Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1080: Finally the dust settled

Apart from the housekeeper, there are no others in the house.

As for the location of Lao Liang's children, Wu Tao didn't ask much. It's just touching here and there, I can see that Comrade Lao Liang wants to stop, but there is no reason to stop.

After all, the objects on the shelves and tables are all valuable, but even if they are broken, there is nothing this kid can't afford to lose.

In this case, how can we stop it?

For no reason!

However, when Wu Tao fiddled with it, he was really very careful. In addition, he was already a man with steady hands, so he was not afraid of slipping his hands or something.

After a willful visit, Liang Yancheng had already finished the Kung Fu tea set.

The clear tea soup exudes a rich aroma, just a light sniff, and it feels refreshing.

"So your good tea is hidden at home!" After speaking, Wu Tao sat down, picked up his tea cup and drank it.

"Well, incense!" Putting down the tea cup, Wu Taoyi looked at Liang Yancheng still.

As a result, Liang Yancheng was holding his tea cup there slowly, sniffing and inhaling, as if he didn't need to drink this cup of tea, and he could be full just by inhaling the aroma of the tea.

Liang Yancheng was savouring this new tea, but Wu Tao looked at himself eagerly, and suddenly reprimanded, "I want to drink it and pour it down by myself!"

Wu Tao laughed for a while. It was really natural for him to get used to it, and then he took it for granted.

Outside, who would dare to ask the provincial chief to make tea for himself?

After drinking four or five cups in a row, Wu Tao filled himself with water first, and as a result, there was a hint of sweetness in his mouth.

It's really good tea.

But Comrade Lao Liang can't talk about this tea all the time, otherwise he might think that he is going to make an autumn breeze again.

So Wu Tao sat upright and swept his eyes around: "Secretary Liang, your small building is really good. The outside is not visible, but there is a cave inside."

As a result, Liang Yancheng raised his eyebrows and said, "How can you compare with your Yuhuayuan No. 2?"

Wu Tao said again, "At least you have such a good tea, I don't have it over there."

Yes, this is killing a carbine, and I still can't do without my own good tea!

Liang Yancheng put down the tea cup and said angrily: "I'll give you half for a while, okay?"

Wu Tao immediately closed after seeing him, "Then dare to love it!"

Liang Yancheng became amused, "Do you know everything?" In his opinion, this kid is uncharacteristically and so happy, and 80% of it learned the news of his whereabouts from some channels.

However, Wu Tao denied it categorically, "What do I know? Your officialdom is secretive, and your words are covered up, so I'm not interested."

After that, when he saw that Lao Liang was going to be ruined, he quickly added an explanation: "I also guessed something from you when you invited me to dinner at home today."

"You kid is better than a monkey, so I know I can't hide it from you!" Liang Yancheng drank another teacup waterway: "After the news comes down, my trend is confirmed, and I will continue to control the semiconductor industry, and strive to revitalize the national semiconductor industry. ."

This matter has been worrying for several months, and finally the dust has settled.

Wu Tao chuckled and said, "That's really congratulations. I will toast you a few more glasses in a while!"

In fact, he still wants to ask, what did the actor in the previous life do? When the words came to my lips, I felt abrupt again, so I swallowed it back.

As a result, Liang Yancheng opened his mouth and choked him, "You are embarrassed to toast me with my house wine?"

While talking, Li Yuelan heard the sound and said: "What's yours, Xiao Wu, don't care about his old man. When you get here, you will treat it as your own home! Don't be embarrassed."

Seeing that Liang Yancheng had no temper, he said, "The food is ready, please ask your grandfather and grandson to move."

Wu Tao stood up quickly, and Li Yuelan quickly thanked you in the evening: "Grandma Li, thank you very much."

Li Yuelan patted his hand and said, "It's not hard, you young people come here when you have time. I'm happy that it's too late."

After speaking, looking back at Liang Yancheng to follow him, he immediately reminded him, "Call me Xiaoliu, just a light meal."

Liang Yancheng didn't mean to look back.

But Wu Tao took the initiative: "I'll call it."

After a while, Wu Tao went and returned, and dealt with Li Yuelan: "Grandma Li, Dami Liu said that she had eaten it and will not come."

Liang Yancheng didn't even raise his eyebrows, and he was not surprised by this result.

Sure enough, there is still this tacit understanding between the master and servant.

So Wu Tao had no choice but to hold the bottle of Feitian Maotai in his hand. After all, at this meal, he can't let the old couple pour the bar with wine bottles.

In the eyes of Liang Yancheng, he thought he was going to grab a drink.

When the three people were seated, Wu Tao first respected Liang Yancheng's future and respected him six cups in a row.

This wine was meant to be drunk, and Liang Yancheng dried up without saying a word and dripping water.

Wu Tao did the same. After looking back, he realized that Li Yuelan's bowl had been filled with deliciousness.

At the moment, I couldn't help but feel moved, "Grandma Li, you leave, who can be so kind to me in the future!"

Li Yuelan didn't recognize his true meaning, and said indifferently: "I heard that you also have a big business in the capital. When that happens, even if you come home and like what you like, Grandma Li will cook it for you!"

"Hey!" Wu Tao replied, turning around, and was met with Liang Yancheng's eyes.

Liang Yancheng pretended to inadvertently said: "Don't pretend to be pitiful here! You Wu Tao didn't start with the government. Who will be the parent officer of this place and what does it matter to you?"

Even if this is correct, Wu Tao can't recognize it right now.

"Oh, Secretary Liang, look at what you said." So he immediately picked up Maotai and filled it with the other party: "I can start from Jinling and create such a large industry. It is absolutely inseparable from your guidance and support. Open it. I'll toast you again!"

Liang Yancheng's eyes As usual, he held up his glass and said: "I can drink this wine, but don't talk nonsense."

After drunk it, he added: "I will leave Jiangdong immediately, and I don’t beg you for anything else. I just advise you, no matter who is succeeding, don’t be embarrassed with others, and give full play to your business talents. . Really encounter political issues, you come to me!"

"Well, if you have these words, I will definitely follow the teaching!" Wu Tao was very straightforward.

Liang Yancheng seemed to be a little bit on the top, and the chatter box opened. "The ten or so pieces of land you applied for before have all been taken down."

Wu Tao was overjoyed when he heard that, in addition to Jiangdong Province, there are also Zhonghai, Shencheng, and the capital.

It's all a lot of money!

I used my father's Huayao company to come forward to get it, but I met a lot of resistance. Now that Liang Yancheng is out, it doesn't take long for the results to come.

But from this aspect, it just confirms that Liang Yancheng's future position must be the kind of real power.