Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 188: This is not the worst time

An Zheng has not spoken to Huo Tangtang for four days. Every day he came to Huo Tangtang's small courtyard on time. After that, he stood under the Lamei tree to see the blossoms. Never before has a wax plum tree blossomed so many flowers in its natural state, and this is the power of Huo Tangtang's idea.

Transfiguration, broad and profound.

An Zheng didn't talk to Huo Tangtang, not because he didn't want to ignore Huo Tangtang, or because Huo Tangtang ignored him. But because these days, An Zheng's attention is on the flower. Every petal, every texture.

The more I look at it, the more impossible I feel. There are at least thousands of red flowers and five-petal plums on this tree, and each petal has countless textures. If you want the flowers to bloom, you need to know this flower. But it seems that each flower is similar, but the difference is too much. The more clearly you see it, the more An An feels that this fact is too difficult.

For four days, An Zheng struggled for nothing.

On the morning of the fifth day, An Zheng was half an hour earlier than before. He was still standing there, standing tall like a bamboo not far away, but his brows were deeper and deeper.

On the sixth day, An Zheng spat blood.

On the seventh day, the clothes on An Zheng's chest were stained with blood.

On the eighth day, Qu Liuxi and Gu Qianye Du leaned into the small courtyard. They felt that Huo Tangtang must be torturing Anzheng. It was only seven days. Anzheng seemed to have lost weight for a while. But the door was open and they just couldn't break in. Du Skinny was furious, almost taking out the Trident of the Sea King, and Gu Qianye had already grasped the half of the phalanx. While the music is flowing, the brilliance flashes in the palm of your hand, and the purple product artifact Huangqu Dandan is ready to come out.

An Zheng walked out of the hospital and shook their heads to them: "It's just that the state of mind is not stable, it's just practice practice."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left the three in amazement at a loss.

On the ninth day, An Zheng vomited more blood. Huo Tangtang, who was quietly studying in the house, did not listen, as if he had never seen it at all. The most amazing thing is that the plum on the tree has been open for nine days without any change. The flower is still glamorous and there is no sign of thanks.

On the tenth day, An Zheng's complexion was extremely poor.

This is the first time that he has left the space-time practice of the Yintian Yin since he practiced again after his rebirth. Therefore, the problems encountered by Anzheng are not only a matter of time, but also a new environment. The anti-sky mark of the anti-sky seal is not only the magnification in time, but also the stable environment.

In such an environment, progress in practice depends on accumulation rather than challenge.

It can be said that the challenge that An Zheng faced at this time had not been encountered since his practice in the Second World. In the first life, Anzheng was a genius without compromise. Otherwise, it will not become the first of the Mingfa Division, and will not become one of the most powerful people in Daxi.

In this life, An Zheng's body is not even clear to him. He has only half a star in spiritual practice. But in his Dantian sea, there seemed to be a door that he opened extremely difficult, which made him a little overwhelmed by the heavy. Every time the door opened, his talent seemed to be better.

The huge bronze door just opened a size that could be passed by people. Compared with the huge size of the door, this was just a gap. An Zheng didn't test his talent anymore, the half star actually gave him some pressure and low self-esteem.

On the eleventh day, An Zheng suddenly changed into a person. When he came in the morning, he even brought a drawer of steamed buns, but he had not forgotten to bring vinegar. He sat down on the stone bench, watched while eating, and then giggled, the whole person looked exceptionally abnormal.

At noon, An Zheng walked out of the small courtyard and went out to buy a pot of wine and some cooked meat side dishes. Still sitting on the stone bench while eating and watching, drinking the wine and finishing the dishes, but he did not continue to vomit blood.

Huo Tangtang, who was sitting by the window in the room, showed an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth. She looked out the window, and the expression in her eyes first showed a little appreciation.

On the twelfth day, An Zheng came with breakfast. Not only that, he also brought a book. After having breakfast, he sat there reading. From time to time, he looked up at the plum tree next to him, and the flowers on the tree were still bright, showing no signs of withering.

Since then, An Zheng has been eating and reading under the Lamei tree, becoming accustomed to it. For a full month, the damage to Anzheng in the previous ten days seems to have passed. His face became rosy again, and his body returned to his previous posture.

It's just that this month, the plum tree looks unchanged.

At one month and one day, An Zheng's move was even more strange. He brought not books but chess this time. He played chess with himself, changed his seat and took a step, sometimes contemplating and sometimes looking at Lamei tree. It's as if he didn't play chess with him, but the tree that didn't speak or move.

Outside the small courtyard, Gu Qianye's eyes were worried: "He ... wouldn't it be a problem? Have you been companion with the tree all day, did you get a devil?"

Qu Liuxi shook his head: "No ... I have diagnosed the veins for him. Before, the state of mind has been completely damaged, and there is nothing wrong with his body. He looks like he is not enchanted, but immigrants ... This state that we may not understand is not a state of cultivation, but an ideological one. "

Du Shou said: "I'm just worried about the lady, don't worry about being silly."

Gu Qianye said: "I always feel that this woman is a bit strange, and the evil gate is very good. An Zheng then followed her words, it is not easy to say that Xiuwei is not advancing into the country, and don't be tortured by her.

Qu Liuxi still shook his head: "An Zheng has his own ideas, and they are more mature and comprehensive than us. Since he still has no choice to leave, it means that he has all agreed with him."

Gu Qianye said: "What if he is confused?"

Du Shou thinly said: "It's better to bring An Zheng back ..."

A meander stopped in front of the two of them: "It still doesn't work. When Anzheng came out, his eyes were clear, not at all confused. You should believe him and believe me. Since Anzheng chose to be there, it means there must be What can help him. "

Gu Qianye sighed: "Xiaoliuer ... If he is still weird in a few days, we really can't wait."

Meandering nodded: "Just wait a few days."

Gu Qianye asked: "Is it really good to wait a few more days?"

Qu Liuxi yelled, covering up the worry in his eyes.

"The person who cares most about him is you. Why is your heart so big now."

Du Shou whispered, and then ran aside to sit and sulked.

Turning around meandering, there was only one sentence in my mind ... My heart was never big, I just believed him, every sentence, every word, every look.

The contention in the yard seems to have completely forgotten the previous things, and sat down to continue his game with himself. He kept changing seats, feeling that he was not alone, but two completely different people playing on the board. He gets up and sits down more and more slowly, and the child is getting slower and slower, but his brows are getting deeper and deeper.

It seems that he has completely forgotten about the plum tree, and forgotten the splendid splendor of that tree.

In the room, Huo Tangtang put down the book in his hand and his eyes fell on the chessboard.

"Dragon Dragon?"

Huo Tangtang's eyes changed, and he stood up involuntarily: "Why do you play such a dangerous game against yourself?"

Her eyes turned away from the chessboard, and when she looked at Anzheng again, Anzheng's complexion turned into that morbid white again. He seems to have completely integrated into the game, and one person is divided into two.

Huo Tangtang looked at it for a while, feeling more and more dangerous, and quickly came out of the house to stop the dispute. If this continues, it is very likely that Anzheng will really split into two personalities. At that time, it is not a good thing whether he is anxious for himself or others. After An Zheng has drilled the tip of the horn, if his temperament becomes paranoid, it may become a scourge.

But when Huo Tangtang had just rushed out of the room, An Zheng suddenly and quietly returned to the stone bench on which he originally sat, with an unpredictable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I am still me, trees are still trees, chessboards are still chessboards, but flowers are not flowers."

After saying this, his hand put down the last winning piece. Opposite the illusory he lost, he won himself originally.

Then An Zheng slowly raised his head and glanced at the Lamei tree, as if he had forgotten what Huo Tangtang asked him. He just glanced lightly, and a plum blossom on a branch gradually faded, and the petals fell to the ground. A moment later, a bud appeared again in the place where the petal fell off, and then bloomed again.

If you do not see such a process, you will never notice that there has been a change in the naramume tree.

An Zheng took a deep breath and smiled to himself: "It's hard to find yourself."

Huo Tangtang was shocked: "Are you broken?"

An Zheng looked back to Huo Tangtang and shook his head: "No ... I'm still a thousand miles away, just thinking about it. My thoughts just grabbed a little bit, like the willow branches floating in the sky, I only touched them One. "

Huo Tangtang suddenly swiped over and grabbed Anzhan's wrist, and his brows deepened: "At your age, you can reach the Xuya Realm, and your talent is bound to be terrible. The time for you to realize is more than I expected. Little, I wanted to wake you up before Qiucheng Dadian. "

An Zheng said: "It's not good to hold hands like this ..."

Huo Tangtang gave him a white look: "Look at your realm."

An Zheng: "Please give me some privacy ..."

Huo Tangtang said: "Just don't take off your clothes."

After a few seconds, Huo Tangtang couldn't help but sigh in surprise: "Why are you in this state to Xu Mi Sanpin? Did I overestimate you, or did you hide your privacy? It doesn't make sense ... it really doesn't make sense, because of you How could the realm of the three grades of Sumeru have a metamorphosis? "

An Zheng said: "I am talented ..."

Huo Tangtang turned An Zheng and left: "Follow me!"

An Zheng asked, "Where are you going, sir?"

Huo Tangtang did not answer, dragging An Zheng through the Wuyuan. The two were running one after the other, and all the people in the past were attracted. The two ran all the way to the bookstore in the front yard of Wuyuan, and Huo Tangtang stopped in front of Jiuxingtai.

"Test your talent."

An Zheng said with some embarrassment: "I'm free now ..."

Huo Tangtang said: "This is very important, and you forgot my rules?"

An Zheng looked around: "Of course I haven't forgotten, but this is my personal privacy, right? So Mr. Trouble let the onlookers disperse, and then you have to make sure you don't tell what you see . "

"Long word!"

Huo Tangtang glared at An Zheng, then waved his hand, a hurricane swept through, and all those who had come by were swept out. Some people hang on the big tree, some people hang on the roof.


Huo Tangtang shouted loudly.

An Zheng had to put his hand on Jiuxingtai, and then Jiuxingtai gleamed. The red line began to move upward, and Huo Tangtang's eyes saw unprecedented expectations: "Let me see how perverted you are ...

Her words came to an abrupt end, the red line stayed at the position of three stars.


Huo Tangtang looked at Anzheng with incredible eyes: "How could it be so bad!"

An Zheng shrugged his shoulders: "Trust me, you have never seen the worst time."