Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 907: Teach

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The moon sets and the sun rises overnight. The conversation between Yunxiao and Xun Wanshan's master and apprentice was when Zhong passed quietly, and after this whole night of conversation, Yunxiao was an eye-opener for Qing Mingzong and even the entire Yanhuang Great World. , All have a lot of understanding.

To be honest, after learning about the richness of the Yanhuang Great World, Yunxiao was really full of expectations for the coming life of Qingmingzong.

The sky was shining, and the two masters and apprentices embarked on the journey again, and this time, Xun Wanshan did not compare the speed with the clouds. The two of them were walking like a walk, walking on the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty without any haste. On the way, Xun Wanshan never stopped raising points and infiltrating Yunxiao.

For Xun Wanshan, the closer he is to Qing Mingzong, the shorter the time he can stay with Yunxiao. Therefore, he must seize this time on the road and connect with Yunxiao as much as possible. improve relationship.

He knew most clearly in his heart that although Qing Mingzong was full of competition and danger, it was actually much better than the corners of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Once in Qing Mingzong, many people would forget their original intentions. Gradually, he will be corroded by the beauty of Qing Mingzong, and he won't even remember the people who have been kind to him.

Frankly speaking, he was also worried that Yun Xiao would forget the Great Zhou Dynasty and the real Wu Sacred Academy. If that were the case, then his contribution to Yun Xiao, regardless of his expectations, would be a dream.

Speaking of it, the Great Zhou Dynasty sent countless geniuses to the Qingmingzong as a zhong, and many of its people have achieved remarkable results, but those who have achieved achievements, I am afraid that they have never thought of returning to the Great Zhou dynasty in their entire life to return. The families that raised them, as well as the colleges and holy houses that nurture them.

To put it bluntly, a person who has entered heaven from **** will never think of going back to **** to continue suffering, unless he has enough rights in heaven to transform hell, but unfortunately, from The people who went out from the Great Zhou Dynasty have not yet been able to reach that level and realm............

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, three days of time passed quietly. Three days later, Yunxiao and Xun Wanshan finally walked out of the boundaries of the Great Zhou Dynasty and came to the endless wilderness outside the Great Zhou Dynasty.

For Yun Xiao, he also had the experience of leaving the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty before, so he didn't feel too novel. In addition, although the outside of the Great Zhou Dynasty was desolate, it was actually not much different from some of the old lins in the deep mountains. It's just that the scope is larger.

After the Great Zhou Dynasty, Xun Wanshan took the clouds directly to a plain and stopped. This plain could not be seen at a glance, and it gave people the feeling that it was extremely open, even if there was a target dozens of miles away. , Can be directly seen clearly.

"What an open plain, Master, are we here waiting for others to come and gather?"

Standing on this open plain, the clouds raised their eyes and looked into the distance, and suddenly there was a feeling of open-mindedness and freedom.

"Yes, every time we go to Qing Mingzong, we will rejoin here, and then head towards Qing Mingzong together. After all, this is our last paradise."

With a slight smile, Xun Wanshan is obviously very familiar with this plain. In fact, every time he comes here, he will feel open-minded and indescribably comfortable.

"The last paradise? So, the next trip will be very dangerous?!"

Hearing Xun Wanshan's words, Yun Xiao was taken aback for a moment and asked subconsciously.

"It will be very dangerous. Right now we are still far, far away from Qing Mingzong. On this road, we have to cross a lot of wild mountains and ridges, and some deserts and Gobi. There will even be extremely complicated and changeable. In the dangerous environment, if you are unlucky, even the people in the ruined realm have the possibility of perishing."

Nodded, Xun Wanshan didn't hide it, and directly introduced to Yunxiao.

To reach Qing Mingzong, of course it will not be so easy. The journey to Qing Mingzong is almost full of dangers. Otherwise, he would not personally **** him.

"This...there are so many dangers?" Yun Xiao did not expect that the road to Qingmingzong would be so uneven.

Even the strong of the Destroying Realm has the possibility of falling, and you can imagine what will happen along the way!

"Qing Mingzong controls eight dynasties in his hands. These eight dynasties are far away from the core of Qing Mingzong. It can be said that they are the most fringe areas within the Qing Mingzong's sphere of influence, and they are in the Qing Mingzong jurisdiction. When I was in the middle, there were so many dangerous desperate situations. When we went to the gate of Qingmingzong this time, we had to walk around in many places."

Seeing Yun Xiao's astonishment, Xun Wanshan smiled and shook his head before continuing to explain to Yun Xiao.

Speaking of it, this is a strong man like him. If it is a person who has replaced the ordinary Tribulation Realm, I am afraid it will be difficult to determine the direction of Qing Mingzong. Maybe you will get lost in a dangerous place when you walk. NS.


With a wink in his eyes, Yun Xiao had yet another more intuitive concept of the vast scope of Qing Mingzong's influence.

"Okay, let’s not talk about it. It is estimated that it will take a few days for others to get here. In these few days, you can cultivate here with peace of mind. Speaking of which, the other two faculties of the teacher are also Time to teach it to you."

Shaking his head, Xun Wanshan's eyes narrowed slightly and said to Yunxiao.

He has a total of three famous Wuxues. The Dragon Sage is only one of them. Judging from the current situation, Yunxiao's mastery of the Dragon Swing has reached the limit. He believes that the other two Wuxues are of great importance to Yunxiao. In other words, there shouldn't be too much problem.

Others estimate that it will take at least a few days to arrive here. Before that, he hopes that Yun Xiao can comprehend his other two wu studies. At that time, the connection between him and Yun Xiao will be closer. .

"Hey, the disciple has long been waiting for Master to teach the other two unparalleled studies. Master can rest assured that the disciple will definitely practice Master's Wu studies, and use Master's Wu studies to become famous in the future!"

Hearing Xun Wanshan mentioning his other two geniuses, Yun Xiao no longer had the mind to care about anything else, and he immediately became energetic, looking forward to authenticity.

Naturally, Xun Wanshan’s fascination is not comparable to ordinary Wu learning. For this, he can experience one or two from the dragon body technique he has practiced. He wants to wait until he has practiced the other two fascinations. 'S combat effectiveness will definitely be able to go further, so as to better settle down in places such as Qing Mingzong.