Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1152: Shocking industrial empire

When Howard found the eo office, Figo had a respectable guest in front of him.

He is the investment genius of the Morgan family, Unle Jason.

Howard wanted to call Jason unle like Figo, but because he was explicitly rejected, he naturally didn't dare to take this risk anymore.

Now when he was able to chat with his uncle and nephew, he was already allowed to enter, and he was already very relieved.

Jason is still in that colorful dress, but his skin is tanned, and there is an old-fashioned toad mirror hanging on his forehead.

This is the old man, who can wear such an ancient toad mirror with a stylish atmosphere.

Jason took a sip of ice coffee and looked up at his nephew. The more he looked, the more he realized that this cheap nephew was really useless except for his good looks.

"Figo, do you really think that Wu's mobile phones and computers are selling well, just because of good luck?"

"Listen to me, unle Jason," Figo did not directly admit, but first stabilized the elder in the family who did not follow the routine: "I mean, whether it is the hot lotphone or the elitepad In fact, there is a great accidental factor in the popularity of, more precisely, it is luck!"

Jason was so angry that he put the coffee cup on the table and said, "Isn't this still a meaning?"

"Figo, if you always think like this, you will never see the brilliance of others. What's more, sometimes, luck itself is a kind of strength!"

Jason didn't have extra patience to explain the internal tricks of the two marketing cases to this unsatisfactory nephew.

After being so hard, he simply said directly: "Believe it or not, the China Overseas Software Park project that is now in your hands, in the hands of Hua Xia Wu, can still make money, and it is making a lot of money!"

Jason said this purely to hit Figo, hoping that he could repent a little.

Unexpectedly, they met Howard who came in with his mind to listen, and the eyes between the two exchanged on the spot.

"Unle Jason, are you kidding me?" Figo withdrew his eyes from Howard's face, and continued unconsciously, "You know, we have looked for so many mainland capitals and made so many favorable conditions before. I couldn't get even a single investment."

"What's the matter?" Jason suddenly felt a little frown, "You don't even believe my judgment?"

"Nonono," Figo immediately softened, "It's not that I don't believe in Unle Jason, I just can't believe what Huaxia Wu can do to bring my software park project back to life."

Jason immediately got up and said: "This is simple. Prepare the materials as soon as possible. I will ask Huaxia Wu to take over this project. Then open your eyes and take a look!"

"Forgive me for taking the liberty," said Howard, "Mr. Jason, for the sake of fairness, we cannot transfer this project at a loss."

"As long as your capital data is okay, I don't think Huaxia Wu can't do it because of this."

After speaking, Jason walked to the door and remembered that he was inconsistent. He almost forgot about the business. "By the way, I will sort out the progress of your cooperation with TSMC and send me a copy of the information."

After Jason Morgan was sent away, Howard and Figo breathed a sigh of relief in the office and threw their punches in excitement.

The China Shipping Software Park project has been pressing on them for too long, too long, so that they can't breathe.

Now that I can get rid of it smoothly without losing the locals, in any case, it is a thing to be celebrated.

However, Figo calmed down and began to ponder what Unle Jason had said. He couldn't help but ask: "Howard, is Huaxia Wu very confident in the application of n technology in mobile phones from the beginning?"

"It's hard to tell," Howard was hesitant. Anyway, I just heard that, "Yuanqi Technology has used n technology patents to exchange a large number of technology patents for shared use rights with Nokia and Motorola."

"...If he is so confident in n technology, why not take the opportunity to charge high patent licensing fees, thereby widening the gap with competitors?"

The more he pondered, the more confused Figo, and he simply changed his mind. "So what about elitepad laptop products? Now that HP and Dell are not underdogs in the world, elitepad pens are so powerful that they can only rely on a simple public opinion hype?"

"This unscientific!"

Howard rubbed his mouth, speechless.

Anyway, when dealing with Wu Tao's superb marketing methods, he is the one who has the least say.

When Jason arrived in Jinling, he was catching up with Wu Tao at Yuanqi Technology to give a special speech on the completion of Guan Peisheng's devil training.

During the month-long special training for the devil, the faces of Jin Yue, Xia Tian, ​​and Shi Lele have completely lost their childishness when they participated in the interview.

Just now, 20 people from Guan Trainee recommended their future to their preferred industrial companies.

Jinyue chose the software valley project team, which is now very popular, and showed no small ambitions.

Shi Lele also chose Tianxin Technology Company, a semiconductor industry that ‘knows that there are tigers in the mountains and leans towards the tigers’.

It’s the summer that I have always been fond of for the Sky Star Media Group, and suddenly discovered that there is such a existence as the Bokeh Manke in Wu Tao's industry. After hesitating for a long time, he finally threw the olive branch to the Bokeh Manke in the transition period...

Of course it doesn't matter.

The important thing is When Guan Peisheng, the twenty-something people, chose the target platform from a group of Tianzi, Yuanzi, and a few peripheral enterprise chain companies. It was discovered that Wu Taoming's industrial empire had grown to such a strong level without knowing it.

After Wu Tao spoke briefly for over ten minutes, he decisively returned to the president.

When passing by the secretary's office, Pei Ying ran out to report that Jason was coming, which surprised him.

Not long after, when Wu Tao saw the old man Jason again, he found that this guy was frequently winking at Pei Ying, and also teasing the other two clerks in his secretary's office.

"Jason, did I bother you?" Wu Tao, who was greeted from the president's office, was very upset when he saw this scene. This old and rude man actually dug into his own circle.

Realizing Wu Tao's poor tone, Jason immediately resumed his seriousness: "Hi, Wu, I brought you a good project this time, and you will definitely thank me."

Wu Tao glanced at this tanned old face and said nothing.

But I was wondering in my heart, a bad old man, I believe you are evil.

The two joined the president's office. Pei Ying soon brought coffee, and Jason couldn't wait to get to the point: "That's it, the China Overseas Software Park project, I think it is necessary to be included in the Software Valley project plan."

"...This will not only expand the influence of the Software Valley Project, but also give you a firm foothold in Zhonghai!"

"Oh~" After the long oh, Wu Tao decisively shook his head: "I'm not interested, Jason. You know, business is business, and friendship is friendship. You can't mix it up."

Jason, who was still holding it, immediately broke down, "Wu, we will discuss this matter again..."

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