining the Holy Spirit Pill. I hope my Five Element True Essence can meet the requirements of this pill."

Taking a deep breath, his heart is also a little uneasy at this moment. After all, he doesn’t know whether his entire five-element true essence is different from the five separate five-element true essences required by the Holy Spirit Pill. If so, If there is a difference, he is probably about to say goodbye to the Holy Spirit Pill completely, even if he still has more refining materials in his hands, it is useless. After all, he can't find five Five Elements Wu people to help him refine the pill together.

"It's now, the five elements are real yuan, enter!!!"

At a certain moment, his mental power noticed that the various refining materials in the pill furnace had reached a very perfect fusion, and this moment was when the five elements were input into his zhong.

"Chichichichi!!!" When he moved his mind, he lifted his hand with one hand. Suddenly, he poured a lot of five element true essence directly into the pill furnace as a zhong, and when the five element true essence followed the pill When the lid of the furnace enters its center, the melted medicinal juice is like a strong attraction to these true essences. In an instant, all the five element true essences are all absorbed by the medicinal juice at the bottom of the pill furnace. Go in.

"So powerful?" Feeling that the five element essence that he released was absorbed so quickly, Yun Xiao didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly input his own five element essence into his zhong, letting his juice absorb it.

According to the memory of the gods, the most important thing in this last step of the five element true essence condensing potion is that the power of the five elements must be averaged. None of them can be more or less. , Otherwise there will be only one way to fail.

Yunxiao’s five elements of the five elements are transformed into each other in the body, but in the end he has reached a perfect balance long ago. Now he inputs his five element elements into the pill furnace, and no one is more powerful than anyone else. One point, no one is one point less than anyone else. It can be said that since the advent of the Holy Spirit Pill, there is absolutely no way to find a more perfect alchemy process than the Five Elements True Essence he sent.


As a lot of the Five Elements True Essence was incorporated into the concoction, there was a burst of abnormal noise when the pill furnace was in the middle, but as the sound became more and more dense, a refreshing fragrance became more and more intense. .

Yun Xiao didn't dare to be distracted at this time, because at this time he not only had to use his mental power to control the divine formation, but also to use his mental power to observe every change in the pill furnace, and also to separate his energy to transport the five elements of true essence. He doesn't even have the energy to worry.

"Om!!!" I don't know how long it took, the medicinal juice in the pill furnace has become less and less. At a certain moment, Yun Xiao's mental power observed the subtle changes in the medicinal juice, almost subconsciously, he suddenly suddenly Speed ​​up the operation of the flames of the God Array.


With the frantic operation of the Flame God Array, the raging flames directly condensed the medicinal juice in the pill furnace to the limit, and at this time, the power of the five elements of Yunxiao also reached the maximum output dose.

Finally, the juice in the pill furnace completely disappeared, and the huge Five Elements True Essence also stopped pouring, and at this time, Yunxiao's Flame Divine Array also stopped in an instant.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, the lid of the pill furnace popped open, and then, one after another, colorful pill pill spewed out from the pill furnace, and finally all fell into Yunxiao's hands.