Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1014: Big guys are big guys, all of them are n

?Splendid Garden.

When Liu Minhao returned home, his lover Sun Liping was sitting in the living room watching TV boredly.

Dinner has been prepared on the table, obviously waiting for him to come back.

"Where's Xixi?" Liu Minhao asked habitually, seeing his lover pout in the direction of his daughter's room.

So after Liu Minhao finished washing, he rolled up his shirt sleeves and walked towards his daughter's room with his hands behind his back.

"Hey!" Sun Liping called out, "Why are you going?"

Liu Minhao pointed and pointed, "I'll go and ask my daughter to eat."

After finishing speaking, he stood outside the door and knocked: "Xixi, it's Dad."

Following a rush of movements in the room, Liu Ruoxi's calm voice came out: "Dad, come in."

Liu Minhao walked in and took a look. It turned out that the computer was turned off, and the folder data was locked in the drawer. Only the inseparable notebook was tightly clasped under his hand.

"Xixi, do you need to be like anti-thief, anti-Daddy and me?"

Liu Ruoxi pretended to be relaxed and said, "No, Dad, do you think too much?"

Immediately stood up, climbed onto Liu Minhao's shoulders, and said coquettishly: "How can I guard my favorite dad? Did Mom tell us to eat, then let's go quickly."

"Wait," Liu Minhao interrupted: "Xixi, my father came to see you today, but I actually have a question I want to talk to you."

Liu Ruoxi still walked out: "It's okay, Dad, our family is talking while eating."

"It's about your relationship." Liu Minhao gritted his teeth and directly resorted to his assassin.

Liu Ruoxi really stopped, but her voice lost the ease and playfulness she had just now, "Dad, how can I have any relationship problems!"

"Don't think that your mother and I don't know," Liu Minhao said: "But even if you hate us in the future, I still have to say..."

"Dad, don't say it." Liu Ruoxi interrupted Liu Minhao's emotional conversation immediately, "I have my own measures."

"Xixi, if you have a sense of measure, will dad still talk to you?" Liu Minhao said heartily: "We used to talk about everything, father and daughter, and even your mother didn't even know some little secrets. Now, since we talked to you After Wu Tao does things, you don’t even want to share with your father what you do every day..."

Liu Ruoxi felt tight at first, and then she turned around with ease after hearing it, "So Dad, do you need to work so hard to act with your daughter in order to find out about Wu Tao's news?"

Liu Minhao broke his merits immediately, eager to refute, even his voice changed and emphasized, "I didn't!"

"Whatever." Liu Ruoxi raised her hand, "I'm hungry, I'm going to eat."

Liu Minhao looked up at the sky:...

Early the next morning, TSMC Zhang Zhongmou and his party finally returned to the negotiating table.

Although no substantive progress has been achieved this time, at least it is said that it will make substantive efforts in the direction of cooperation.

Although this is not lacking in the meaning of slowing down, it is a bit more subjective.

Only this time, Wu Tao started to back down again in the face of such a positive attitude, "President Zhang, I am very pleased that your company can make such a wise and wise decision."

"... But as far as I know, the Taiwanese authorities' attitude towards our kind of cooperation is extremely radical, and there are even many restrictions on policies. This has made our cooperation lose the guarantee. I'm really afraid that there will be trouble when the time comes. There will be endless troubles when there is a diplomatic incident."

"...So in order to avoid this risk, we are also actively negotiating with semiconductor companies in other countries. For example, Samsung's Li Fuzhen and his party who arrived not long ago, and Toshiba Semiconductor, an old friend..."

Sure enough, when Wu Tao said this, Liu Deyin was immediately anxious, "Mr. Wu, if you do this, isn't it a bit too dismissive of us? After all, President Zhang returned to the negotiating table this time with full sincerity. La."

Wu Tao folded his hands and said, "Then Vice President Liu, does the problem I mentioned just now exist objectively?"

"This..." Liu Deyin went silent immediately.

After all, this is not Wu Tao deliberately looking for a reason.

Wu Tao immediately said: "Besides, we also gave you enough time. How long has the interval been between Vice President Liu’s visit and President Zhang’s personal visit this time? In fact, we once thought that your company was right. I'm not interested in returning to the mainland to invest."

Zhang Zhongmou has not spoken, but he can also hear that this is actually Wu Tao negotiating terms with him on the basis of retreat.

The scene was a bit embarrassing for a while, even the middle contact person Cai Wenxiu squeezed a sweat secretly.

Finally, Zhang Zhongmou said: "Mr. Wu, this time, TSMC will join UMC and all Taiwan’s semiconductor industries to put pressure on the Taiwanese authorities to break this policy risk and actively promote cooperation with the mainland."

"...As for time, I can't guarantee for the time being. But I promise, we will try our best."

Wu Tao's attitude also eased, "First of all, I am very grateful to President Zhang for his willingness to make efforts for cooperation between our two parties, and secondly, I am also looking forward to the future cooperation between our two parties."

"...As for the question of time, I think we all understand the truth that things change with time. Now that the world is changing rapidly after entering the millennium, the world has developed towards a multi-polar situation. And China's local area has gradually become a global one. A new arena where capital is competing for profit. So, I can’t even give you any guarantee."

Tao Changxuan couldn't help taking a sip of water, which suppressed the nervousness in his heart.

The boss is really daring to do it too!

After a few words, I didn't tell the other party, and changing hands was another dumping of the pot, completely dumping the responsibilities and obligations.

Unexpectedly, the boss of TSMC is also tough.

Not only did Zhang Zhongmou not be displeased, but confidently smiled and said: "What Mr. Wu said is extremely true, but I also believe that TSMC's technology and craftsmanship will eventually win the final cooperation for us."

Tao Changxuan took a sigh of, none of these bigwigs are simple!

After sending away Zhang Zhongmou and his party, Wu Tao returned to Yuanqi Technology and began to prepare for the visit of Andrea and the Europeans.

Pei Ying followed him into the office and handed him the latest list of interviewers.

Wu Tao took it over and took a look, good guy, the members of Andreas leading the team this time are almost all representatives of European heavy machinery companies.

What makes cruise ships, shield machines, electric locomotives, and even heavy lifting machinery.

In addition, Andrea brought a team...

Where does this guy go, he doesn't forget his old profession.

However, what surprised Wu Tao the most was that Isabella was also on the list of visiting guests.

As a member of the Batumi Society, dare to come to China, are you not afraid of being spit to death?