Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 8: Ant Colony

This delay, when Luo Fei turned around, the ant colony in the distance was clearly visible.

A large black ant, shaped like a wolf dog, quickly crossed six thin legs, and rushed towards the camp with a neat and rapid figure.

Several mechanical dogs stood where the fence fell, acting as a dam for blocking. A series of bullet chains were launched by the heavy-duty weapons on the truck, causing a **** storm among the ant colony.

But the number of ant colonies is too huge, like a rushing river, all the attacks on the truck camp can only set off waves, and nothing can stop them from moving forward.

"What should we do?" Hui Meng hid behind Luo Fei in fear, and amid the noisy gunshots, she had to shout hard.

"Come with me." Luo Fei placed the old shotgun behind Huimeng's arms, "This is for you to defend yourself."

There is only a dead end to stay here. Truck owners can still rush out of the surrounding with thick trucks, and they will only be bitten into bones.

All the way to the back of the canyon, looking for a place that was a little less steep, Luo Fei took out a rope to connect him and Hui Meng.

"Do you want to climb up? But you only have one hand." Hui Meng stared at the man with large and small bags in front of him. A large bag of food and a folding electric car were all hung on his body.

"So what? Do you want to die?" Luo Fei gave him an angry glance.

He raised his head and looked at the sixty-meter-high cliff. Luo Fei took a deep breath, but said silently in his heart, "Xihuai, are you there? I need your help."

After waiting for a second, but there was no movement, Luo Fei said silently again, "I am about to die. If I die, you won't be able to live long. Now is the time for us to help each other in the same boat."

After another while, Luo Fei showed a disappointed look. At this time, Xihuai finally moved, "You woke me up, human, you are really in trouble, how do you want me to help you?"

Luo Fei was overjoyed, "Just as long as you converge your magnetic circle."

"Can't do it." Xi Huai replied without shame: "My magnetic circle is too large, I can't put it away."

"I wipe, you are too stupid." Luo Fei turned his head and looked behind him. The colony of ants had broken through the obstacles of the mechanical dogs. All the mechanical dogs were torn to pieces by the tongs. Those trucks had started their engines and were ready. Prepare to escape.

There is not much time left for them.

"What's on your back? Can I go in? It's really uncomfortable in your body." Xihuai didn't wait for Luo Fei to answer, and couldn't wait for it to emerge from behind him like a tentacle, squeezing it a little bit. Into the folding electric car.

With Xihuai's departure, Luo Fei finally recovered his abilities.

"What's the matter?" Luo Fei shook his head. Unexpectedly, it was solved like this.

Closing his eyes, he felt countless lines of magnetic force extending from his body, most of them got into the iron rings worn on his limbs, and the rest went uncontrollably into the folding electric car behind him.

Is this connected?

"Yes, human." Xihuai's voice sounded from the bottom of Luo Fei's heart, "From now on, you will be my slave. I will draw from you for a year of life every day until you age and die."

"What?" Like a hammer hitting Luo Fei's heart, his heart trembled.

One year lifespan disappears in one day?

How many days can I live?

"If that's the case, then I'll wait for death here." Luo Fei sighed. Anyway, death sooner or later is death, so it's better to die here.

Xi Huai immediately became anxious, "You can't die. If you die, I won't be able to live. Why don't I give you some abilities?"

"What's the use of my ability? I'm going to die." Luo Fei stood in front of the cliff blankly, motionless.

Xi Huai immediately said, "Don't you humans have a potion to increase your lifespan? I will help you get it."

Luo Fei pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Well, I will believe you once."

"Then how do I use your power now?" Luo Fei thought to himself that the other party's energy is so huge that it is easy to eliminate the colony of ants.

"You need to use your magnetic field lines to assimilate part of my magnetic coils, and then this part of the magnetic coils can be used by you." Having said that, Xihuai paused, "What you can assimilate now is my new boarding body. It shouldn't be difficult for you."

Luo Fei turned his head and looked at the folding electric car, and at the same time the anxious face of Huimeng was reflected in his eyes.

Huimeng saw him turning around and hurriedly said: "Luo Fei, what's the matter, why don't you leave? Can't you climb up?"

Luo Fei shook his head. Now is not the time to explore Xihuai's ability, so let's escape here first.

He took a dagger from his calf and inserted it into the wall five inches deep, and then knocked on his toe. The same dagger popped from the toe of the shoe and kicked it into the wall.

"Hold me." Luo Fei didn't look back, but a pair of slender arms had already wrapped his neck.

He just moved forward with one hand and one foot in coordination, moving up quickly, and at the same time, in order to reduce his pressure, all the magnetic lines of force were wrapped around him, making him feel as light as a swallow at the moment.

If this is not the case, he is likely to fall prematurely because of fatigue.

When the distance to the ground was already 20 meters, the place where Luo Fei and the two passed by suddenly exploded, and a table-sized spider emerged from the cliff.

Hearing the movement, Hui Meng turned her head to look, and immediately made a sharp cry, almost causing Luo Fei's eardrum to burst.

"Ah, there are spiders."

"It's really unlucky." Luo Fei murmured, the room leaked in the night rain, who knew there would be a giant spider here.

In this world, all living things are either extinct or mutated, there are death traps everywhere, and one who is not careful will die without a place to be buried.

"Don't scream stupidly either, and fight back quickly." Luo Fei shouted, letting Hui Meng wake up from panic temporarily.

"Oh oh." Hui Meng hurriedly took out the old shotgun, loaded it, and fired.

Bang, large shots spurted out, and the tiny projectiles blasted countless sparks on the spider's body.

But the other party was not knocked down the cliff, only slightly tilted its head, the **** armor on its body blocked all the damage.

But this completely angered it, made it scream at the air, and rushed up at an extremely fast speed.

"It's coming, it's coming..." The first shot didn't work, and the other party was still raging. Uimeng almost was scared to cry, "It's coming to eat us."

"Then what are you waiting for? Keep hitting it with a gun, don't let it get close to us." Luo Fei shouted. Now he uses his hands and feet together, the speed is extremely fast, but it is still no better than the eight legs of the giant spider behind.

On this cliff, the other party is walking fast, but he is bound. Once let go, the two will only fall from the cliff and fall into the ant colony.

Shots shot after shots rang out behind him, and Hui Meng was crying in fear, while constantly pulling the trigger. The shooting range of the shotgun was very large, and it could hit the target in front of her without accurate aiming.

The countless bullets made the big spider very jealous. It was fine to hit the body, but it would only hurt a little, but if it hits its eight eyes, it will die.

It moved to the right, quickly changed its trajectory, and gradually approached the two Luo Fei in an S-shaped route.

With a click, there was an empty sound, and Huimeng continued to pull the trigger like this, there were no bullets, and a look of despair appeared on her face.

"I don't have any bullets." Hui Meng slammed the shotgun in her hand at the spider, but was cut in half by an outstretched limb.

At this time, Huimeng realized that the eight limbs of the spider were sharp blades, extremely sharp.

"I have 7 more in my arms, you take them out and stuff them into the magazine." Luo Fei didn't know that the shotgun had been thrown away, so he said casually.

Hui Meng was startled suddenly, she was a little embarrassed, and twitched: "You still have bullets, I thought there were none?"

"So?" Luo Fei didn't think too much, all his energy was on his hands and feet.

"I threw the gun..." Huimeng's little face was a little hot.

"..." Luo Fei already had the urge to throw the opponent down, not afraid of godlike opponents, but also piggy teammates.

It was very close to the top of the canyon, Luo Fei had hope in his eyes, but when he looked back, he saw that the giant spider was also less than 5 meters away from him.

"It's a sickle spider? That's easy." Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief. The sickle spider likes to devour iron ore and accumulates the iron element on his limbs. If things go on like this, it will become extremely metal content. The sharp edge.

Inserting the dagger in his hand deeply into the top of the cliff, Luo Fei has reached the edge of the top of the canyon, and the sickle spider chasing him has also appeared in front of Eimeng, and the needle-like hair on its body is clearly visible.

"Ah..." A high-decibel scream sounded, showing that Eimeng was terrified to the extreme.

"To die, to die..."

At this time, Luo Fei turned his head, with a glimmer of light in his eyes, "It's so noisy, can you close your mouth."

Countless invisible threads flew out of his body and quickly wrapped around the legs of the sickle spider.

Magnetize, control.

In an instant, the sickle spider stopped, and its eight limbs trembled slightly, but they couldn't move forward.

"Get down." With Luo Fei's cold drink, the big spider in front of him suddenly translated and flew into the air. With the withdrawal of the invisible magnetic line of force, the big spider suddenly fell down.

No matter how hard it struggled, in the end it still smashed a big hole in the ground.

A few giant ants just climbed over, trying to carry the sickle spider away, but countless afterimages waved, and after a sound of fine iron, the few giant ants collapsed like building blocks.

More giant ants crawled in the distance, they didn't have any fear, they just followed the collective consciousness to bring all the edible food back to the nest.

The sickle spider stepped back in fear. It didn't want to fight against such a huge ant colony. Within half a second of thinking, it waved its limbs frantically and quickly climbed up the cliff.

Luo Fei has come to the top of the canyon with painted dreams on his back. He glanced at the dense ant colony below and the truck team charging outside the canyon. He said: "These giant ants can discover the existence of surrounding creatures through pheromone, we When it’s not safe, you must move on."

"Oh." Eimeng, who survived the catastrophe just now, nodded in fear, "I listen to you, you are what you say."