Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1036: Ants swallow elephants' cross-border mer

As Tianan's discussion is in full swing, Lenovo, which learned the news from IBM, is on the verge of an enemy.

It can be said that an established company that has been in the domestic PC industry for so many years should not be so afraid of a new company that has been established for just over a year.

But when Liu Chuanzhi thought that Tianan's backstage was Wu Tao, he couldn't help but value the competitiveness of this opponent.

In particular, Tianan has achieved such a position in the industry after just over a year of development, and it also demonstrates its impressive strength and strong competitiveness.

The meeting room was filled with smoke.

Every time the issue of Tianan is involved, it will always be particularly depressing and heavy, as if Tianan has become a mountain on Lenovo's head.

Liu Chuanzhi was particularly dissatisfied with this situation, although he could not get rid of this feeling in his heart.

So he knocked on the desk and said, "Everything, don't smoke there one by one! Talk about you, He Zhiqiang!"

He Zhiqiang is very depressed. Others are vomiting. The boss only uses himself to perform the operation, and he does it every time!

However, since he was named, He Zhiqiang couldn't remain indifferent. He pinched out his cigarette butts in the ashtray in front of him, looked around the crowd and said, "According to me, we don't need to cringe and think too much, just fight with Tianan. I don’t believe it. We, an old company with a history of more than ten years, can’t fight for a new company that has just been established for more than a year?"

Liu Chuanzhi both stared, "Don't forget, Tianan Company is behind the entire Tianqi Investment. How much capital do we have enough to fight with them?"

He Zhiqiang opened his mouth, speechless.

Yang Yuanqing immediately spoke, "Mr. Liu, my colleagues, I feel that with our current foundation and strength of Lenovo, the notebook computer business should be the most appropriate route for independent research and development."

"...Of course, I admit that IBM's Thinkpad has a great brand influence in the industry, and it is well recognized in the international market. But from a technical point of view, this aspect is not as difficult as we imagined."

"...If there are really technical difficulties and barriers, I think it's not too late to talk about acquisitions in two years."

He Zhiqiang retorted, “But now Tian’an is about to make a move. If they take the acquisition route and we take independent research and development, it’s hard to guarantee that they won’t be overridden by them.”

After speaking, He Zhiqiang turned his head and met Liu Chuanzhi's gaze, and suddenly shrank his neck.

Liu Chuanzhi surprisingly didn't refute, but looked at other people and said: "Are there any comments? Let's talk about it."

As a result, needles fell in the conference room, and no one wanted to talk about it.

Liu Chuanzhi looked at his watch and knew that no matter how much he squeezed, he could not squeeze anything, so he put his hands together and said, "In this way, let me make a few comments."

The people below immediately opened the notebook and began to record.

"First, the R&D department has recently done a good job in the development of the existing Lenovo computer's networked service platform and system integration package. It has filled the gap with Tianan Computer in a timely manner and confirmed its independent R&D capabilities."

"...So, Yuanqing, your side should immediately carry out an evaluation of notebook computer products, clarify the development cycle and risks of independent notebook computers, and provide reference for subsequent decision-making."

Yang Yuanqing nodded and wrote down the content along the way.

Liu Chuanzhi looked back at He Zhiqiang, "Zhiqiang, you continue to follow up with the IBM-PC business contacts. At the same time, inquire about the trends of other foreign companies' PC business, and look for possible opportunities for technical cooperation on notebook computers..."

Time has entered the New Year's Day of 2002 in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, whether it is Tianan or Lenovo, all of them have been intensively preparing for IBM's PC business.

From IBM's point of view, Lenovo, as a listed company in China, has a much stronger foundation and strength than Tianan. So instinctively, IBM is very inclined to Lenovo, but not optimistic about Tianan.

Correspondingly, the olive branch thrown by Tianan Company was not positive.

Tianan Company, General Manager's Office.

An Rong was under great pressure during this time.

After professional evaluation by Tianqi Investment Project Team, IBM's PC business is valued at 800 million US dollars, which does not include 500 million US dollars of liabilities.

Add up to this, the overall acquisition scale is as high as tens of billions of yuan.

At present, the valuation of Tianan Company has not reached this level, so that this acquisition has quite a sense of overpowering ants to eat elephants.

This made her doubt the rationality of this acquisition.

But looking back, compared to the US$25 billion acquisition of Compaq by HP that was just confirmed not long ago, this multi-billion-dollar business acquisition is nothing.

An Rong felt a little conflicted, but she was unwilling to give up such a great opportunity.

After all, the acquisition of the IBM-PC business not only filled the gap in Tianan’s notebook computer business, but also directly owned an international marketing network.

Coupled with the additional effect of Thinkpad brand awareness, it is definitely a stimulating improvement for the development of Tianan.

But now it seems that not only the road to acquisition is difficult, but the process of integration and development is also full of challenges.

Just then, the office door opened.

An Rong said without looking up, "Tongtong, go and change my cup of coffee."

"When you are must drink less coffee."

Hearing the sound, raising his head, An Rong, who has always been a strong woman, showed a rare touch of shyness, and immediately immersed himself in the document and said: "Why are you here?"

Wu Tao casually sat on the chair in front of the desk and said, "You haven't returned to the Royal Garden Villa for more than half a month. Didn't I come here to see you?"

"Ah~" An Rong exclaimed, "Has it been so long?"

Wu Tao nodded seriously, "Absolutely, otherwise Mei Sister won't doubt whether there is a problem with the two of us."

An Rong quickly explained: "I was negligent. It was a bit hectic these days. The progress of the acquisition negotiations was not satisfactory. I was buzzing in my mind all day, and I really couldn't calm down."

"What's the problem?" Wu Tao asked naturally.

An Rong closed the documents in hand, got up and stretched out, and walked to the sofa area next to him: "They are obviously more optimistic about Lenovo. It is said that after Lenovo plans to acquire the IBM-PC business, it will move the company's headquarters to New York. "

Wu Tao couldn't help laughing. The name of the'American Emperor's Conscience' was really not a boast. At this time, it had already begun.

"So what about Compaq's PC business?"

An Rong threw the last document on the coffee table and said: "It has been swallowed by HP a long time ago."

Wu Tao opened it and saw that it was in September. It seemed that he had neglected the time.

"Furthermore, Compaq's acquisition of a larger amount is not suitable for the current Tianan Company."

Wu Tao nodded when he saw the acquisition scale of 25 billion US dollars. Abandoning the documents, he said with a relaxed look: "I heard Fei Ge said that you are going to the United States to negotiate after New Year's Day, and I will accompany you. I am more experienced in fighting Lenovo..."


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