Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 85: collection

"Boss, think of a way..." The big iron voice resounded throughout the carriage.

But unfortunately, he did not get Luo Fei's response.

"Don't yell, Luo Fei will consume physical strength to use his abilities, so hurry up and help."

The sound of struggling to paint a dream came from behind him, as if he was carrying something, and the iron hurried over.

I saw Huimeng coming over carrying a large bag of guns, and when she met someone she gave it to him, even the refugees.

"Big... uh, sister Eimeng..." He who wanted to call his sister-in-law was fiercely stared by Eimeng, so he changed his mouth instantly, and then said: "You are too timely, our bullets have almost been seen. It's the end."

The iron nuggets helped distribute the gun to others, and picked up one myself. This gun is 2 meters long and 20 cm thick. The muzzle is like a horn. It doesn’t have a front sight. It’s more like a small gun, more like a small gun. gun.

"Is this a cannon?" The iron came to the window and shot outside.

The powerful thrust made him take a step back, and a cylindrical ammunition visible to the naked eye flew out. When in the air, the cylindrical ammunition separated from the center and turned into a large net that opened quickly.

"No, it's capturing guns." Hui Meng handed out guns while directing the refugees. "Don't be idle. You can shoot if you can shoot. If you can't, send ammunition and help pull the rope."

The barbed wire shot out was like a big mouth, and soon wrapped a snake man, and a rope connected it to the truck.

The refugees grabbed the rope hard and dragged the snake-man into the magnetic cover, then armed mecha jumped from the roof of the car, fighting rifles skillfully pierced their tails and arms, and smashed the fangs in their mouths.

Then the iron block and others installed the cylindrical shrink net and shot out the wire net again.

In this way, the vacant prison gradually filled up with time and time again.

At this time, Luo Fei felt that a weak energy in the void was continuously pouring from the center of his eyebrows, and he felt that his power level was approaching from the primary level of the beast level to the intermediate level.

With his thoughts flickering, Luo Fei once again came to the magnetic galaxy, watched the nebula in the sky, and finally pointed at one of them.

Outside the green smoke, a force was rushing towards this side, and the metal storm composed of light bullets quickly swept away the snake-men in front of them, and they all turned into a cloud of blood in the blink of an eye.

At the forefront are the twelve Defender I-type armed mechas. This type of armed mecha, which was obtained at a huge cost by the Electronic Foundation, is not comparable to the inferior products in the Quya Valley base.

Their armor is very thick and powerful. The Grim cannon in their hands can fire high-explosive rounds with the thick of their thumbs uninterruptedly, which immediately explodes like small bombs when hitting the snake-man.

But after such a long time of fighting, their ammunition finally ran out, and the clicks continued to sound. They did not hesitate to drop the Grim cannon together with the back box, pick up the alloy battle axe on the back, and take a step. Move forward.

The poisonous gas, sharp claws, and even the tail of the whipping snake couldn't harm them. At most, they made them take a step back, and every time they waved, there was always a snake who was torn in half by huge power.

For a time, there were no snakes to stop, but their speed caused dissatisfaction in the back.

Snakes and wolves rushed past the defenders quickly, rushing toward the poisonous smoke, toward the snake-man, or biting or scratching, and fought with them fiercely in the most primitive way.

One of the figures jumped out. It was the blood-red blood wolf. He wanted to seduce the snake-man troops. At first, he was very successful and got some fund soldiers to chase them. But then he regretted it. After a while, there were a large number of snake-men. Troops swarmed in, and in the end he had to unite with the Fund fighters to blaze a trail.

A huge defensive cover appeared in front, and the blood wolf clearly saw the heavy truck inside. Although he didn't know why Luo Fei stopped here, he couldn't think about that much anymore. He just wanted to find a place to take a good rest. meeting.

He exhaled slightly, and his body suddenly shrank in a circle. This was a sign that his physical strength was about to be exhausted. If he became a human, he would lose his power and immunity to poisonous gas. On such a complex battlefield, He couldn't live for a second at all.

I had to tighten my teeth again and continue to squeeze my physical stamina into supernatural powers. The black claws in my hand grabbed the snake man in front of me, and the mutant gene instantly entered its body, and it took a full minute to turn it into a snake. Wolf.

Realizing that his abilities were seriously degraded, the blood wolf suddenly yelled at the sky, "'Giant Hand', come and help me."

"Here." The urn sounded, the'giant hand' responsible for breaking the team's tail has become a ball, raging in the snake crowd. In terms of physical fitness, he is almost unlimited, but the long battle still allows him to The spirit is a bit tired.

He retracted the sickle on his body and turned into a smooth rolling ball from the end of the team to the front, which made the fund fighters in the middle to withstand more blows in an instant. Their current bullets were exhausted long ago, and they could only use a Nepalese scimitar. Fight against each other.

"We are not far from Luo Fei...Hurry up and clear the obstacles in front of you." The blood wolf yelled, while inserting its sharp claws into the heart of a snake man. The mutated gene finally caused it to be transformed in less than three seconds. As a snake wolf.

But during this period, the blood wolf also endured bites and scratches from the snake man.

The injured part can't heal for a long time. For this, as long as it is not important, the blood wolf simply won't heal, and try to reduce the few abilities in the body.

"Understand." The tired urn sounded, and the ‘giant hand’ turned into a ball again, releasing the iron lock sickle and rushing into the crowd of snakes, quickly sweeping out a large open space.

In front of his eyes, the blood wolf almost fell to the ground staggeringly. There were very few snake wolves beside him, and his body eventually became smaller and transformed into a human being.

His power was finally exhausted.

"Hurry up..." He yelled to the Fund fighters behind him, and then immediately got up and ran forward. Although there are some contradictions between them, it is time to help each other in the same boat. One more person can get an extra point of safety.

He ran forward a few steps, then stopped suddenly, because he did not follow his footsteps behind him.

The blood wolf's heart came to a sudden stop, he immediately turned around and found that the soldiers were struggling, their bodies were wrapped in thick snake tails.

And those snake tails just rose from the ground and entangled them. With a little effort, their silhouettes began to sink into the ground slowly.

"The ground!" The blood wolf's pupils shrank, and then quickly jumped back. A snake tail happened to rise from the ground, but it was just wrapped up in the air, and then it returned to the ground.

Without even thinking about it, the blood wolf rushed to the magnetic cover and shouted, "Help..." as soon as he arrived in front of the magnetic cover.

A steel wire rope suddenly appeared, tied him upright, and was immediately dragged in. Seeing several armed mechas stab him in front of him, he opened his eyes and shouted: "You can see clearly..."

"Huh? Who are you?" Fei Tu scratched his head, he didn't know him, he was a person. "How can a person appear in the snake man?"

When he saw the blood wolf, the blood wolf had already turned into the appearance of a werewolf, and when he saw him changing his body, he was wearing a cloak again.

"Boss, I found a snake spy."

Fei drove him to Luo Fei’s cab and threw the blood wolf in front of Luo Fei in his mecha. “I feel he is a little weird. He is running in the poisonous gas without protection. I feel that he is the spy of the snake man. ."

Luo Fei glanced at the blood wolf in the wire mesh in surprise, waved to let Fei Tu go out, "I know him, old friend."

The blood wolf finally opened the wire mesh, got out, breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and stretched out his palm to say hello, "Hey, I met again, I didn't expect you to die..."

"I was also very surprised, you weren't dead, are you?" Luo Fei looked at him naked and waved his hand to get a cloak to put on him.

"Hey, why did you stop here? Did the car break down?" The blood wolf consumes a lot of energy and needs energy intake at this time. "Is there food and water?"

Immediately understand the other party's thoughts, reach out and pick up an energy potion and throw it over. Relatively speaking, this recovery speed is faster.

The blood wolf took it and put it into his arms, "This is for emergency use. I'm not in a hurry now, so I have to give it something to eat."

After a while, a refugee handed over some insectivores. This insectivore is a specially created renewable food in the Mechanical City. They are like earthworms and can survive even if they are cut into more than a dozen sections. Just give them some waste materials, such as rags. , Plastic, cardboard boxes, etc., in a short time they can become new individuals ten centimeters long.

Luo Fei also heard that this carnivorous is a parasite in the stomach of a certain creature, and it is easy to find raw materials.

"Please...we only have this..." Luo Fei also took a bowl of tea mug from the self-made water pipe and handed it to him. "Don't choke."

After receiving the insectivorous bowl, the blood wolf did not dislike it. He grabbed a large group of earthworm-like insectivores and stuffed it into his mouth, making a burst of juice, and took another sip from the tea jar.

After regaining some physical strength, the blood wolf stood up from the ground and wiped the corners of his mouth with satisfaction, "By the way, the'giant hand' is still outside, you will also pull him in, and be careful of the alienated snake-men underground, they I have noticed you."

Luo Fei looked up. In the wasteland not far away, the Foundation soldiers were slowly being pulled into the ground. At this time, most of them were left with one head. When they all fell to the ground, they would be drowning and helpless. People were onlookers by a group of crocodiles.

Soon, there was only one "Giant Hand" who was still fighting outside. Under the raging situation, all the snake men quickly dispersed and formed a circle around the truck.

A passage was exposed on the magnetic cover, and the ‘giant hand’ rolled in immediately, re-morphing into a human appearance.

Seeing Luo Fei's surprised urn said: "So you are not dead..."

"Your brother has already asked, so you don't need to repeat it, do you want to eat something?" Luo Fei pointed to the bowl in the blood wolf's hand.

"No..."'Giant Hand' waved the big hand in his hand, and said coyly, "Is there electricity?"

Luo Fei raised his brows, "This is a lot..."

Immediately someone brought a cable, and Huimeng used the principle of electromagnetic power generation to build a generator in her laboratory, which often provides power to armed mechas and some electrical appliances.

"Giant Hand" took the wire and plugged it into his belly button, and he let out a long sigh of relief, "It's really comfortable..."