Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 113: Big fish

Perhaps because Su Qingnuan is a woman, she knows what a woman's most powerful weapon is. Of course, she also knows what the weaknesses of most men are, so she will send someone to control all the blue buildings in Beijing.

Even those who are rock solid in front of the severe torture question, there are few nephrite Wenxiang who can resist beautiful women. Over the past few years, the blue building in the capital has always been the biggest source of information for the Su family. If it weren't really difficult for the Gao family, she had long thought of taking the casino as her own.

But she wouldn't take control of the youth building herself, so she certainly didn't want to touch the low-level things.

The news network composed of the entire Qinglou House is gathered in Dading College. The principal of this network is Su Pei, the dean of Dading College.

Speaking of Su Pei is a very embarrassing person, so he has been alive carefully. Among the people who were married to Zhao Qingnuan by Empress Su Qingnuan, he was regarded as an outsider because he was not his surname. Su Mao, the left-hand prime minister, and Su Long, the general, have been regarded as extremely powerful, and Su Pei looked down on these two people from his heart.

At first, among the people who went to Yan Kingdom with the queen mother, few of them really learned. On the surface, Su Qingnuan is the eldest princess of Zhao Guo, the sister of Wang Zhao ’s sister, and the woman who can marry is just like the splashed water, so Zhao Guo does not care. If Su Qingnuan was not in power, Zhao would not be so close. At that time, Su Qingnuan married, and the people who followed him were actually people who Wang Zhao didn't want to see.

For example, Su Mao, who is said to be Su Qingnuan's cousin, actually has a long relationship. Su Zong is even further away, barely still a royal.

However, few people around Su Qingnuan were available, so they could only pick up a close promotion. In terms of ability, Su Pei feels that he can stand up to one hundred Su Mao and one thousand Su Zong.

"Little Butterfly?"

Su Pei frowned slightly: "Which building is coming?"

His followers, Hesse, replied: "Hongyuelou."

Su Pei said, "I have never heard of such a person, but I have the courage to ask me for money. It seems that the principals of Hongyuelou have changed, how to train people?"

Hessen's thin and cold face was a man who looked about thirty years old. He was one of Su Pei's most trusted men. The reason why he was superior was because he adhered to a principle ... Su Pei's orders must be followed, even if Su Pei let him kill his own father and mother. In fact, he only poisoned his uncle and aunt to take over the old houses. Hessen is a very contradictory person. Now he still lives in the smallest of the few rooms. It seems that if he does n’t go to the room where his uncle and his aunt were, he does n’t have the problem of poisoning.

Because of this, he was born in a humble background to stand firm with Su Pei. Su Pei likes to use people like them, as long as they give benefits and hope, they will desperately.

Hessian said: "The old bustard and the principal of Hongyuelou have been brought back. They are now in prison and have already been sentenced, but they don't know anything."

Su Pei nodded: "If you don't know anything, just kill it. It's useless to keep it. I gave them money to give them status, but they cultivated people who opposed me. It's really disappointing."

He asked Hesse: "Can you find where this little butterfly is?"

Hessen replied: "I'm checking. This Fluttershy is from Beijing, and few relatives have already checked it. She was selected into the Hongyue Building at the age of fourteen, and she hasn't left in the next four years, so the relationship The net is very small. This kind of thing is not difficult to check. Adults give me a little more time, and I can quickly turn her out. "

Su Pei yelled: "Su Feiyun is not important, he will die if he dies. The important thing is that I want to see who is so brave in the capital, and dare to move my Su family."

He waved his hand: "Go check it, there is never any fear of dead people in the capital. The water in the capital is too deep, and even a few dead can't float up."

Hessen yelled, "The subordinates will go."

He came out of Su Pei's room, and as soon as he went out, he felt something cold and sensational. In an instant, he felt that a sword was placed in front of his throat. As long as he moved a little, this sword could easily pierce the throat.

Hessen is very confident in his own strength, but at this time, he seems to have lost all his courage and determination.


He bowed his head, dare not show up.

Su Feilun, dressed in white, glanced at Hessen lightly: "You are here, but there is news about Feiyun's whereabouts?"

Hesse replied: "Not yet, but the investigation is being stepped up."

Su Feilun made a loud noise and walked into Su Pei's room.

When Su Feilun entered, the suffocation disappeared. When Hesse stood up, he realized that his back was soaked with sweat.

Su Feilun is very young, but in front of Su Feilun, Hessian felt that his self-esteem was trampled. Su Feilun took half of his time and left himself far behind. The most important thing is that his surname is Su ...

Hessian sighed and left Dading College with some frustration.

Walking out of Dading College, Hessen looked up at the dazzling sunlight and felt that he was really not suitable for living in such a bright light. He still likes darkness and the thrill of removing his target in the dark. I like not to be exposed to anyone's sight, I like to walk freely in the dark. He left Dading College, walked through two small alleys and stopped.

He saw a teenager standing in the sun and letting the Buddha breathe freely.

He felt a little disgusted with such a person, the teenager seemed to be born to live in the light, and he was the opposite. He felt that there was a light on the teenager and he would be burned.

He was watching the boy there, and the boy was looking at him.

"who are you?"

Hessen walked over and asked with a condescending attitude.

The teenager smiled: "My name is Anzheng."

Hessen froze for a moment: "Anzheng? Recently there is an intense anxiety in the Wuyuan?"

An Zheng shook his head: "It's not necessarily a good thing to be on the cusp of the storm."

Hessian asked: "You are a member of the martial arts college, what did you come to Dading College for?"

An Zheng seemed to have a distressed answer: "The reason I am on the cusp of the storm is that many things are beyond my control. But since something happened, I have to face it. I know that someone named Ding Shengxia left Dading The purpose of the college is to find my trouble. Since I can't avoid it, I can only find a way to deal with it. But I am also a person who does not like trouble, so I want to see if I can find this Ding Gongzi and ask if I can go private solve."

Hesse couldn't help laughing: "It's so nice to say, it turns out that you came to admit it."

An Zheng shrugged indifferently: "Isn't it more important to be alive than to be alive?"

Hessian turned: "That's your business, it has nothing to do with me. Since you were so high-profile, you should know what the consequences of high-profile are."

"Excuse me, do you know Ding Gongzi?"

An Zheng shouted behind Hesse.

Hessian never looked back: "I don't know."

An Zheng oh, and asked again: "So, can you help me find someone who knows Ding Gongzi? I have a gift I want to give him, apologizing."

Hessen's footsteps stopped, he turned and looked over, and then he was attracted by what An Zheng was holding. His eyes grew bigger and bigger, and the greedy light inside became more and more obvious.

"what is that?"

he asks.

An Zheng replied with a smile: "A red medicine can make a small level of cultivation a realm."

Hesse: "Give me, I will pass it on to Ding Gongzi on your behalf."

An Zheng shook his head: "You treat me stupid? How do I know if you will give it to him, in case you put it away, I don't even have a witness."

Hesse thought for a while: "Then I will take you to see him."

An Zheng said: "That's good, thank you."

Hessen turned around and looked forward, thinking of a place.

An Zheng also said after himself: "I do n’t know whether such a medicine of Ding Ding can be seen. The next few items within the realm of ascension can improve the cultivation of a small realm, although speaking of it That ’s good, but people are big businesses and may not be worth it. "

The more he said, the heavier the expression of Hesse was.

That's right, such a red medicine at the peak of the red product has a great effect on people in the first few levels of the ascending realm, but it will be slightly less effective on the upper levels of the ascending realm. In the current state of Hessen, taking this red medicine will certainly not raise a small realm as much, but it is of great help to his impact on a higher realm.

Su Pei's benefit to him is not too much. What he has earned in recent years by killing in exchange for rewards is actually not as valuable as the red medicine.

Of course, Hessen is not an impulsive and irrational person, but he happens to be at such a critical point. Practitioners know that there is a huge gap between the ascension realm and the Xuya realm. No matter how strong the ascension is, it is a close fight. When you arrive at the Sumi Realm, you can attack from a distance, killing invisible.

When An Zheng said these things, he also recalled all the news about this Hesse provided by Jushangyuan. The intelligence network of Sujiaqinglou is controlled by Su Pei of Dading College, and this Hessen is Su Pei's left and right arms. The intelligence shows that this Hessen is the person who is responsible for the matter of Kocho.

Until now the spies at Jushangyuan have not been able to find Fluttershy, so Anzheng decided to start with Hesse.

Fanggu City is very large, so many unknown things will happen in many days.

However, Anzheng found that Fang Gucheng was too small, because the place where Hessian was taking Anzheng happened to be the place where Anzheng killed Su Feiyun. The dilapidated courtyard was large and empty, and perhaps a long time ago, a brilliant family lived here. As for why there is such a large idle house in Fanggu City, An Zheng intends to check it out after returning.

Because this place seems to have a destiny with him.

"Just right in front, Ding Gongzi handles some private affairs inside."

Hesse turned back and smiled at An Zheng, but this smile was somewhat guilty.

And by this time, An Zheng had no need to install anymore, instead he jumped into the courtyard wall first. Hessen froze slightly, and said that the sheep that was about to enter the tiger's mouth was so anxious.

After Hessen jumped in, he saw Anzhen sitting on a stone not far away, next to the red medicine.

"Ning Yuan Dan, the pinnacle of red goods."

An Zheng pointed to the immortal medicine: "According to the efficacy, it belongs to the same family as Gui Yuan Dan, Bao Yuan Dan, and Sheng Yuan Dan. Gui Yuan Dan has the lowest grade, Baipin Elixir, and the practice above the ascension. It is basically useless. Ningyuan Dan, taken below the 6th grade of the quintessence, can directly raise a small realm. Although the above 7th grade of the quintessence does not have this great medicinal effect, at least it can provide a great deal when it breaks s help."

"Blood Pill is a gold-pink medicine, which can make people in the ascension of the ninth grade pass through the period of the breakthrough, and successfully enter the state of Xumi. Shengyuandan is more powerful. It is a purple-pink medicine. I do n’t tell you what the medicinal effect is. "

He took Ning Yuandan and threw it to Hesse: "You need it right now, you are about to break through."

Hessen's face changed abruptly, but he subconsciously grabbed Ning Yuandan in his hand.

Just the moment he held Ning Yuan Dan, there was a sharp pain on his lower abdomen.

An air mass burst quietly in the position of his lower abdomen, directly flew him out.

Ning Yuandan flew out of his hand and was caught by An Zheng: "You have to use good bait to catch big fish."