Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1113: Unimaginable development platform

In the summer when I returned to my work station, I lost sleep.

She is not a girl who likes gossip, but the shock in her heart at the moment still drives her to find out how many properties are there in that person's name.

After much deliberation, in the summer, a phone call was made to Shi Lele, who was sleeping in the dormitory.

For the requirements of summer, Shi Lele has always been responsive.

I got up and got out of bed, grabbed the computer in the hands of my roommate who was playing League of Legends, and started the search mode without saying a word.

Six months ago, Google had just entered China, and it quickly became the domestic search engine with the highest IPV in Japan.

The interrupted roommate said nothing, but stood silently behind Shi Lele, watching what he did.

Because this luxurious Tianan computer was originally owned by a local tyrant like Shi Lele.

It's just that one person is offline, and the other members of the alliance can't form a team, so they all come together and watch this local roommate busy.

Seeing Shi Lele type the word ‘Wu Tao’ in the search box, the roommate behind him started talking in a few words.

"What are you searching for him, isn't it the boss behind Yuanqi Technology?"

"Please find out, he is obviously the founder of Yuankang Water Drink, okay?"

"Wait, isn't he the big boss of Tianqi Investment? He presided over the management training program this time."

"No, right, he opened the era of the domestic Internet industry, and he is naturally the father of China Internet. I heard that Tianxing Games and Tianjing are all his industries. Besides, Netease, Taobao and Tencent all have his shares. ..."


Everyone talked a lot, and the more they discussed, the more they got involved.

Shi Lele was in a daze in the face of the many words that came out of Google's search.

Search by name, the amount of information is too complicated. But when he searched based on the clues mentioned by the roommates behind him, more clues were exposed.

Finally locked on Wu Tao's school account.

According to the visitor information on the account, going back one by one, a huge industrial empire was hidden in front of Shi Lele.

"Don't make any noise!"

With a violent roar, the roommates behind him stopped their endless arguing, and they all looked at Shi Lele in surprise.

Shi Lele leaned on the back of the chair and reluctantly got up and said: "You are all right, those are his properties. And this is only what we can find. He has always been low-key, and there may be more places that can't be found. "

The roommate who originally occupied the Shi Lele computer murmured: "I knew that I had signed up for the recruitment of Guan trainee. Once it is done, it will be a step beyond the sky!"

Another roommate pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, holding his trembling arms and said, "It's still up to you? Now the Guan Peisheng Project has been hailed as the cradle of tens of millions of annual salary executives!"

"Come on, you obviously just signed up, and you were only brushed in the first round. When we don't know..."

That night, Changjiang Road, Tianxing Media was downstairs.

Xia hurriedly walked out of the building and lifted his feet on a purely imported white BMW sports car.

Shi Lele had a good family background, she knew that. But he has never been so high-profile in front of him, so summer's mood is a bit surprised.

Only seeing Shi Lele's solemn face did not ask.

McDonald's on Ninghai Road.

Shi Lele put a dense sketch in front of Xia, and then said nothing.

Xia Xia brought it over, and saw that the whole picture diverged around the name of "Wu Tao", ring by ring, and the entire business map was clearly on the paper.

"These are all you found out?" Xia drank a big sip of Coke, and the cold breath descended all the way down her throat, and did not suppress the fanatical emotion in her heart at the moment.

Shi Lele nodded, "This is only part of what can be found. But he has always been a low-key person, so I am sure that this is definitely not all of him."

Xia Qiao's face blushed, "So, it's a fluke for us to be able to enter the final stage in the recruitment of Guan trainee."

"...If I knew before I changed my job, that I would be facing such a big platform, I am afraid it would be difficult for me to be happy, and I would go into battle lightly."

Those who don't know are fearless.

"Not bad." Shi Lele said gratifyingly: "I originally only planned to play with you, but unexpectedly came to the end. It seems that I don't understand the situation, but it helped us..."

China Shipping, Flying Fish Investment Bank.

It was heard that Molly and others had all gone to the capital of China, and even the Dongying woman from the Mitsui Consortium had also left at the appointment. Figo always felt that her heart could not be at ease.

Howard was more optimistic, swaying the scarlet wine in his glass and said: "Relax, Figo. Have you forgotten how AOL became popular? It's not wrong to be the basic industry of the Internet industry. No matter what. Whether there is a bubble in the Internet industry, there will definitely be more and more people in China who want to use the Internet."

"...So we invested heavily in the IPC computer room business, which is definitely a good opportunity."

Figo glanced at his feeling good partner but he didn't say anything, but wanted to ask, what happened to the icq business acquired by AOL?

Wasn't it dangling in various poses by the Facebook network founded by Wu Tao?

And even if the influence of Huaxia Wu is removed, the development of icq is not as good as the development of Tencent QQ, which was born out of it?

It's just these questions that Figo couldn't speak out after all, so he changed his words: "Do you think Wu Tao is anxious about his strategic alliance partners this time, what big moves will he make?"

When it comes to this topic, Howard feels a little upset.

He always felt that Figo, the heir to the dignified Morgan family, was too easily influenced by others in his ideas.

"Figo, with all due respect, but from the point of view of the turbulent management training plan that turned out to be nothing more than a recruitment plan, it seems that Huaxia Wu will not make any big moves."

Figo knew that he couldn't analyze any valuable information from the partner's mouth, so he just raised the glass and drank the rest of the red wine.

The courtyard in Houhai.

Wu Tao was reviewing the completed Software Valley project in his study. Panis opened the door and walked in, holding a stack of documents in his hand.

Unlike Molly, Panis rarely takes the initiative to find her study.

So Wu Tao put down the papers in hand and poured her a cup of tea ceremony: "Is something wrong with me?"

Panis tossed the chestnut hair on his cheek, and handed him the document in his hand, "Look, do these investment cases have investment prospects?"

Wu Tao took it and swiped it, and then smiled, "IPC computer room business, in the 1990s, there may be a wave of market. Now, 80% of it is going to be pornographic."



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