Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1028: Three-bit one-body chip cooperation fram

? After talking with Jason, as soon as Wu Tao put down the goblet, Rena Fujiwara, who was born, floated.

For this mature partner who has always been obedient, Wu Tao has always been the most amiable. He gladly took the goblet from the other party and raised his glass to indicate: "Lina, you are really more and more attractive!"

A woman of Rena Fujiwara's age, in addition to her career achievements, is most concerned about the appreciation of her beauty and youth.

Especially for a successful man of the same level as Wu Tao, the effect of this praise will be even better.

It can even make her happy all day long.

When he was happy, Rena Fujiwara felt that the relationship with Wu Tao had become closer, so close together, and even some physical contact, were so natural and pure.

Panis soon joined in, and the two women with different styles and Wu Tao talked and laughed happily, and they were particularly harmonious.

Molly, who was sipping and drinking from a goblet in the distance, couldn't help feeling sour in her heart as she watched this scene. Speaking of which, I still knew Wu earlier than Panis, but I didn't expect that she and Wu became one.

Although she is a best friend, she can't help but feel a little jealousy.

It's just that this time around the Quantum Fund, Molly not only failed to win the substantive support and help from her grandfather, but instead caused Wu Tao a lot of trouble because of her grandfather's throw-away in the media.

Although it didn't cause any unmanageable consequences in the end, Molly always felt that she was short in front of Wu Tao.

So that after coming back so long, she didn't say a word in private with Wu Tao.

Seeing that the banquet was about to end, Wu Tao and Jason finally confirmed the affairs of TSMC, put down their cups, and waved to a few familiar friends to leave. Molly put down the cup decisively and followed quickly.

Walking out of the banquet hall, Wu Tao slowed down because he noticed that Molly was following.

Sure enough, in a blink of an eye, Molly followed with a fragrant wind, watching Wu Tao waiting for her, suddenly became cramped.

Wu Tao felt amused, "Do you know, Molly?" As he spoke, he put his hands on the other's shoulders and said: "Compared to your embarrassment now, I prefer your former genius to be proud and invincible. "

"... Could it be said that without your grandfather's support, you would not be able to do a career? The Quantum Fund is certainly your support, but it will also become a stumbling block to your growth."

"...Think about it."

Abandoning this sentence, Wu Tao turned around and left.

Leave Molly alone, messy in the wind: he knows, he knows everything!

At this moment, a dignified blond boy walked over and grabbed Molly’s shoulders and said: "Molly, we will fight together on the land of China in the future, but why is the distance between us still so far? Far away?"

Molly suddenly broke away from the other's intimate behavior, her pretty face was full of firmness and said: "Howard, I didn't look down on you before, and I won't look down on you in the future! So please stay away from me!"

That's right, this blond little white face is Howard.

Not only him, but Figo Morgan also came to China.

After all, in the next five to ten years, this place will be the best gold rush in the world. Harmony without war and chaos, the market is big enough, and any industry can be rich enough to make a lot of money.

As Figo who vowed to surpass Panis in the family, how could he give up such a favorable opportunity.

In this kind of public occasion, when Molly was so unable to come to the stage, Howard turned his face on the spot and said: "Molly, don't forget! Without me marrying you, you don't want to get any support from the Quantum Fund! And, you will lose Bo The full support of Kehir Company!"

Molly patted the shoulder previously touched by Howard, proudly said: "So what? I don't care! Grandpa doesn't support me, so I will use my capital and resources to recreate a quantum fund!"

"...As for Berkshire, with your presence, I am not willing to cooperate with you at all!"

Wu Tao, who left first, even though he knew that Molly did not benefit from this trip to China, but he didn't know that there was such a thing.

But then the details of the dispute between the two reached Wu Tao's ears almost verbatim.

Although Wu Tao was not present, after listening to Molly's reaction, she still smiled knowingly.

By the way, this is the genius girl I met in Bangkok.

If he was on the spot, he would definitely give Molly a thumbs up.

It's just that Cao Yicheng of UMC will fly to Zhonghai with the team, Wu Tao has no more thoughts on Molly.

As early as half a month ago, due to the joint action of UMC and TSMC in conjunction with all semiconductor companies in Taiwan, the Taiwan government was finally forced to open a hole for the overseas livelihood plans of these companies.

The new policy stipulates that Taiwanese peninsula enterprises can go overseas to build factories, but they must avoid joint ventures with the local government.

This is the meaning of not being touched even after taking off your clothes.

It's too simple to get around this one.

However, the cooperation between Wu Tao and UMC did not violate this point at all.

Liu Ruoxi, the professional technical team led by Huitong Ni Guangnan, has arrived in China Shipping.

Wu Tao immediately used the hotel conference room to hold a short meeting, met and exchanged opinions with everyone.

Including the focus, scale and scope of this cooperation.

In short, Wu Tao has only one meaning, that is to think boldly, do it boldly, and don't have any worries.

Cao Yicheng came here ambitiously, but he was also fully prepared.

He knew that Wu Tao did little, so he made a plan for technical cooperation.

After all, what he cares about is the implementation of the entire chip foundry model. As long as the mainland market can be used to start the chip foundry scale, some technology transfer in the short term is tolerable.

Even so, Cao Yicheng was stunned by the taste of Ni Guangnan and others.

It turns out that people want to cooperate not only in the field of chip, but also in the research and development of chip production process technology, and even in the field of optical semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

For this reason, the meeting lasted for two days, and finally the first two cooperation agreements were completely finalized. As for the third item, because UMC itself has no foundation, it is only a preliminary intention.

The process is tortuous, and the result is successful.

Cao Yicheng was extremely energetic, clamoring that a celebration party would be held that night.

As a result, Wu Tao was temporarily sent to Wujiang to inspect the factory. For this, An Dingguo had been waiting anxiously for several days.

After Cao Yicheng was sent away, Ni Guangnan and his party continued to negotiate with the TSMC delegation led by Zhang Zhongmou...

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