Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1133: Concerns about Tencent's listing

Early the next morning.

Jinling Jiangbei New District, on the site of the Software Valley project.

The colorful flags fluttered and the flags stretched.

As the country's first software valley project pilot project, the province attaches great importance to it. Even Secretary Dai personally came to the platform for this pilot project.

Because Secretary Dai knows that Liang Yancheng, An Dingguo, and Wu Tao involved in this project are enough for him to be there in person.

What's more, it was a grand event for three people.

Political leaders gathered, and colleagues in the business world were not to be outdone.

In addition to Qin Xiaoxiao, the representative of Apocalypse Investment, Molly of Quantum Trust, Panis of Morgan AsiaInfo, and Rena Fujiwara of Mitsui Consortium were all present.

A row of cameras swept past, all of them were full of well-known figures.

The groundbreaking ceremony is nothing special, everything is arranged. Even the draft of Hu Ning's speech has undergone heavy checks and repeated exercises.

However, less than half a day after the ceremony, it spread overwhelmingly on the Internet.

There are discussions and expectations about the development of domestic Silicon Valley everywhere.

This is a high-tech industry that allows Huaxia people to feel the change firsthand. It is also one of the typical industries with the smallest technological gap with foreign counterparts.

The video data collected by the provincial TV station is not only made into news broadcasts at the first time, but also directly reported to CCTV as a typical economic development news broadcast.

China Shipping's Flying Fish Investment Bank.

Seeing the nearly refreshing software valley project news and discussions, Figo was dazzled.

Originally, I wanted to dig out something useful from these complicated and redundant Internet information, but until my eyes became sour, there was no result.

Firstly, there is too little effective information in this information; secondly, even if you have translation software, it is still difficult to understand.

In any case, it is also a software park project, and this limelight has obviously been robbed by Wu Tao.

China Shipping's software park project can only make use of China Shipping's international urban influence to make a comeback only if it is larger in scale and invested more.

Figo was trying to figure it out for himself, and Howard knocked on the door gloomily and came in.

"What's going on?" Figo felt uncomfortable when he saw this, but he still asked patiently.

Howard slapped the table with a palm, "The planning requirements we just put forward were rejected by the China Shipping Government. They said that the 10-square-mile plan is too large and must be submitted to the central government for approval. Second, China Shipping Pudong does not have such a large area. "

Figo was not irritated at first, but pondered: "Is there any tricks in this? I heard that Huaxia people must use money to clear the way when doing things. Should we also go to the countryside and follow the customs?"

"Is it necessary to do this?" Howard looked reluctant, "After all, this thing is actually a win-win thing, isn't it?"

"Try it," Figo said, turning the platinum ring on his finger: "It can't be worse than it is now, can it?"

Just three days after the groundbreaking of the Jinling Jiangbei Software Valley project, the Shenzhen Nanshan Software Valley project immediately began to lay the foundation.

Wu Tao took Molly and several investors back and forth, and finally participated in various procedures and ceremonies.

This is the first time Wu Tao II came back to open the forefront position, Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

The convoy was driving on the wide Shennan Avenue. Wu Tao, Molly and others said that this was only a small fishing village at the beginning, and Molly's people were dumbfounded and could not believe it.

After all, this is a modern city built in just 20 years or so, and it can definitely be regarded as a city of miracles.

As a result, when Molly and Paniston were full of curiosity, they planned to go shopping after returning to the hotel.

As for Rena Fujiwara, because of the advancement of the semiconductor industry, there is a lot of work to be done.

Needless to say, Wu Tao, he has already received Ma Huateng's invitation, and Qin Xiaoxiao is in charge of accompanying him.

The dinner venue was set at Jingdu, an old hotel in Shenzhen. When I saw Mr. Ma, the other party was dressed up as a formal, with glasses, and was dressed up as a gentleman.

So that Wu Tao's long-simmering word "Lao Ma" was held in his stomach abruptly, and he didn't say anything.

After all, people are clearly not old.

"Mr. Wu," Ma Huateng said, holding Wu Tao's hand, "It's really an honor for you to appreciate it. Without the first Internet conference you convened, there would be no Tencent today."

Wu Tao didn't dare to claim this credit, and now he held the opponent and said: "Mr. Ma is too Qiang, but I know that you have been brewing the idea of ​​QQ for a long time."

Ma Huateng couldn't help being stunned. He was only thinking about it in his heart. How did he know what he was thinking?

However, without waiting for him to ask further, he was interrupted by Zhang Zhidong next to him: "Mr. Wu, in fact, Tencent QQ can go to this day, and I should thank you for saving iq from the water and fire, so as to avoid being forced to retreat by AOL."

Wu Tao was held by Zhang Zhidong, and felt that this matter was a bit exaggerated.

This was just a matter of piggybacking when confronting Howard at the time, so I didn't bother much at all.

However, through these two things, Wu Tao has also seen that the other party is actively building relationships with him and establishing friendships.

That being the case, if he reached out his hand and didn't hit the smiley person, he simply let it go.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

As soon as Ma Huateng changed the topic, he talked about the software valley project in Nanshan, Shenzhen.

"Mr. Wu, are you particularly optimistic about the future of the domestic Internet industry with such a strong effort to develop the Software Valley project?" Ma Huateng said with a low profile: "After all, we all know that when the Internet bubble collapsed two years ago, the result was It's extremely tragic."

Wu Tao put down his chopsticks and glanced across the crowd before nodding, "Yes, the development of any industry has its inherent periodicity, and the Internet industry is no exception. But as a high-tech industry, its industry cycle is longer than that of traditional industries. It’s much shorter."

"... And judging from the trend that our Internet conference is getting more and more prosperous, I think the future Internet industry will recover in our hands. That's why the Software Valley plan is in place."

The answer to these words was half-truth and half-false, but it really suppressed Ma Huateng and Zhang Zhidong.

Look at what kind of strategy and pattern they are all about!

Qin Xiaoxiao also took the opportunity to insert a sentence: "Mr. Ma, Mr. Zhang, this Nanshan Software Valley project needs your support. In addition, this year's Internet Conference will also help us Software Valley. Plan to publicize it a lot."

When the two heard it, they immediately agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Huateng picked up a glass of wine and said while toasting: "Mr. Wu, you are an Internet expert and an investment expert. I still have a question. I have always had doubts and would like to ask you for advice."

Wu Tao waved his hand, "If you don't ask for advice, it doesn't matter if you ask Mr. Ma."

"You also know that Tencent is currently seeking to go public, but my heart is always up and down, worrying that when the Internet industry has not fully recovered, I accidentally planted a big somersault..."

No wonder he has been hesitant to speak, but dare to express his concerns in this regard.

In fact, it is no wonder that it is a mule or a horse, and it is inevitable that it is inevitable that the mule is about to slip on the court.

Just before he finished speaking, Wu Tao put down his wine glass and said with a smile: "Mr. Ma, everything is risky. Why not let Tencent's listing become the horn of the next wave of Internet boom? I am optimistic about you..."