Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1176: It's time to establish an online payment

It is actually Wu Tao's long-standing idea to establish an independent financial system for his entire industrial empire with online payment and Internet finance.

This work has been implemented on the application platform built by Tianjing.

Then the Tianxing game battle platform, and then to the payment interface of the Qianqian Jingting website, in fact all have the shadow of this strategy.

It's just that at the moment the companies are still fighting independently, and they have not formed a unified payment system. Naturally, they can't reflect their influence.

Of course, having said that, with the current maturity of the domestic Internet, which is at best the level of the previous life in 2005, the revenue scale of the entire payment system is not enough to develop to a level that is worthy of attention.

This is also the reason why this issue has not been put on the agenda for a long time.

But now, if it is to serve the overall strategic goal of the consortiumization of the entire industry, it is absolutely necessary to start to advance, or even add some strong medicine to promote development.

That night, when Wu Tao brought An Rong back to An's house for dinner, he naturally talked about this issue.

At first, An Dingguo was still immersed in the excitement of Tianxin Technology and Research Institute's major breakthrough in the semiconductor field. The first time I heard Wu Tao's thinking jumped to online payment, I was a little strange and puzzled.

After all, online payment does not sound so easy to accept.

And compared with the volume of the semiconductor industry, it is not enough to see it at all. Is it necessary to talk so much about it?

Wu Tao's thoughts were forced to come back, and at the same time, with his eyes, An Rong's eagerness to scold Naifu was stopped with his eyes.

Zhinv Mo Ruomu.

Gu Jin glanced at her daughter’s small mouth into an unpleasant arc, and quickly picked up one of his best Sixi **** and put it in Wu Tao’s bowl, and followed Yuanchang with embarrassment: "Don’t just talk and eat. vegetable."

And Wu Tao really liked Aunt Jin's Sixi meatballs, so he ate it seriously.

At the end of the meal, seeing Gu Jin's chopsticks sticking into the plate of Sixi Meatballs again, she suddenly felt like crying without tears.

Fortunately, An Rong saw the opportunity and put a large amount of fresh green vegetables into his bowl with chopsticks. There was no place to put the pile of Sixi balls, and Gu Jin gave up.

She really is her own good wife.

Wu Tao hiccuped slightly, then raised his head again, already thinking about how to continue the conversation.

"Uncle An, you are right." First throw out an affirmation. While An Dingguo is proud of his face, his attention is clearly focused on listening. "Our semiconductor industry has achieved a major breakthrough, and it is indeed necessary to concentrate on it. It’s a big direction."

"... But, to say it was a breakthrough, it was actually just a good start." Wu Tao's voice became more calm, as if the great good thing of the day was not done by his people, and there was a kind of insult and indifference, "Just like Said, our chip design level, production level, the establishment of the chip surrounding ecology, etc., all of these need to be gradually rolled out."

Suddenly, An Dingguo felt that his throat was a little dry, and he took up a drink of water and drank half of it. This was considered calm, "In that case, it really can't be too high-profile."

"Uncle An, you are right," Wu Tao was very pleased. "At the level where the domestic semiconductor industry has just started, low-key development is always right. Don't look at the US semiconductor industry giants praising us, hello, me, everyone Okay, that’s actually because we are not enough to be the opponents in their eyes."

After some words, An Dingguo was cold in his heart, and drank two or three cups in a row.

Originally, he was also expecting that his political career would be able to take advantage of the development of this industry. Now it seems...

Wu Tao saw this matter in his eyes, but did not break it. "In fact, Uncle An, as long as domestic semiconductors are willing to continue to invest and have multiple policies to guide them, their development will not be a problem. The question is how to avoid repeating the mistakes of the late 1980s, or rather, The ten time points that let us become the thorn in the eyes of Americans are postponed as late as possible."

The amount of information here is so large that it has already made An Dingguo a little embarrassed. The spicy liquor remains in his throat, so that the voice of speaking is hoarse: "This is how you acted in such a low-key manner on the official side this time. The reason?"

"Yes," Wu Tao continued with a clear mind: "How fast was the rise of Dongying's semiconductor industry in the past, and the result was not a mess? But having said that, this has also led to today's Dongying Semiconductor. One of the partners we are trying to win..."

It’s just that the enthusiasm of the talk was not over, so An Rong interrupted, “Oh, don’t worry about my dad, let’s get to the point. His old man’s psychological endurance is not as strong as you think. !"

As soon as the baby girl finished saying this, Gu Jin didn't want to wait for An Dingguo to speak, "You kid, what do you say about your dad?"

An Rong spit out his tongue, "Mom, Dad, in fact, he is engaged in this online payment, and he wants you to take the lead in promoting it. For example, in the future, Jinling will be built into a mobile payment city. Buying tickets by car ~ ~ all without cash, all with a mobile phone!"

"How is this possible?" These remarks portrayed the basic convenience in life, so Gu Jin rarely expressed his opinion, "You have to spend money everywhere in life, can you not have a mobile phone?"

An Rong threw the topic back decisively, and pointed to Wu Tao and said, "He said this. I think it's pretty good. There is nothing impossible."

So Wu Tao had to patiently explain the vision and development route of online payment.

After a few words, An Dingguo listened, and his thoughts followed, his expression became more solemn as he listened, "In this way, once your online payment is established, it is equivalent to establishing a virtual financial system that is separated from physical finance. ."

"...When the scale is small, it is good to say that once it develops and grows, it will probably be inseparable from the regulation and guidance at the national policy level."

Wu Tao nodded, "Yes, this must be done impeccably. So in this regard, you need Uncle An to find a reason to help you tear up a policy hole."

An Dingguo let out a sigh of relief, picked up his chopsticks again and said, "Okay, I will look back and study."

After sending Wu Tao away, An Dingguo turned around and returned to the study.

After a while, he put on his jacket again and went out without saying a word.

Gu Jin opened her mouth and wanted to care, but when she saw her baby girl smiling and greeted her husband, she opened the door and walked in.

"Rongrong, you said that Xiaotao's idea of ​​this is all the same. It seems to make your dad feel anxious."

An Rong put her hands in her trouser pockets, and raised her eyebrows slightly to retort: ​​"Mom, how can you think like this? Isn't Wu Tao doing this to add some bargaining chips to Dad's political career? I don’t understand his painstaking effort!"


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