Reloaded Wasteland

Chapter 981: Different transaction

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.., Shenwu Supreme

Yun Xiao is absolutely certain of Jiang Wuya's poison.

Jiang Wuya's dharma image is very strange. He feels that the energy released by that weird dharma image is actually not very toxic. However, as the master of the dharma image, Jiang Wuya himself has to endure what the image brings to him. Everything, including the destruction of the body by the power of the law, becomes a chronic poison over time.

This kind of poison is actually very difficult to entangle, because if you want to say that it is poison, it cannot be simply measured by the general poison. As for how to remove this poison, I am afraid it is not an easy task.

" could you even guess these? This...this is impossible!!!"

Jiang Wuya was completely shocked at this time. Yun Xiao’s series of speculations were almost like narrating his inner thoughts to him. Basically, everything Yun Xiao said was what he wanted to do. Everything, but these things, he has never talked to the people of Qing Mingzong, Yun Xiao should definitely not know it.

However, the facts are right in front of him. Although he is really unbelievable, the facts are facts, but he cannot tolerate his disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible. In the big world, all kinds of people and things will exist. Brother Jiang feels that I can't guess what you think, but I can guess it. I don't know if this round is counted as I won. ?"

Seeing the change in Jiang Wuya's expression, Yun Xiao knew that everything he inferred was obviously correct. In fact, he borrowed his mental power to infer all possible situations about Jiang Wuya long ago. In the end, this is the most likely situation.

Of course, he didn't dare to be completely sure, but it was just a guess anyway. Even if the guess was wrong, it seemed to be no big deal to him.

" won. I didn't think you could even guess these things. I admit defeat. What kind of conditions do you want to make? You can raise them now."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Wuya calmed down a bit, and then he was still full of suspicious tunnels.

Although he didn't know what Yun Xiao wanted to do, since he had promised Yun Xiao before, of course he was willing to bet. Furthermore, if Yun Xiao only asked him to agree to a condition, then it seemed that his life could be saved for the time being.

"Okay, very good! I like this kind of person who believes in words and speaks to do it!!" Hearing Jiang Wuya's words, Yun Xiao's complexion became brighter and brighter, he knew that he was far away from it. Hope, it should be one step closer.

"The most important thing to be a man is to believe in words. Although Jiang Wuya is not talented, I still have to abide by the most basic principles." Hearing Yunxiao's praise, Jiang Wuya's face couldn't help flashing a trace of arrogance again. , The tone was slightly passionate.

"This is the best way, but if Brother Jiang promises me a condition based on such a little thing, it might not be a good idea. I believe Brother Jiang may not be convinced in his heart."

Yun Xiao didn't accept it all at once, but from the other side's perspective, thinking about the problem from the other side's situation.

"Little guy, you think too much. I said, since I have promised you, then I won't regret it. If you have any conditions, just say it straight!" Jiang Wuya waved his hand, but Yun Xiao didn't think about it. So many, tell the truth directly.

"No matter what, I still don't want to take advantage of Senior Brother. I don't think so. I will help Senior Brother Jiang to do one more thing. In this way, no matter what conditions I propose, at least I can feel at ease."

Paying and rewards are equal. At the moment, he can choose not to pay, but to get rewards. However, he believes that such a transaction is not a fair transaction and will have unexpected effects on the future. Therefore, he still decides to pay. Show more sincerity.

"En? Since Junior Brother has already spoken to this point, please ask Junior Brother to make it clear!" Jiang Wuya is not a fool. He believes that Yun Xiao would not take care of him in this way if there were no special circumstances. , Nine out of ten, but the other party has another plan.

If that's the case, he doesn't have to stop Yun Xiao, it's just the other party's compensation for himself.

"I observed your poison before, and speaking of it, your poison is not insoluble. If you can trust me, I can help you figure out a solution!"

After a little hesitation, Yun Xiao finally threw out his biggest bargaining chip. He believed that with this bargaining chip, even without the previous agreement, Jiang Wuya would most likely listen to him obediently.

"What? You... You mean, can you detoxify me?!"

When Yun Xiao's voice fell, Jiang Wuya couldn't believe his ears. He heard clearly that Yun Xiao actually said to help him detoxify. He really couldn't even think of such a thing.

"Senior Brother Jiang, don't get excited, I said, I'm just trying to figure out a solution for you, but you should understand your own situation. If you want to talk about detoxification, maybe your poison can't be solved so easily, right?"

Waved his hand, Yun Xiao knew that he had to remind the other party, because he didn't want the other party to think that detoxification was such a simple thing.

"Understand, I understand all of these. Junior brother, please tell me, what can you do to detoxify me? If it can detoxify me, let alone one condition, even ten or one hundred conditions, as long as I can do it. If I get it, I will definitely agree."

Jiang Wuya couldn't help getting a little excited, and his name for Yunxiao changed from a kid to a junior, as if he was afraid of Yunxiao going back.

How troublesome his poison is, he knows better than anyone else in his heart. Speaking of it, although he feels that God's Palace can help him, whether his purple gold is enough for the super powers of God's Palace to take action, I am afraid it is still unknown. The number.

"In that case, I'll try it." Seeing Jiang Wuya's reaction, Yun Xiao was overjoyed. "Senior Brother Jiang's poison can't be eliminated all at once. I have a few accidental detoxifications on my body. Dan, they are all extremely precious things. In the next time, I will give you one on a regular basis. It is estimated that before you can completely control the power of the phenomena, your poison will not be completely eliminated. You are life threatening."

He has already figured out a plan to detox the opponent. Although he is not 100% sure to help the opponent completely remove the poison, at least, he can absolutely guarantee that the opponent will not be injured by the poison until the opponent's strength is promoted. My strength suppresses and eliminates the toxicity.