Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1178: I am not targeting you, but...

This decision was a surprise to Yang Shining, but it was a surprise to Li Yinxin.

Generous, absolutely generous!

Given the strength of the Samsung Group, my father probably didn't have such a great courage.

Yang Shining added in disbelief, "Boss, Mr. Tao meant..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wu Tao: “I have seen Lao Tao’s opinions. It’s okay. I’ll talk to him later. You must pay attention to this project, and you must implement it in accordance with world-class standards. In short, I Don’t be afraid to spend money, don’t save me!"

At this point, his tone changed abruptly and seriously, "However, if the production line that will be developed in the future cannot be compared with people, then I can't let it!"

Such instructions are stressful and motivated.

Yang Shining took Wu Tao's approved comments, full of energy. Although there was no guarantee on the spot, military orders were issued, but his eyes were full of determination.

After Yang Shining was sent away, Li Yinxin's prosperous head suddenly became even bigger.

In fact, before she came over, she did an article. The current world pattern of the semiconductor industry is still showing a multipolar situation with the United States as the mainstay and Europe and Asia as a supplement.

If this situation continues to develop, the situation in which the United States is determined to take the upstream of the industry and other countries to accompany the downstream is almost destined.

Such a result made Li Yinxin feel promising.

After all, it is a very strategic matter, much better than doing a project and managing some painless factories.

It was only afterwards that Wu Tao couldn't hold back anymore, so he had to tell him frankly.

Li Yinxin was both nervous and accidental to Wu Tao's sudden formal response. Could it be possible to keep the clouds so fast and see the sunrise?

Li Yinxin thought this way, and even felt complacent about her own charm.

Until Wu Tao's meaningful voice came out, her little cheating mood suddenly felt as if she was poured cold from head to toe by a basin of cold water.

"Li Yinxin, I am not targeting you. In the semiconductor field, I actually don't want to cooperate with any Korean company!"

"Why?" Li Yinxin couldn't sit still and stood up immediately.

Wu Tao slowly poured a cup of tea, "In the decades of history in the development of the semiconductor industry, South Korean semiconductors have always played a less glorious role. When Dongying Semiconductor was in full swing, it was South Korean Semiconductor who acted as Yankee’s internal response. Relying on squeezing the Dongying semiconductor industry and driving itself to the top."

"...Now you come to talk to me about cooperation and want to jointly compete with the US semiconductor industry. Do you think I should trust you?"

"What is it?" Li Yinxin was so anxious to cry, "How is this possible?"

Wu Tao was unmoved and glanced at the other person lightly, "If you don't understand this period of history, it can only show that your research work is not in place."

"...In addition, China's semiconductor industry is still in its infancy, and it is not suitable for fighting and killing. So your current thinking is actually looking for the wrong person."

Speaking of later, these words are completely coaxing.

But Li Yinxin couldn't take care of it anymore. What made her most unacceptable was that Wu Tao didn't trust her.

Such a sense of mistrust remained uncomfortable until Li Yinxin returned to the Samsung Jinling office.

In the afternoon, Tao Changxuan was called to the president's office.

Facing his boss, Tao Changxuan crouched, really unable to hold up much confidence.

As the first person to follow Wu Tao, the other cadres got up one by one, and they made enough achievements. Only Tao Changxuan himself, the current situation is getting more and more difficult.

Especially the budget approval that Yang Shining received by accident made Tao Changxuan even more pressured.

Wu Tao sat behind the desk, with Erlang's legs tilted, fixedly looking at this capable subordinate, "Old Tao~"

Tao Changxuan suddenly raised his head and wiped his forehead with sweat. "You also know that in order to cope with the future development of the current situation, all industries under my name will be grouped and consortium operations."

"...As a veteran, haven't you thought about where you will be in the future?"

When asked about this, the sweat on Tao Changxuan's forehead rushed down, "Boss, me, me, I..."

Wu Tao raised his eyebrows, straightened his waist, put his hands on the table, and looked straight at Tao Changxuan, "You think you are already in the comfort zone, but you are not."

"...In the near future, when my industry enters the process of collectivization and consortium, you veterans will definitely go up and down and go through a new reshuffle."

"...After the cards are shuffled, you will inevitably cause a psychological and status gap. In this regard, don't you have a sense of crisis?"

Wu Tao's words forced him into the corner step by step.

Tao Changxuan was unable to retreat, and was sweating profusely on his forehead, "Boss, the scale of investment in the semiconductor industry is so large, I'm really worried, just in case..."

"Yes, it is indeed not that easy to succeed." Wu Tao agreed with which immediately reduced Tao Changxuan's pressure. However, immediately after the conversation turned, Tao Changxuan almost didn't flash his waist, "But I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

Tao Changxuan tremblingly did not dare to speak.

After getting off the horse, Wu Tao stood up, his tone changed sharply and meaningfully. He walked around the desk and patted Tao Changxuan's shoulder and said, "Old Tao, you have to learn from Academician Ni in this respect, and it is also from scratch. People don't have the burden of thinking as much as you. Isn't it successful now?"

"Besides, instead of shrinking and being destined to be eliminated, it is better to roll up your sleeves and fight for a different future, what do you think?"

Tao Changxuan's face was already pale, but fortunately the sweat stopped flowing.

Seeing Wu Tao picking up the teacup again, Tao Changxuan settled down and stood up and said, "Boss, I understand what you mean, and I will think about it."

The news that Tianxin Technology and UMC jointly prepared a 90nm chip process production line, although not announced with much fanfare, has spread like wildfire in the industry because of the huge investment of 1.68 billion U.S. dollars.

When the news reached TSMC, everyone's reaction was also different.

Especially Hu Zhengmin, since returning from participating in the appraisal meeting, he has been paying attention to the news and movements there.

I always feel that there is something special in the power that is attracting him.

The large amount of 1.68 billion yuan reached his ears, which made him excited by surprise and made him feel reasonable.

He is really a charming big boss.

After returning to his senses, looking at the documents on the desktop, and remembering the series of **** he encountered after returning from the appraisal meeting, Hu Zhengmin suddenly lost his interest in work.

Maybe it's really time to make a choice to change...


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