Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1046: This influence is no more

"Oh my God, you're still laughing, aren't you?" Molly turned her head and looked at Wu Tao's expression, suddenly even more depressed.

Wu Tao took away the foreign wine in her hand, poured her a cup of coffee and said, "In fact, it's not that bad."

Molly who persuaded this was very unacceptable and said: "I managed to get such a project from you, but it was intercepted by others. You said it wasn't that bad? How could it be bad?"

"Listen to me." Wu Tao patted Molly's soft shoulders and said: "AMD has short-term investment prospects, but when it comes to long-term holding value, it is not so optimistic."

When Molly heard this, the irritability in her heart calmed down.

Wu Tao went on to explain: "At the beginning, I wanted to join AMD. In fact, it was not its development prospects, but its status and influence in the semiconductor industry, as well as the positive impact it can bring to the China Semiconductor industry. Understand? "

"Really?" Molly heard this, as if sunlight came in her gloomy mood. After thinking about it, he thought about Wu Tao again: "In this way, don't all your calculations fall to the ground?"

Wu Tao waved his hand indifferently and said, "There will always be a way."

For AMD's dilemma, Craig Barrett has always been concerned.

After all, as the CEO of Intel, he must know how to circumvent various antitrust laws in the European and American markets, and try to avoid Intel's unfavorable situation in antitrust litigation.

For this reason, Intel is even ready to lend a helping hand to the problems encountered by AMD this time.

But Craig never expected it, but Huaxia Wu led the team to investigate for a long time, and AMD went from a cold stove that no one cares to to a sweet pastry that everyone sought after overnight.

Craig couldn't figure out the reason for this at first.

It wasn't until I talked about it with my friends in the financial circle that I was suddenly moved and suddenly realized.

I didn't expect that the young Hua Xia Wu had such a great energy? It is not an exaggeration to say that he has some gold hands.

AMD has his appearance, this is a good time to get out of the predicament and rejuvenate.

When Craig relaxed, he thought about whether Intel would be affected by this incident.

Just when Craig was moving around, AMD's stock price rose sharply on the same day that was affected by the strategic cooperation agreement reached with the Chicago Consortium.

In contrast, Intel's stock price has dropped by two percentage points.

Craig felt even more disturbed.

After drinking two cups of coffee, I didn’t calm down until I remembered the unsigned memorandum of cooperation I had seen a while ago, Craig hurriedly asked the secretary to dig out the file cabinet...

At the same time, Sanders returned to the office after signing the cooperation agreement in his own hand and began to ponder it.

In the past few days, although there is no more news from Tianqi Investment, Sanders does not think that this matter has simply been fooled.

What's more, during the negotiation, Woody Crown revealed a message outside of his words, that is: Because Apocalypse Investment is interested in AMD, their Chicago consortium will believe in AMD's future profitability.

Therefore, this matter is reasonable and reasonable, and Sanders feels that Hua Xia Wu must be explained.

Irvine Villa.

Molly sits on the elliptical car and keeps moving, not only has her waist been slender, but also the big buttocks of European and American women are eye-catching.

It's just that the current Wu Tao is running steadily on the treadmill in front of him, and he doesn't even look at her at all.

This made Molly a little frustrated, but also whispered secretly.

This time the plan didn't achieve his expected goal, so he wouldn't even be blamed on himself, right?

Otherwise, why don't you mean to be anxious if you don't say a word?

This unscientific!

Until the extension phone in the gym rang, Molly saw that Wu Tao didn't intend to answer it, she endured it for a while, and finally picked it up by herself.

The call was connected by Wu Yingying from Tianqi Investment.

After the call arrived, Wu Tao slowly lowered the speed of the treadmill, wiped his sweat, and took it.

"What's the matter? If AMD and the Chicago Consortium signed a contract, then it goes without saying."

"It turns out that the boss knows it all." Wu Yingying was stunned, "Then I will just talk about the second thing. Intel, who has not been informed, suddenly called and said that we can consider promoting bilateral cooperation. But the form of cooperation is open to question. I specially invite your boss to Intel headquarters for a comment."

"Invite us?" Wu Tao specifically confirmed, "You heard me right."

"Yes, that's right." Wu Yingying said affirmatively.

So Wu Tao immediately recalled, "I see, you make an appointment with them, and I will be there when that time comes."

The call was made in front of Molly, so after Wu Tao hung up, Molly couldn't figure out more than he did.

"I thought it was the call from the old fellow Sanders, so why did Craig come here first?"

Wu Tao pulled the towel to wipe the sweat on the temple side, and turned his fingers around the temple by the way, "You think about it again?"

Molly had an inspiration, and she slapped her thigh and said: "I understand, Craig has realized your influence, and instantly has a sense of crisis!"

"Correct solution!" Wu Tao nodded with a smile.

Molly clapped her hands and said: "Now your goal was achieved with no effort. But the old fellow Sanders didn't say anything, it's not interesting enough!"

Wu Tao said indifferently, "Don't worry, sooner or later."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang again. Molly took it, and handed it to Wu Tao with a strange expression. Qiao's face was completely ‘I won’t be hit by you again’.

Wu Tao answered the phone, dealt with it a few times, and hung up the phone decisively.

Welcoming Molly's questioning expression: "Look, isn't this here? Sanders has already called Apocalypse Investment."

"Oh my are a god!"

While Molly cheered, the look in Wu Tao's eyes also changed.

The appreciation from the initial encounter has transformed into the worship that I look up to now.

This person is really maddening than others.

Regarding the capital at hand, now he is no longer as good as him. The volume of the Quantum Trust is also the scale of tens of billions of dollars. In contrast, Tianqi Investment, coupled with the value of industry-leading companies such as Yuanqi Technology, is already comparable to the strength of emerging consortia.

As for personal influence, I can't even match it.

With this AMD predicament, Molly knew that if she came forward, Wan Wan could not achieve such an effect. He even took a step back and said that even if it was his grandfather, Soros personally appeared, it may not have such a miraculous effect!

In this way, the Chinese man in front of him unexpectedly surpassed the idol in his heart...