Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 971: Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger

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.., Shenwu Supreme

In the depths of the dense forest, Yunxiao is like a bystander who is aloof, watching the changes around the entire mining area quietly. It is impossible for any person or thing to escape his detection.

He naturally saw Jiang Wuya's appearance clearly, and after hearing Jiang Wuya's dialogue with the two deputy hall masters of the Qianyun Party, his face was already full of weird colors, almost always laugh out loud.

"Tsk tsk, this guy is really interesting. He actually asked the people of the Qianyun Party for the fruits of their labor as soon as he opened his mouth. It seems that he really didn't take the Qianyun Party in his eyes!"

With his spiritual power locked to Jiang Wuya, he could perceive that this person's strength is absolutely extraordinary. From the surface, this should be a strong person in the early stage of the Dharma Realm. However, from the opponent, he felt a sense of strength. If there is a dangerous aura of Ruowu, perhaps, this person's combat power will in all likelihood exceed that of a normal person in the early stage of the Dharma Stage.

He joined Qing Mingzong not long ago, so he didn't recognize this Jiang Wuya, but judging from the reaction of the people in the Qianyun Party, this Jiang Wuya should be a relatively influential figure.

"This hasn't waited for me to take action. Someone actually took a step ahead of me. It seems that I am not the only one who wants to attack the Qianyun Party mining area. I just don’t know how this guy found here. ."

When he followed the people from Qianjitang before, it was true that no one was found following him. In other words, this person should not have followed Qianjitang, and since he did not follow Qianjitang, it is basically two. One kind of situation is that this person is entrusted by the Dynasty Party to help the Dynasty Party find a place, and the other possibility is that this person has an internal response in the Qianyun Party and rushes to come after receiving the internal response. of.

In contrast, he feels that the latter is more likely, because based on the background of the dynasty party, he may not be able to invite such characters.

"Don't worry about that, let's just see what this person is going to do. The two deputy heads of the Qianyun Party are not vegetarians. If you want to divide the results of the work of the Qianyun Party by one sentence, I'm afraid Wouldn't it be that easy?"

Shaking his head and smiling, he didn't feel much about the changes at hand. For him, whether it was the people of the Thousand Clouds Party or the unexpected visitor, they would not pose too much threat to him, if he If you want, you can still control the audience, and no one will want to make any waves...

At the same time, the atmosphere above the mine has gradually become tense.

Jiang Wuya has already expressed his intention, but his intention is definitely impossible for the people of the Qianyun Party to accept, especially the two deputy hall masters of the Qianyun Party. For them, Jiang Wuya proposed Such a request is an insult to them and to the Qianyun Party.

"Jiang Wuya, I know that you had an adventure at the beginning, and your cultivation quickly rose from the tribulation state to the Dharma phase state. It can be said to be a strange species among the Qingming Sect, but don't you think your request is a bit excessive? ?"

The two deputy hall masters were not in a hurry, but they had secretly activated their true energy at this moment, and were ready to attack at any time.

Jiang Wuya’s identity in Qing Mingzong is indeed a bit special. This person is not affiliated with any party, but a lone ranger without party affiliation. It is said that the other party encountered an ancestor cave mansion when he was practicing outside, and he was in it. He has obtained a lot of adventures, and his strength is simply unpredictable. Looking at the eight major parties of the Qingming Sect, no one wants to provoke this person.

Originally, the Thousand Clouds Party didn't have any trouble with this person, and I don't know why this person suddenly came here today to make trouble for them.

"Hahaha, excessive? Do you still dare to say that others are excessive?" Hearing the words of the two deputy hall masters of the Qianyun Party, Jiang Wuya couldn't help but smile back, "Tsk, if I remember correctly, this place The mining area should originally belonged to the Dynasty Party. It was your Thousand Clouds Party that was bullying and bullying. This took the mining area as its own. If you want to say too much, you are too much than Lao Tzu!"

He has no grievances with the Qianyun Party, and has no friendship with the Dynasty Party, but the practice of the Qianyun Party robbing others’ mining areas is quite uncomfortable to him. In addition, he does need a lot of Zijin. So after I heard that there was a purple gold mine here, I rushed over as soon as possible.

For the Qianyun Party, of course, he also had such a trace of fear, but in order to be able to get a large amount of Zijin, he also had to take this risk.

"So, Brother Jiang must divide some of my Qianyun Party's resources? But I don't know how much Brother Jiang wants?"

Seeing Jiang Wuya's attitude, the two deputy hall masters of the Qianyun Party suppressed their anger, but still did not rush to take action. If Jiang Wuya was really just asking for a little bit of resources, it wasn't that they couldn't make this kind of friendship with each other. Speaking of it, Jiang Wuya has always been the target of the major parties, and his status among disciples without party affiliation has always been high. If Jiang Wuya can be drawn into the Qianyun Party, even if he pays a certain price, it is all right. .

"I think the scale of your purple gold mine is not small, so let's give me half of this purple gold mine. Of course, you can treat it as I borrowed it from you. If it is convenient in the future, I can return it to you. ."

Glancing his gaze in the mine below, Jiang Wuya thought for a while, and then he was very casual. He could see that the scale of this purple gold mine is indeed not small at the moment, and if half of it can be obtained, it will almost be enough for him to use it for a while.

"Hahahahaha, Brother Jiang is really good at joking, you can just take the entire purple gold mine!"

When Jiang Wuya's voice fell, the two deputy hall masters couldn't help but look at each other, and then burst into laughter. Obviously, they could only listen to the numbers Jiang Wuya said as a joke, as for the other party. They even ignored the borrowing mentioned later.

"Jiang Wuya, my Thousand Clouds Party has no intention of being an enemy of you. If you leave now, our brothers can be that everything has never happened before. If not, you have to know the consequences!"

I have already said that, and there is no need for everyone to continue to defend their face. No matter what, the Qianyun Party is absolutely impossible to take out half of the purple gold mine and give it to the other party. After all, half of the entire purple gold mine. This is a huge resource for the Qianyun Party, and even if it offends the other party, it is not a big deal.

"In that case, I'm afraid everyone can't agree?!"

Hearing the words of the two main deputy hall masters, Jiang Wuya couldn't help licking his lips. While speaking, there was already a blood-red long knife in his hand, and his eyes were full of cold killing intent.