Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1043: Not trouble the country

Although the chicken cootou named Sam looked unreliable, Wu Tao finally gave him another chance.

After all, this capacitive touch screen technology is a new technology he has been thinking about all these days. Li Yinxin hadn't inquired about it, so she came out, but she didn't expect to meet her here.

So even if this person is a liar, Wu Tao doesn't mind spending a small amount of money to buy this possibility.

This is the case for many times of investment.

In the conference room, Sam once again explained his immature capacitive touch screen technology.

He talked happily on the stage, and his mouth was frothy, but the people in the audience were dispirited and uninterested.

Even Wu Tao, who was very interested, felt that this guy was not a qualified project promoter, and he even explained his short-term experimental project in Motorola.

What does this book matter?

What matters is this experimental project, which ended in failure.

And Sam's treasured capacitive touch screen technology has also been labeled as unreliable by Motorola's technical department.

Not only that, Motorola even came to a conclusion.

That is, the touch screen of the mobile phone can only use the resistive type, not the capacitive type.

As an authoritative veteran mobile phone manufacturer in the industry, it is really irresponsible to make such a conclusion.

Had it not been for Wu Tao's deep knowledge, the future of mobile phone touch screens would be the world of capacitive touch screens, and it might have been affected by Motorola's conclusions.

In the end, Sam concluded with an incoherent conclusion.

Everyone felt that this case had no investment value, but Wu Tao said: "Give him $100,000 to try."

Now that the big boss has spoken, the people below can only do so.

But no one took this matter to heart, only that the 100,000 US dollars had been lost.

After sending Sam away, Wu Yingying invited Wu Tao to her office to begin further work reports.

"Boss, a lot of international capital has recently been transferred to the China market and assembled. Even the Quantum Fund has accelerated its cooperation with Berkshire and is preparing to enter the China market on a large scale."

"...Then the California branch of Tianqi Investment, should the focus of work also shift to the Asia-Pacific market?"

Wu Tao shook his head, "The focus of the California branch will remain unchanged for the time being."

Wu Yingying asked, "Is the boss trying not to put all the eggs in the same basket?"

"Risk avoidance is only one aspect." Wu Tao nodded: "But at present, so much international hot money is flooding into the domestic market, which will have a big impact on the domestic monetary system and financial system. At this time, we should not add to the country. Trouble."

"...Furthermore, when all the hot money in the international capital flocks to the emerging market of China, the traditional markets such as Europe and the United States will be exposed to us. With the impact of the development of the China market, there may be a lot of money in the European and American markets. Chance."

"...At that time, you should acquire and inject capital. It is up to you to grasp and balance the asset structure and investment portfolio of Tianqi Investment."

Wu Yingying's eyes lit up, "Boss, your appetite is really big!"

"That's interesting, isn't it?" Wu Tao smiled. "When one day, Tianqi Investment can attack on a global scale, it will truly exist side by side with international consortia."

"I see, boss." Wu Yingying nodded and wrote it down in her notebook.

After talking about this, Wu Yingying immediately picked up a document and handed it to Wu Tao: "Boss, this is the current branch stock investment list. You will check it out."

Wu Tao took it over and saw that the branch company took advantage of the opportunity of the dot-com bubble collapse to acquire a lot of potential stocks.

Among them, there are many from Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple, and the weight is quite substantial.

Now that the impact of the 9/11 incident has passed, Nasdaq has begun to pick up steadily, and the prices of these stocks have risen accordingly. That momentum has the meaning of making up after being suppressed.

"Good job, keep it up!" Wu Tao glanced around and exhorted.

After working for a long time at Tianqi Investment Branch, when it was time for dinner, Wu Tao turned down Wu Yingying's invitation to entertain her. Shi Shiran went downstairs and went to the appointment with Yang Zhiyuan.

This is the first time the two realize that they are eating together for the first time.

Sure enough, Yang Zhiyuan, who has lived in the United States for so long, has a strong American style in his thinking and acting style.

Otherwise, it's two Huaxia people who have eaten and drank together a long time ago, I don't know how many times.

When Wu Tao arrived, Yang Zhiyuan had already arrived.

It's just that it's different from the spirited spirit last time. Today's Lao Yang is a bit frown.

After ordering the order with the large menu, Wu Tao had the opportunity to ask: "Mr. Yang, what made you difficult to look like this?"

Yang Zhiyuan sighed, and then said frankly: "It's true that I am here to ask Brother Wu for advice!"

Wu Tao waved his hand, "What do you mean by asking for advice and not asking for advice? We are learning from each other and enhancing each other."

So Yang Zhiyuan began to get back to business.

"Since the Nasdaq stock market rebounded, I have found that Yahoo's stock has rebounded and its successor is weak." Yang Zhiyuan began to complain: "Stocks are the most direct response to business operations. At present, the board of directors is putting more and more pressure on me. The bigger I see the company’s market value shrinking like this, it’s really helpless."

This is really not a simple question.

But for the development of portals, Wu Tao knows that it will eventually be replaced by another targeted news model.

So he didn’t have a particularly good idea. He just reminded: “If Mr. Yang has time, you can try to exchange ideas with Mr. Ding of Netease. I think you all have a lot in common as a portal website The topic can be talked about."

Although it is not a substantive answer, it is a dead end anyway.

Yang Zhiyuan nodded and took notes, and immediately began to ask questions: "Brother, now international capital and hot money are all going to China, it seems that China will inevitably take off. You said that in this context, Yahoo entered the China market, yes Shouldn't it be done with great fanfare?"

This is to ask about risks.

So Wu Tao smiled, "General Manager Yang can do it with confidence. China's market potential and capacity are much larger than we thought."

Yang Zhiyuan lifted his spirits and said: "With the words of my brother, I can safely exchange shares and cooperate with Alibaba."

Wu Tao agreed: "This is indeed a good way to avoid risks. But in the final analysis, Mr. Yang still has to find a suitable route for the extended development of portals."

"I understand, brother!" Yang Zhiyuan said with a relaxed expression: "I will learn from the friends you introduced later."