Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 46: Three fried

There is no time for Anzheng to pause, and after ousting Feng Xiaoshi, he rushed towards Chen Zhou: "Tianqi Zongan Anzheng, challenge you!"

Chen Zhou was still disappointed, and felt that his goal for the first stage was too low. He thought that Anzhan would be strong and qualified to be his opponent. But when Zhen Zhuangbi determined that An Zheng didn't get the product, the loss in his heart reached the extreme. To humiliate such a weak opponent is obviously too far from the expectations in mind. And the moment when An Zheng rushed towards him, his excitement came back.

"Good coming!"

Chen Zhou shouted and rushed towards An Zheng.

Anzheng could not determine Chen Zhou ’s strength, so he tried his best to bring the speed advantage to the extreme. He practiced in the anti-sky seal day and night, just to cope with today's situation. He could not put Du Shoushen at risk, although Du Shoushen had already entered the product, but Du Shoushen lacked practical experience, and his talent and physique were not outstanding. Nine cannot cope.

An Zheng's fist was fast, and it was so fast that ordinary people who were watching could not see where his fist was. Feng Xiao, who was at the pinnacle of rising second grade, was knocked down by Anzheng after only one shot, which is enough to show how fast Anzheng is.

But when An Zheng's fist hit Chen Zhou, Chen Zhou didn't care.

"You just said he was slow, but in my eyes, you are too slow."

Chen Zhouyi gave An Zheng a fist and said disdainfully: "I thought you would be my opponent, but I didn't expect you to be so weak. Even if your physical skill is successful? Leaving behind. "

An Zheng felt shocked ... How could Chen Zhou's progress be so great. When An Zheng had abolished Chen Zhou's arm before, Chen Zhou's strength was far worse than that of An Zheng. But now the speed of the struggle is nothing in Chen Zhou's eyes. How long has it been before, why has Chen Zhou's realm been raised so much?

An answer instantly appeared in Anzheng's mind ... Elixir.

During this time, Chen Zhou must have taken a large amount of immortality medicine, so that his strength continued to increase rapidly. Chen Zhou received some power from the Chen family, so he was able to do so. What's more, his own qualifications are good, plus the aid of immortality, so the realm rises again and again.

"Are you ready to be humiliated by me?"

Chen Zhou looked at An Zhenggai and smiled: "It's like you scrapped my arm that day."

An Zheng: "I already knew it was you."

Chen Zhou: "What do you know?"

The two kept a very close distance, and Chen Zhou's mouth almost touched An An's ear and whispered: "I now have 10,000 ways to make you die better than life. It looks like you will have no problem. Those people will never think of you. All the internal organs will be shattered by me. When they leave, you will spit blood and die. I will control the power precisely so that you will not die so fast. "

An Zheng withdrew backwards, and then swept a whip to Chen Zhou's neck: "Fight again!"

Chen Zhou retreated again, and An Zheng's feet rubbed in front of his neck. Between the electric light and the flint, Chen Zhou reached out and grabbed Anzheng's ankle, then turned his body half a circle to pull Anzheng out. Anzheng's body twisted back and forth in mid-air, his hands and feet gliding on the ground for several meters before stopping.

"Oh my God!"

Some people in the crowd exclaimed: "This Chen Zhou's strength is so strong, Anzheng's physical skill is about to reach its peak, and there is no advantage in speed at all. In my opinion, this Chen Zhou's cultivation at least has to be improved. It's more than five grades. "

"No such genius has appeared in the academy, and it has reached this point at a young age. The body surgery has reached the extreme and it really does meet the practitioners of the ascending state, but the prerequisite is that the other party's body surgery is not as good as yourself. The speed of his body skill is not lost at all, and seems to be faster. "

"Yeah, this is the end of the lower martial arts school, and I can't fight at all."

"Chen Zhou's strength is so strong, even if An Zheng fights him with ten punches and twenty punches, it will be fine as long as An Zheng is hit by him, and the power of more than five ranks is promoted. . "

Chen Zhou was very satisfied with the comments of these people around him. At this moment, the kind of humiliation that had been annulled by An Zheng was wiped out. He knew that he was about to take revenge, and he would return the humiliation he suffered to ten times and one hundred times. In the crowd of tens of thousands of people, all eyes are on him, he will be perfect revenge.

"Anzheng, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy."

Chen Zhoumeng rushed forward: "You will not get my forgiveness."

An Zheng turned over to avoid Chen Zhou's fist, and then cut his palm towards Chen Zhou's neck. Chen Zhou twisted his body stiffly, supported on one foot, turned 180 degrees diagonally to face security. He punched Anzheng's armpit with a punch, and Anzheng's arm was dislocated with a click. Chen Zhou intends to humiliate Anzheng, so after this punch, he stretched his foot and kicked behind Anzheng ’s knee, and Anzheng stumbled forward.

An Zheng dislocated his right arm, and when his body fell forward, he pressed his left hand on the ground, and then turned and stood straight.

Chen Zhou has already rushed over again, and the eyes of ordinary people can't keep up with the speed. He pedaled on the ground of the bluestone slab, and smashed the bluestone slab with a click, hitting Anzhen like a cannonball. It's just a trance, Chen Zhou's shoulder hits An Zheng's back. Anzheng's body flew forward, and his body bent back a scalp-curving arc.

If you change to an ordinary person this time, the lumbar spine is afraid that it has been broken.

An Zhengqiang turned around with pain, dragging his left arm with his right arm and pushing it up, his right arm returned to position.

He sipped his **** spit, and his fighting spirit burned like fire. At this time, he remembered that the last time he began to practice, he tried again and again, and tried again and again. Only then did Xiaotianjing's cultivation practice. Now that the blood was back, the fire was burning in his eyes.

"Yo, I'm in good health, but I didn't collapse."

Chen Zhou looked at An Zheng contemptuously: "Waste like you can't be practised. What can you do if you reach the extreme by training? You are just waste after all. The **** dart master can still make money to feed himself. But why do you want to drill into the world of practitioners? Is this a fair world? Those who cannot practice are always weak!

An Zheng shook his arm and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "You haven't won yet."

Chen Zhou laughed: "I am not stubborn? I think when will you hold on!"

His body moved, drawing a residual image. An Zheng flashed away to one side, but that was not Chen Zhou's body at all. That's the illusion caused by Chen Zhou's rapid movement. Only when the speed reaches a certain point will people get such an illusion.

Chen Zhou waited in the direction of Anzhan's movement to avoid dodge, and then punched Anzhan's belly.

An Zheng's body bent down, and the severe pain from his belly made him dizzy for a moment.

"I said that the weak are the weak, and those who can't practice are always waste. Anzheng, the biggest mistake of your life is that you shouldn't challenge me. In that case, you can live a few more days."

He raised An contention with one arm, and then fell sharply to the ground.


Senior three stood up: "He has lost."

"He didn't!"

Chen Zhou turned and looked at Gao Sanduo roaring: "He hasn't conceded defeat yet!"

An Zheng struggled to stand up, and then smiled with blood: "Yeah, I haven't admit defeat yet."

Chen Zhou's body disappeared again after a turn, instantly appeared behind An Zheng, and then hit a punch on An Zheng's back head: "This time, it is better to die than you."

If the back of the head is hit hard, everyone knows the consequences.

An Zheng closed his eyes. His current talent is too weak to keep up with Chen Zhou's speed. So it can only be based on the feeling, which is more real than what the eyes see.

When Chen Zhou's fist was about to hit Anzhan's head, Anzheng slammed forward, and then his foot kicked out. Chen Zhou's fist fell, his body leaned forward, and An Zheng's foot was kicking on his lower abdomen. Chen Zhou's aching face changed, and he was even more furious. He pressed down hard with both fists and slammed towards Anzheng's back.

Anzheng ’s foot was behind Chen Zhou ’s leg, and Chen Zhou ’s body was unstable. Anzheng took the opportunity to slide back and kicked on Chen Zhou ’s back. He was still in front for a second, and his feet were already exerting force on Chen Zhou's back in the second. Chen Zhou stumbled forward and ran for two steps, the anger in his eyes was about to burn out.

He was hit twice by Ang, which was an unforgivable setback for him.

At this time no one shouted anymore, and the crowd watching was silent. Everyone looked at it with heart. No matter if they bought the academy to win or Wuyuan to win, they could not help clenching their fists. This is no longer a competition between children, but a battle between men. The unyielding and fighting spirit of An Zheng makes everyone feel warm-hearted.

If it wasn't stopped by someone, Qu Liuxi and Du Shousi had already rushed up.

Gao Sanduo's face is constantly changing, but he still has little hope for An Zheng: "He has tried his best, but his strength is too different."

Chen Zhou's body stumbled forward and ran two steps, then turned around suddenly, his arm became soft at this moment, and turned into a python.


"My God! Intermediate Kung Fu Morphing!"

The crowd boiled again and exclaimed.

That's a mid-level exercise, and it's worth a lot. Practitioners in the Ascension Realm cannot use the power of cultivation to transform into external energy, so this method of changing the physical form can greatly enhance the combat power of the practitioners in the Ascension Realm. Chen Zhou's arm turned into a python, instantly increasing his attack distance a lot.

This controversy was also somewhat unprepared, and was caught by the python before he could react.

Chen Zhou's fist turned into a snake's head, and five fingers were the mouth of a python. The python bite into Anzhen's abdomen, and his teeth penetrated deeply into Anzhen's abdomen.

"Get over here!"

Chen Zhou snorted, and then pulled An Zheng over to him.

But at this moment, he seemed to hear a very heavy sound of opening the door. It was like a huge bronze door that was pulled away by rubbing the ground.

Chen Zhou thought it was his illusion that he did not care, his left arm turned into a python and dragged An Zheng over. The right fist lifted into a bear's paw and grabbed towards An Zheng's face. This time, enough to make An Zheng's face ruined!


"Don't move!"

Senior three shouted, trying to stop. Zhen Zhuangbi also shouted and stopped in front of Gao Santo.

At this time, no one can save An An.

But An Zheng's mouth suddenly smiled and said: "Thank you."

He said thank you?

Then an air mass burst out of his body, and with a bang, the air mass slammed out all around, and the crowd of onlookers was immediately shaken by the exploding air. But this did not end, the air mass appeared again ... When it burst, people fell. Second explosion, the wall collapsed. Three explosions, avalanches!

The air mass that exploded three times in a row not only knocked down everyone around Anzheng, the wall collapsed and the tree broke, but Chen Chen was also moved backwards.

And Anzheng stood there bloody, like a waking monster.