Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1039: Know yourself and the enemy, 0 fights ar

Seeing that Wu Tao agreed to his terms without thinking, Liu Chuanzhi was slightly taken aback and couldn't help but feel complacent.

How young is this kid! This condition can actually be agreed.

However, when he returned to the room, Liu Chuanzhi loosened his tie on his neck, and recalled this time, "Zhiqiang, does Wu Tao have any unknown cards?"

"Mr. Liu," He Zhiqiang said with a guilty conscience, but still bit his head: "Anyway, I think he can agree so easily. It's definitely not as simple as we thought."

The joy in Liu Chuanzhi's heart disappeared in an instant, standing in front of the French windows, looking at the night view of New York City, before turning around after a long time, "Well, the matter is over, I can only let my fate. If this time the acquisition fails, go back and take it. The money was spent on independent research and development."

"...I don't believe it, we Huaxia people can't make a good laptop!"

He Zhiqiang curled his lips, and said in disapproval in his heart, ‘please Mr. Liu, it’s not that China cannot make a good laptop, but that Lenovo can’t make it. ’

Of course, He Zhiqiang can only think about this in his heart, and if he really speaks it out, it is possible to be beaten back in the end.

Once a person thinks of a way out, his psychology will become extremely swollen.

Thinking of investing more than one billion US dollars on Lenovo's research and development, it might not be impossible to break a world, and Lao Liu's spirit immediately became excited again.

Looking back, thinking about the ins and outs of the negotiations between Lenovo and IBM, I suddenly felt that there was still great hope.

At least the sincerity shown by itself is already great, and Tianan may not be able to be more open-minded than Lenovo and achieve a catch-up.

After filling his stomach, when he returned to the suite, An Rong had already ordered the dining car service and ate in the suite with Tongtong.

Sitting next to him, Wu Tao explained his agreement with Lao Liu.

Tongtong was very conscious and didn't mean to interrupt.

In the presence of outsiders, An Rong's doubts were also restrained and authentic: "Do you have any special considerations for agreeing to this condition?"

Wu Tao's voice is not loud, but it is enough to be heard by several people who are eating.

"Frankly speaking, I also agreed to this condition in order to curb Lenovo's idea of ​​bidding up the purchase price."

"...This is not because we are not strong enough to dare to challenge Lenovo. Rather, doing so will only make IBM a waste of money, and it may cause adverse effects on public opinion in the country."

"...By the way, if it is a competitor outside of China, I will directly spend the money until they withdraw! The so-called not steaming the steamed buns to fight for your breath..."

Before Wu Tao finished speaking, An Rong nodded rationally and said: "I understand. It seems that we need to adjust our negotiation strategy and figure out how to highlight our Tianan Company and surpass Lenovo."

Tongtong put down the knife and fork, loosened his shoulders, and sighed: "If you can know what conditions Lenovo has promised to IBM, it would be better."

"This is a business secret, so don't think about it." An Rong dismissed Tongtong and his subordinates without thinking.

However, Wu Tao's eyes lit up, and his meaningful eyes swept across the crowd and said: "I can probably guess some."

"Wow," before An Rong could react, Tongtong was the first to blurt out: "Boss, can you guess this?"

An Rong looked over immediately, she couldn't even take care of the meal, and urged: "Hurry up and talk about it."

Wu Tao looked thoughtful, tracing the contents of his memory from the shallower to the deeper one by one.

"First of all, IBM definitely wants its own business to be packaged and sold, including technology, products, and all employees. Otherwise, the layoffs caused by any reason will have a big impact on IBM's stock. In addition, it will have a big impact on others. Intermediary business may inevitably have an impact."

An Rong nodded and said: "So Lenovo, it is very likely that it has accepted the condition of not laying off employees and continues to hire the old IBM-PC employees."

"Yes." Wu Tao affirmed, "In fact, I also think that this talent is the top priority of the acquisition. Even if some personnel and organization are redundant, it can be solved slowly."

Tongtong has already played a role as a secretary, taking out a notebook and remembering.

Wu Tao continued: "The second point is that Lenovo's acquisition goal this time is not only to win the mature notebook computer business and market, but also to use the influence of the IBM brand to promote its own desktop computer products. To the global market."

"...In view of this, I think they will try their best to take advantage of the IBM-PC brand, such as continuing to use the Thinkpad brand for a period of time, and the cost is covered by the purchase price..."

This is a routine operation, and An Rong and her team members did not have the slightest surprise.

"The rest~" Wu Tao thought, "The content is not much. For the subsequent handover and smooth completion of this acquisition, Lenovo may promise some adjustments in the company's development strategy to ensure these. For example, the relocation of the headquarters, Management structure adjustment, these are not important things..."

Tongtong said while remembering: "Boss, relocating the headquarters? Isn't this an exaggeration?"

An Rong and others have the same doubts on their faces.

Wu Tao said: "Actually, this is nothing unusual. Since Lenovo wants to go international, it is normal to change its hometown. This is evident from the fact that they are eagerly taking advantage of the Thinkpad's east wind."

"...What's more, the value of this acquisition is actually close to half of Lenovo's market value ~ making such a strategic adjustment does not seem abrupt."

After Wu Tao finished speaking, An Rong immediately asked his subordinates: "Everyone brainstorms, think about how to overcome Lenovo's many conditions and get IBM's approval."

What had been a good meal became an impromptu meeting.

Wu Tao finished shaking the dry goods and didn't say much, clapped his hands and got up and went back to the room to change into sportswear.

I was too full just now, so I should go to the gym to consume it.

He didn't participate in the small meeting of the negotiation team of Tianan Company, leaving room and space for the new team members to give full play to themselves.

After all, there is no growth without training.

Early the next morning, An Rong led Tian'an's negotiating team and set off vigorously.

Wu Tao himself stayed at the Hilton Hotel and did not follow. Coincidentally, Ivanka had time to come over and invite him out for a tour.

But Wu Tao didn't agree, only saying that fitness and swimming in the hotel would be enough.

There are too many business trips, and it is indeed difficult to maintain a heart of traveling.

For this reason, Ivanka didn't force it, but was surprised and said cheerfully: "Well, I'll accompany you..."

At the same time, Liu Chuanzhi was in the business suite.

He Zhiqiang was standing at the table respectfully and reporting. Liu Chuanzhi frowned after listening, "Are you sure Wu Tao really didn't go with the Tianan team?"

"I'm sure," He Zhiqiang said, "He is now swimming with that American girl in the VIP pool."

Liu Chuanzhi stood up and laughed vigorously: "Haha, God helps me too!"

In his opinion, if Wu Tao does not go to this negotiation, only the young team of Tianan will have no chance of success at all!


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