Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 905: The Endless World

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The night is filled, Yun Xiao doesn’t know where he is at the moment, but he probably hasn’t left the scope of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Judging from his memory of the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he should be on the edge of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The place should not be far away from the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Frankly speaking, he is still more or less reluctant to leave the Great Zhou Dynasty and leave his hometown and teachers. After all, no matter where he comes from or where he grew up, This is not rich land.

However, deep in his heart, in fact, more of his expectations of the outside world.

The Great Zhou Dynasty is such a large area, and the core is only the big slap of the imperial city. If he has stayed in the Great Zhou Dynasty, he will not want to become a real strong in this life.

On the other hand, there is always a worry in his heart, that is, who his biological parents are. He believes that his parents can never be ordinary people. This is from what they left to him. A space ring can be seen.

Only after leaving the Great Zhou Dynasty and going to a higher place, can he get information about his parents and find them. Of course, the prerequisite is that they are still alive...

"Unexpectedly, there is so much attention to cultivation. After listening to the instructions of the master today, the disciple was really surprised."

In the middle of the lin, Yun Xiao always asked Xun Wanshan for some of the cultivation questions that bothered him, and Xun Wanshan answered all the questions without saying anything.

Unknowingly when he was zhong, the time of the middle of the night had quietly passed, Yun Xiao's understanding of cultivation became more and more profound.

"Apprentice, your cultivation talent is simply rare in the world. Even if you look at the entire Yanhuang World, it should be rare. As long as you can maintain such a modest and cautious attitude, you will surely become the pinnacle of the entire Yanhuang World. Super strong, laugh at the group."

Xun Wanshan’s face was full of emotions. Frankly speaking, after seeing Yunxiao’s horrible understanding of the dragon’s body technique, he had already valued Yunxiao even more, but he didn’t understand until now that he originally had an estimate of Yunxiao. Still slightly conservative.

Yun Xiaoshi asked him a lot of questions. At first, he didn't take these questions seriously, but as Yunxiao's questions became more and more, he found that the depth of the questions Yunxiao asked was just getting more and more incredible. There were some questions. , It shouldn't be involved by the people of Destroying Tribulation Realm, but Yun Xiao just thought of it.

In his opinion, Yun Xiao was able to ask these questions. This was unbelievable. What made him even more unbelievable was that Yun Xiao not only asked these questions, but he understood and understood all of them under his guidance. Now, this is what shocked him inexplicably.

"It just so happened that Master was talking about the Great World of Yan and Huang, and the disciples have always been curious about what kind of existence is this so-called Great World of Yan and Huang?"

Yun Xiao didn't care about Xun Wanshan's shock. When he heard the other party mentioning Yanhuang Great World again, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and hurriedly asked.

He had heard the name of the Yanhuang Great World before, but he was still very weak at that time, and the situation at that time was not suitable for him to ask, but now he is quite strong, and he just happens to have With such an opportunity, he naturally has to ask to understand.

The Danyangzi’s memory he inherited was basically all about alchemy. As for other memories, it might have been deliberately erased by the Danyangzi senior, but he knew in his heart that the Danyangzi senior was where he was. Pill Realm, it will definitely not be the world in front of you.

In other words, there should be more than one big world in this world.

"Yanhuang Great World? Haha, since you asked, I'll tell you as a teacher." Hearing Yunxiao's question, Xun Wanshan was taken aback for a moment, and then he nodded with a smile.

Frankly speaking, he hadn't planned to talk too much to Yun Xiao so early, but now that Yun Xiao asked, and Yun Xiao's strength is already quite strong now, there are some things, it's okay to let the other party know in advance.

"Thank you Master, the disciple listens respectfully!!"

With Xun Wanshan's consent, Yun Xiao couldn't help but smile, and then he straightened up, waiting for the other party's narration expectantly.

"You want to know what kind of existence the Yanhuang Great World is. To be honest, even if you are a teacher, you can't fully understand it. As a teacher, you only know that there are many, many worlds in this world, like the world we live in. Everyone calls it the Great World of Yan and Huang, and besides Great World of Yan and Huang, there are many similar spatial worlds in this world, such as the Great World of Holy Light, Great World of Thunder Cloud, Wind Spirit World, Five Elements Spirit World, Pill World, etc. These big worlds coexist in the endless chaos. They have transmission channels to communicate with each other, and sometimes they communicate with each other. As for how these big worlds are formed, and where the channels between them come from, then It's not what the teacher can know..."

Xun Wanshan didn't hesitate, he just told Yunxiao about the information he knew when he spoke. As for how much Yunxiao can understand and digest, it depends on Yunxiao's understanding.

"Many big worlds? Coexist in the chaos? There are even transmission channels between each other?"

Yun Xiao listened very carefully. After hearing what Xun Wanshan said, he keenly grasped some of his keywords. Although it is indeed difficult to understand these contents in his current realm, he can at least One thing to be sure, that is that there are really many spatial worlds in this world, and the Xuanhuang Great World he is in is just one of them.

"Disciple, in fact, you don’t need to study these things too much now, because the Xuanhuang Great World that we are in is actually boundless. Going to the end of the world, so now, you only need to understand the Xuanhuang big world briefly, and there is no need to consider other big world issues."

Seeing Yunxiao's gleaming eyes, Xun Wanshan hurriedly straightened his expression and exhorted Yunxiao.

He actually didn't want Yunxiao to put his vision too high. After all, there are some things that Yunxiao can't dabble in now. If Yunxiao is so lofty, it is definitely not a good thing for cultivation.