Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1016: The gold master behind Andrea

? The grand visit of the Agnelli consortium can be said to make the entire Jiangdong Province a big show across the country.

Many business delegations from neighboring provinces are specially led by the government to join in the fun.

To put it bluntly, it is actually just a variety of alms-giving delegations, eager to get some relationship with European capital, so as to bring back the dead and regain vitality.

However, the result was destined to disappoint them. After all, Europeans have always been relatively conservative.

Since the Agnelli consortium came for Wu Tao this time, Wu Tao had to greet him for almost all affairs in order to get things done.

After the official reception and visit talks by the government, Andrea and his team finally came to Yuanqi Technology.

As the LotusPhoneX series are exported to domestic and foreign markets, it has created a crushing brand advantage for Nokia and Motorola mobile phones, making Yuanqi Technology not only a business card for the entire Jiangdong Province, but also a business card for Huaxia Technology.

There are many things that I don’t know, and I was shocked at first glance.

After visiting the design, production and manufacturing links of Yuanqi Technology, Andrea was surprised to find that, as a representative of China's high-tech industry, Yuanqi has no gap with international brands and multinational companies in terms of standards.

Even as a rising star in the mobile phone industry, the Lotus brand has already begun to be far ahead of other brands.

CEO's office.

When Andrea saw Wu Tao again, he no longer had the arrogance he had when he first met.

"Wu, so far I always think of the scene when we first met. That may be the only opportunity in my life to have the confidence to act arrogantly with you. Now as our understanding and understanding deepen, you are really too condescending. I was surprised."

This flattery is very comfortable.

Who says foreigners can't flatter? Wu Tao smiled back and said: "Andrea, I have to admit that the delegation you brought this time is really amazing to me."

"...Representatives of various world-renowned companies and multinational corporations. This surprised the official Chinese government and made me special. I would like to express my gratitude to you!"

Andrea smiled, his blue eyes turned, and he made up his mind: "Wu, you know, the influence of the Agnelli consortium alone is not enough to mobilize such a huge lineup."

When Wu Tao heard this, there was a meaning in the words.

So he stretched out his hand and said: "Andrea, I have something to say. The Italian in my impression is not like you hesitating."

Andrea wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said in a more cautious tone: "In fact, what I want to say is that this grand visit of our delegation is actually at the instigation of the Rothschild family."

Wu Tao sighed secretly, this was the first time Andrea learned of the gold master behind the Agnelli consortium.

At the moment, he said calmly: "Then the Rothschilds have any specific instructions this time?"

Andrea took a deep breath, as if he couldn't help feeling nervous when he mentioned the first European family.

"That's not true. In fact, since your last trip to Europe, David, a member of the Rothschild family I know, has developed a keen interest in the Chinese market."

"...This delegation is actually just an attempt by David. If the two sides can have a good start, I think the follow-up cooperation may be more and more in-depth."

Wu Tao's heart moved, this statement is a bit interesting.

At least if Liang Yancheng knew about it, I'm afraid he would be happy in his heart.

However, Wu Tao still changed his words: "Andrea, frankly speaking, I cannot guarantee anything with you. We wholeheartedly welcome this kind of transnational cooperation, but as an emerging market, China has to look at the economics of the cooperation itself, and Friendship with China, and other factors..."

"Oh?" Andrea didn't turn the corner for a moment.

Wu Tao further explained: "Actually, to tell you, I have a very good relationship with the Toyo Mitsui Consortium. In the past two years, under my leadership, the steel industry under the Mitsui Consortium has cooperated with domestic state-owned and private capital."

At this point, Wu Tao didn't say more.

Andrea felt a sudden heart, thinking that he had sacrificed the signature of the Rothschild family, and Hua Xia Wu would more or less favor him. Unexpectedly, the opponent's only a few words would suddenly reverse his status.

"Wu, I don't pray for more. I just hope that you can maintain fairness in handling the cooperation with the Mitsui Consortium and our consortium, OK?"

Wu Tao smiled and nodded, "Of course, Andrea."

After the meeting with Wu Tao, Andrea returned to the 11 buildings of the Jinling Royal Garden Villa non-stop.

There, he met Mr. David Rothschild, who had come with the delegation but did not clearly identify himself.

For the opponent to have such a foothold in Jinling City, Andrea is no exception at all.

Bending and standing in front of the other party, like a servant, Andrea did not even dare to show up, and explained the content of the meeting and talks with Wu Tao.

David has the typical beard of Europeans, and subconsciously touched Hu stubble and said, "It's really an interesting Chinese man!"

"So, do we need to work harder?" Andrea cautiously asked for instructions.

David put his hand up, "No, it's a thankless thing. We disdain that kind of thing. Moreover, according to the ancestral motto of the Rothschild family, we pay attention to penetration and control."

"...Actually, as long as we can find opportunities for infiltration and cooperation for this cooperative visit, it will be enough."

Andrea said in his heart: "If this is the case, I think we have a unique advantage in the cooperation in the semiconductor industry. The semiconductor manufacturing equipment produced by Asme is likely to grow into a trump card!"

David nodded So what about Tianxin Technology? Is it just a technology leather bag company of China? "

"Please don't worry about this. My people have carefully examined it. This is a genuine semiconductor design and development company. It is true. Moreover, in the style of Huaxia Wu's behavior, the small method of the shell company, he does not care about it. "

Speaking of this, Andrea was suddenly full of confidence, even his slightly bowed body straightened a bit.

David placed a cigar with satisfaction, swallowed the smoke beautifully and said: "Very well, remember my principles, infiltrate!"

At the same time, Wu Tao's president's office ushered in the personable Isabella.

This French girl, perhaps because of the spring breeze, became more and more charming and charming as her eyes flowed around.

As soon as they met, they gave a warm hug to Wu Tao.

But to tell the truth, Wu Tao also missed this passionate French girl a bit, especially the excitement of the other party’s first visit to the Chinese land, which made people very happy and happy...