Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1221: Real doer

After a brief silence in the box of the Lion King's Mansion, everyone's chatting rose again.

In fact, all of you here were once the proud sons of heaven. It was under Wu Tao's command that he discovered that his former goal was now so far away.

There are many of these people, and they have a pattern of jumping out of Guan Peisheng in the future to pursue a broader world.

But even so, Wu Tao's status and achievements today are already enough to make them stand up to their mountains.

Ever since, when the topic talked about the recent, soulless international financial summit, everyone was happy to enter a state of ridicule.

However, the summer did not follow the trend to join in the teasing. In the past six months of ruthless Manke, her work seems not as tall as the others, but she is really solid and steady.

The freshness of the work content itself also made her discover another vast world.

At least for the time being, under her leadership, Boku Manke and Tianxing Media have established a few small project cooperation, which can be regarded as a kind of beneficial experiment.

Of course, compared with the chip industry that Shi Lele joined, these jobs have not received so much attention from the boss Wu Tao.

However, Shi Lele's work life is not so smooth.

"I heard that your parents want you to go home and inherit the family's mine?"

Xia Xia understands Shi Lele, so the tone of the question is worried, but Jinyue next to him does not know the truth, and asks with joy and unexpectedly, even with a louder voice, "So you have a mine at home?"

Now, the whole box is almost heard.

Shi Lele was not a blatant person, immediately apologized and clarified by the way: "I have rejected their request."

"Why?" someone asked in a low voice immediately.

After all, if there is a mine at home, who would still be happy to work as a wage earner under the hands of others, and get tired of listening to it?

There are also people with hidden ambitions who are particularly concerned. Why is it more attractive to work under the hands of the boss than to go out alone?

Shi Lele sipped her saliva, but didn't say much, "The boss is a real man who does big things. He has done a lot for China Semiconductor. This matter is more meaningful than mining and dumping coal."

This remark is for others to say, and it is inevitable to be sloppy. It happened that this guy who had a mine in his home but would still stand in obscurity downstairs in the cold wind greeted him for a long time and said it out, which can only make people feel respect for the boss spontaneously.

After all, my own boss is a great person!

In addition, as everyone here is the same age, the guys who were thinking about starting their own businesses in the future suddenly felt a little shaken in their hearts...

Of course, shaken and shaken, no matter how influential Wu Tao far in Beijiang is, it will not have the effect of shaking the tiger's body and worshipping the head in this box.

However, Jin Yue didn't say anything about the feelings that people had recently emerged, but she felt the deepest in her heart.

Especially after meeting Mr. Yan of Tianxing Media, she has a deeper understanding of the strategic intent of this software valley project evaluation plan.

Jinyue did not expect that a project that seemed to be raised casually at the beginning would hide such a big ambition...

Jinyue has been very satisfied with this project after several revisions. She is confident that when the boss returns to Jinling, she will give him a satisfactory report.

In fact, Wu Tao has no important arrangements for the following two days in Beijiang.

So I just arranged a meal for Rena Fujiwara and Xiao Ruiguang. By the way, I had a meal with Lin Yuanshan and other Taiwanese businessmen and set off on the trip back to Jinling.

When Molly and the others left, they enthusiastically invited him and An Rong to spend the Chinese New Year holiday in Irvine, Los Angeles, but Wu Tao refused.

Although Molly was kind, Wu Tao has been used to staying at home for a while, but he is reluctant to let his dear relatives.

To put it bluntly, no matter how good the conditions are, how many years old can he look at himself at his age?

The ancients said that it makes sense not to travel far when the parents are there.

What's more, life at Irvine Villa, in the final analysis, is the same.

The driving force of the global economy in the future is mostly hidden in the magical land of China!

When the convoy reached Jinling unimpeded all the way, Wu Tao felt the active factor in his blood regaining consciousness.

Although I have done some things during this period of self-cultivation, after all, I have become slack and lazy, and it is time to make up for the hard work I owe.

When they arrived in Jinling, it was still early for lunch, so Wu Tao and An Rong went back to the company.

According to Liu Ruoxi's arrangement, Wu Tao first went to Tianqi Investment in Xinjiekou. It is said that Hu Ning had already waited there with Jinyue.

Compared with Hu Ning's sophistication and calmness, the two-term Jinyue looks a little more immature.

However, in this special report, Jinyue actually knows how to call Hu Ning together, at least it shows that her emotional intelligence is still good.

Wu Tao's office in Tianqi Investment is the most luxurious and magnificent among all the offices.

When I saw Jinyue for the first time, I even forgot that I was the protagonist during this trip, and I looked everywhere so that my eyes were not enough.

It wasn't until Hu Ning called her softly twice that she came to her senses.

When I turned around, I found that the people around me were all looking at me, blushing immediately, and I almost couldn't hold it anymore.

Fortunately, Hu Ning answered her with a few words: "Boss, your office is so luxurious, I don't want to leave when I come in."

Wu Tao was happily followed, "It’s okay if you don’t want to leave. I don’t use it much anyway. As long as you can hold this event well, it’s okay to leave it to your office."

Of course no one would take this seriously.

Especially Xue Jiaqian, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help feeling a while thinking of the painstaking efforts Qin spent in this office. In short, it's complicated.

The subsequent reporting process went Regarding some of the details mentioned by Wu Tao, Jinyue was able to answer the questions very well. In addition, Hu Ning occasionally inserts a few sentences in the overall situation, which can be said to be very reassuring.

"I'm satisfied with the project proposal." Wu Tao concluded finally, "But no matter how perfect the plan is, if the execution is not good, it will not meet expectations. In terms of project implementation, how do you plan to arrange it?"

Hu Ning naturally took the stubborn words, "That's it, boss, I plan to set up a special project team to take charge of this matter. I am the team leader and Jinyue is the deputy team leader. Each of the software valley service centers in the three places has a person. Enriched in the project team. I believe that with the support of Mr. Tianxing Yan and Mr. Xue Tianqi, we will definitely achieve our goal."


Wu Tao nodded, "Okay, Jinyue, you work hard." Then turned around and glanced at Xue Jiaqian, the other party immediately stated: "Boss, rest assured, we will cooperate fully."

Then he instructed Liu Ruoxi: "Bring the same thing to Yan Fei."
