Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 80: :Deformation machine

The'giant hand' pointed to the blue smoke urn and said, "That group of blue smoke is not very big, but you can't turn it out."

"It should have magical power." The mechanical eyes of the'giant hand' looked at the bronze pipe in Huang Hu's hand, and the lenses in his eyes kept changing.

At this time, Huang Hu walked over, stretched out his arm to pull the blood wolf from the ground, and said in a low voice: "I can divide mine into you, but only this time, we will have more opportunities for cooperation in the future. First of all, our Who is the biggest enemy?"

The blood wolf slapped his hand, and the blood-colored muscles on his body contracted inward and quickly turned into a human appearance. Still unwilling in his mouth, he said in a low voice: "You are right. We should deal with the Electronic Foundation together. "

"However, remember to give me all your share." Before Huang Hu left, the blood wolf still did not forget his share.

Somewhere in the canyon ten kilometers away from the location of the dead tree, there were loud voices, tents, and bonfires everywhere.

This is the camp of the Electronic Foundation, a troop that is constantly expanding. They are responsible for bringing back precious things back to the city and bringing more wealth to the Electronic Foundation.

And just above the edge of the canyon, a few people were lying on the ground in khaki camouflage linen.

Luo Fei took the spectacles and moved from the front to the end of the camp. Inside there were sentries standing in various positions, as well as patrolling troops.

Most of the people were wearing black windbreakers and black motorcycle helmets. For the time being, they did not see armed mechas, but Luo Fei did not guarantee that there were none in those camps.

In addition, the carports were neatly lined with dazzling bird motorcycles, as well as armored vehicles and jeeps parked everywhere. Heavy machine guns were installed on these vehicles.

Seeing these dusty equipment, Luo Fei asked around him: "Speaking of which, why didn't Huanghu bring an armored vehicle?"

Huang Hu took his pipe from the side, "It's not because the Mechanical City is under martial law, otherwise, we won't get out of the mine."

After glanced at the bronze pipe, Luo Fei learned from Xihuai that the pipe in Huang Hu's hand was called the Yunwu pipe, and he had been with it for a long time.

It is one of the twenty super psionic weapons. While possessing powerful abilities, it naturally has some side effects, that is, it consumes the vitality of ordinary humans.

Even for those with supernatural powers, they need to do what they can, otherwise, they will be backlashed by psionic weapons.

"It's really good luck. I passed through the broken dimensional world and was picked up by someone." Luo Fei tilted his head slightly and glanced at the blood wolf aside. Occasionally, he would show greedy eyes when he looked at the Yunwu pipe. "Unfortunately, he won't hold it forever."

"Is there any plan?" said the blood wolf, "if it is head-on, we won't be able to fight it at all."

Huang Hu glanced at him and said, "First of all, we need intelligence."

As soon as his words fell, a fund soldier crawled over from not far away, and in the eyes of everyone's doubts, he came to Huang Hu's side.

"Don't be nervous, he is the **** I prepared a long time ago." Huang Hu explained to everyone around him.

"We are not nervous, but is this person reliable?" The blood wolf shaved his beard with his hands.

"Of course it is reliable. His wife and children were all taken into the Electronic Foundation factory to work to pay off debts. An accident caused them to become a bunch of parts again."

After Huang Hu finished speaking, he turned to ask the armed soldier, "Tell me what's going on inside."

The armed soldiers in front of them seemed to have prepared for a long time. They said on the spot: "There are more than 800 people on the move, most of them are armed fighters. There are twelve Defender I-type armed mechas, 40 armored vehicles, and 300 motorcycles. The team is one of the four electrical appliances-the deformation machine."

"I want detailed information on the'Deformation Machine'." Huang Hu took a little bit of cold wind, and the opponent's surface strength had surpassed them many times, especially when he heard about the armed mecha, he was already a headache.

The armed warrior continued: "No one has seen the appearance of a ‘transformer’. He will always be in his transformation mech. The transformation mech has three forms, human form, chariot form, and flying form.”

Everyone looked at each other. The number of fighters mentioned above already made everyone take a breath. As for the flying ‘transformer’ behind, they no longer wanted to consider his specific combat value.

"What do you say?" Huang Hu turned his head, wanting to win other people's opinions.

The blood wolf put down his palm and said, "I won't accept this task. This is not a robbery, but a death."

"It's really difficult." Luo Fei put down the telescope in his hand and crawled back slowly.

Away from the edge of the canyon, everyone stood up.

"I didn't manage this information well. I will compensate you. In the future, we can only look for opportunities in the Machine City." Huang Hu's expression turned gloomy.

"You want to leave, this is not possible."

Aware of everyone’s attitude, the armed soldiers slammed to their knees and slammed their heads to everyone, “Please, you must destroy them all. This is the best time to severely damage the Electronic Foundation. Once in the city , You simply cannot engage in large-scale battles."

Large-scale battles in the mechanical city are the biggest provocation for the city guards. Once Huang Hu does this, then wait for the city guards to retaliate endlessly.

"We want too, but we are not their opponents at all..." The blood wolf shrugged and said hoarsely, "You go back first, and we will talk about it when we think of a countermeasure."

Seeing a few people leave without hesitation, the armed soldier looked down at the ground and suddenly raised his head, as if he had made a certain decision. He took the AK rifle from his back, pulled the bolt, and aimed it at the back of the few people.

Several people heard the gunshots, turned their heads, and looked at him in surprise.

Huang Hu whispered: "Are you crazy? Do you want to die?"

"Haha..." The armed warrior yelled hysterically: "You want to go and asked if I am not. Even if I am just a small person, I will avenge my wife and children in my own way...I know you want Get the pile of silica, they are in the mecha of the'transformer', go and defeat him...haha..."

He raised the muzzle, aimed at the sky, and pulled the trigger without hesitation, da da da...

The crisp gunfire resounded across the sky, and naturally, it was all heard by the fund soldiers in the canyon.

Huang Hu was startled, took out the explosive gun, and said sharply: "Stop it, you really want to die."

"What are you going to do with him and kill him?" The blood wolf howled and turned into a blood wolf, and rushed at him fiercely.

The armed warrior gave a sorrowful laugh, stepped back, turned over, and fell from the edge of the canyon.

I watched him fall to the ground like a flutter, and was watched by many armed soldiers below.

He did not die when he fell, but his whole body was broken, revealing wires and parts. He raised his twisted arm to the sky and shouted with all his strength: "It's the enemy, there are so many enemies, they want to **** the silica."

Above the gorge, the blood wolf cursed secretly, "I knew this before, and killed him first when he came just now."

The roar of armored vehicles and motorcycles resounded through the valley, and a large number of armed fighters rushed out of the valley and went straight to the top of the valley.

Huang Hu and the others didn't dare to delay here, so they could only flee away because Luo Fei had a car. When he jumped onto the heavy truck, his speed immediately soared to the extreme.

It didn't take long for a large number of motorcycles and armored vehicles to catch up with the Yellow Tigers. The two sides engaged in a fierce chasing battle.

Huang Hu hid in a pit and spewed cyan smoke to cover him. In the next instant, he and the smoke disappeared invisibly.

The blood wolf jumped on the back of the'giant hand', and the legs of the'giant hand' turned into a roller, the speed was much faster, and in the blink of an eye, it ran a long way.

The wasteland was full of the roar of motorcycles and armored vehicles, and they shouted wantonly, crushing the members of the wild wolf group who were not willing to surrender.

At this moment, a jet fighter flew in the sky, the sound of the jet resounding across the ground, flying across the ground at a very fast speed, throughout the battlefield, and at the same time easily found Luo Fei's Lucky Heavy Truck.

The opponent leaned and dived, and a three-meter-long missile fell from the magazine, and its tail spurted flames and flew toward Lucky.

"Boss, missile." Tian A, who was always observing, quickly picked up the walkie-talkie to remind Luo Fei.

"I see, you plug your ears now, and I will start to fight back." Facing the attack, Luo Fei's voice didn't have much tension.

The gun barrel on the truck rose quickly, and a shell had been stuffed into the gun barrel. Seeing this, Tian Au retreated into the truck, covering his ears.

At this moment, the missile that exceeded the speed of sound came to the head of the truck first, but a semicircular magnetic cover appeared in front of the missile in time, and the invisible repulsive force was released.

Before the missile hit the magnetic shield, it suddenly changed its direction and flew upwards obliquely, but it turned into a fireball about ten meters wide with a bang of 100 meters.

Immediately afterwards, the muzzle was aimed at the sky, with a bang, the shell rushed out of the barrel, and after flying through the magnetic ring, the speed increased again, and it appeared in the air in the blink of an eye.

The fighter in the sky reacted quickly and immediately tilted its body, but the shell still hit its wing.

There was a loud bang, the fireball expanded, and then countless spots of light flew in all directions, like fireworks during the festival, covering the sky within 20 meters.

As a result, the pits and pits on the battle fuselage were all black.

The fighter plane that had broken one of its wings quickly fell. When approaching the ground, it turned into a tall robot in a blink of an eye. It fell on the ground and rolled twice, and then turned into a multi-barreled tank again.

It has a body size of 20 meters long and 10 meters wide. Mounted on it is a multi-barreled gun surrounded by five muzzles. As it adjusts its angle slightly, a continuous roar sounds.

The blazing white light bullets were less than 0.5 seconds apart, and flew toward the heavy truck like a shower.

Under Luo Fei's operation, Lucky suddenly flew into the sky, dodge a massive amount of shells dangerously.

At this time, a large number of shells fell on the ground, and a pothole as large as a football field suddenly appeared on the wasteland.

The multi-barrel muzzle on the tank was raised by the bracket, and another round of shelling was launched, and a series of light bombs hit the truck again.

But the truck was also fast, and then fell again, but the multi-barreled muzzle also fell, always chasing the truck's trajectory.