Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 84: Often drop the chain

The snake people came very quickly and the scale was quite magnificent, and also blocked the way of Luo Fei and others. For this, Luo Fei had to choose to fight them.

The flying shells fell among the snake crowd, the ground was dusty, the flames exploded, and a large number of snake men rose with poisonous smoke.

The snakes are also constantly spraying poison gas, but the Fund fighters who wear helmets at all times have little effect on this, and they can even take out Neil's machete and rush into the poisonous smoke to fight the snakes in close combat.

On the Lucky ship, countless bullets also flew up, and the double-headed sword was also raging among the snakes.

The human forces fought and retreated, but they still couldn't rush out of the encirclement in front of them, as if these snake men had been moving with them, but in fact, none of the snake men who had passed by them looked back.

This kind of high-intensity battle lasted for nearly 30 minutes, and I don't know how many snakes were killed. Luo Fei already felt that a lot of abilities in his body were consumed.

"How much is there anyway?" Luo Fei looked up, and there were ocher figures everywhere on the yellow ground. They were walking on the ground, densely packed.

The ammunition of the human forces began to slowly dry up, and the snakes rushed up and swept them with their powerful tails, and the body of the armed soldiers suddenly shattered.

The situation began to develop in a direction that was unfavorable to mankind. The "transformer" not far away fired another round of shells, and then the fuselage ejected jagged and rotated a circle, cutting all the snakes around into two pieces.

Then the "transformer" suddenly retreated to Lucky's side, "I have no shells, I may not be able to go back, but the silica that I finally got can't be left to them."

The cockpit of the armored car opened, and a mechanical man jumped out from it, carrying a metal box to the cab of Lucky.

Luo Fei looked at the silica stone handed over unexpectedly. Although he was looking forward to it, he was still very puzzled, because no one would give valuable things to others for no reason. He looked at him and asked vigilantly: "What do you mean? Are you afraid that I will swallow it alone?"

The young mechanical man in front of him was lying at the window and smiling, as if it was a birthday cake from a guy next door.

"My task is to bring these silica stones back, but it seems... I can't seem to go back... My jet engine is broken..." Seeing Luo Fei didn't pick it up, he hung the metal box on the handle inside. superior.

Some reluctantly moved his hands away from the metal box, and continued to smile: "It doesn't matter if it is swallowed or given away, as long as it is still in human hands, I can accept it."

"I know that the car can fly, please break out as soon as possible, I will attract some snake people for you."

The mechanical boy in front of him turned and left, ran and jumped into the armored car, and then transformed again. He became a mechanical giant, with his right hand drew a tomahawk from his leg. With a light wave, the alienated lizardman who jumped out of the ground was instantly beheaded.

Luo Fei was greatly shocked at this time. In the matter of giving his life to others, he felt that no one was greater than them.

This also puzzled Luo Fei, "Pan Bei was the same back then, but why did he change his person?"

At the edge of the magnetic cover, a circle of alienated snakemen appeared in the ground one after another. They held the snake stick and kept tapping the magnetic cover, causing the magnetic cover to vibrate constantly.

Knowing that this place cannot be left for long, Luo Fei quickly removed the metal box and threw it to the roof of the car from the window, "Tiancao, then, protect it."

Taking the metal box quickly, Tian A was confused, "Why give it to me? Can't it be left in the car?"

At this moment, the'transformer' rolled over, swept the battle axe in his hand, forcing the alienated snake man back, and then the metal voice shouted: "There is the mechanical city over there, I will open the way for you."

Luo Fei quickly looked into the distance. The long battle made his senses think that the outside was a piece of loess except for the snake man, and the black square buildings that appeared in the distance were like an oasis in the yellow sand, which was so yearning.

But the Mechanic City is too far away from them. From here, it seems that it can be grasped with one hand, so far away that they can't drive the truck to fly over.

And between them and the machine city, there are densely packed snake people, and their number can no longer be calculated.

The 15-meter-tall "Transformer" came to the front of Lucky, swept by the sharp tomahawk, all the snakes flew up, and he was like a boatman who split the wind and waves for Luo Fei and the others.

With its help, the advancement was very smooth at first, but then, a large group of alienated snake people emerged from the ground. They threw their long tails and curled them on the legs of the'transformer'. One tail actually grows to about ten meters, which is much thicker than other snake tails.

As they neighed together, the feet of the ‘deformer’ slowly sank like a swamp.

He worked hard several times, but he didn't break free from the swallowing of the land. He had a bad feeling and hurriedly shouted to Luo Fei: "What are you waiting for, hurry up and fly..."

Luo Fei looked at him with emotion. Although he was an enemy of the Electronic Foundation, when he saw such a ‘transformer’, his mind that this organization was a bad person was shaken.

Now is not the time to hesitate, Luo Fei calmly said to Xi Huai, "Let's take off."

The heavy truck suddenly jumped to the sky, stopped at a position 100 meters above the ground, and then hurriedly flew towards the machine city. During this period, the 30 snakes in the prison were aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, such a change was quickly discovered by the refugees who got into the car later. They panicked and exclaimed, but under the explanation of Tie Nian and others, they gradually became quiet, but their faces still had expressions of fear.

Luo Fei looked down from the window, and the snake men on the ground did not all besiege the "Deformation Machine", but continued to run to the distance. It seemed that the "Deformation Machine" and others were reefs in the running water, just hitting it easily.

"Strange? Do they have more important goals? And the ‘transformer’ is just by the way?" Luo Fei murmured.

At this time, Tian Ao's voice came from the walkie-talkie, "Boss, there is another group of red-sucking birds flying, the number is about 200."

"What's going on? Why is there another wave of sucking red birds?" Luo Fei frowned. It stands to reason that there will only be a group of red sucking birds hunting in an area, but how long has it been before that another group appeared, very Obviously something is wrong.

"Challenge." With a soft spit, a 20-meter-long double-headed sword flew up from the truck, rotated, and quickly landed in the redbird-sucking colony.

Suddenly, the red sucking bird tore its whole body, and countless blood was spilled, and it rained on the ground. Some surviving red sucking birds fell on the ground, but they were soon enveloped by many poisonous gases, and the poisonous gas penetrated into its body. In seconds, they instantly wilted to the ground.

In the past, a red sucking bird that was hard to kill has now become a lamb to be slaughtered. The long double-headed sword swept across them instantly, quickly beheading them at the speed of four birds per second.

The wind swept through the clouds, and the entire swarm of suckling birds suddenly suffered heavy casualties, which also made them realize that it was not profitable. The swarm of suckling birds in front of them immediately separated into two teams and flew away, without the intention of continuing to struggle.

This made Luo Fei even more puzzled.

On the ground, the ‘Transformer’ held a battle axe and slashed towards the tail of the snake, and cut a piece, but it would also leave a trace on itself.

However, the snake men also loosened their control of the "Deformation Machine", but the feet of the "Deformation Machine" had entered the hard ground. They seemed to merge with the yellow ground, and they could not be pulled out.


At this moment, human language with a weird accent appeared behind the'transformer'.

The'transformer' quickly turned around, and a snake-man with a height of about ten meters stood not far away with a snake stick. Unlike other snake-men, it also wore a skirt and crown made of feathers. Quite a bit of the smell of dry land chiefs.

Realizing that there is an important goal in front of him, the "Deformer" suddenly shouted, "Die me."

With a swing of his right hand, the giant axe turned into a whirlwind and flew towards it quickly.

I saw the Crested Snakeman waved the snake rod in his hand, and the whirlwind tomahawk was knocked away with a bang, and then it pointed to the "transformer". The ground under his feet was like a real swamp, quickly swallowing the body of the "transformer". The thighs, waist, abdomen, and finally his head, all entered the ground without a trace.

At this time, the black building in the distance appeared in the yellowish-brown vertical eyes, and the feather-crowned snakeman pointed to the mechanical city and neighed, ""

In the sky, in the heavy truck, the scales of the snake-man in the prison were dry and cracked, falling off, and the skin inside was wrinkled and aging.

The truck soldier next to him had almost protruding eyes. He hurriedly pulled away the refugees and shouted as he ran: "The snake man is going to die, the snake man is going to die..."

Luo Fei blinked when he got the news, and looked at the distance between them and the Mechanical City, it didn't seem to decrease much.

"Let's go down." Luo Fei patted the disk, and the heavy truck descended at a very fast speed, which was close to the speed of a free fall.

"Boss, why is this? Please control the rhythm..." I don't know when the iron block appeared in the cab again.

Luo Fei had already put his face on the steering wheel, and a buzzing sounded: "My ability has bottomed out, I'm very tired, let me rest..."

"Let's take a break?...Boss, you really will choose the time..." The iron body has been attached to the roof of the car.

The heavy truck was about to fall to the ground, and there were screams everywhere in the car. Luo Fei suddenly raised his head, "The time is just right."

With a clenched fist, the heavy truck suddenly stood up, and it was still half a meter away from the ground, slowly drifting down.

"Boss, can you tell me in advance before you stop." The iron nugget and others fell to the ground fiercely.

Luo Fei slowly raised his head and sighed in relief. He took out an energy potion from his car pocket and put it on his arm forcefully. Watching the blue liquid slowly enter his body, he felt his body recovered.

The time of injecting energy potions cannot be continuous, otherwise the body will be damaged, and the muscles will explode and become a waste.

When Lucky landed on the ground, a swarm of snake men quickly surrounded the truck.

The violent poisonous fog surrounded the magnetic shield, and for a while, the smoke clouded outside.

"It feels like a fairyland." Luo Fei rubbed his chin. Whenever he encountered such a dangerous situation, Luo Fei didn't know when he had this mentality of touching his chin and enjoying the scenery calmly.

"It's estimated that it changed when the awakening potion was injected for the first time." Luo Fei's thoughts went back to the past, that helpless period... suddenly... some can't remember. "It's probably painful amnesia."