Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1224: Ripping off is a technical job

Christoph's face changed slightly. How can he be sure of this kind of thing?

Looking back at the secretary next to him, the secretary immediately left the team knowingly, and then turned around to look at Wu Tao. Christoph suddenly realized that this time the situation might be really bad.

Originally, I was only planning to take advantage of them, but now they are faintly constrained by them.

Realizing this, Christophe didn't have to wait for the result of the secretary's call anymore, and simply followed Wu Tao's lead into the conference room No. 1 and sat down generously.

"Wu, I really don't understand. Now that Motorola has decided to abandon the mobile phone business, what else is there for us to negotiate? Are you really interested in acquiring our mobile phone business?"

"...If this is the case, you only need to invest 10.9 billion US dollars, my little Galvin can be the master and sell it to you, in order to harvest our long-term friendship with Hua Xia Wu."

Christoph spoke seriously, as if the braid that Wu Tao was holding was not his.

It’s rare that Wu Tao never interrupted him and listened to him politely. Then he looked helplessly: "Christopher, I know that Motorola’s mobile phone business has many high-value patents, but I’m sorry. No need."

"...I have made it clear in public before. As for whether Lenovo's Liu will be confused by your visit today, I am not optimistic!"

Hearing this, Christoph was suddenly in his throat, feeling as if he was caught in his throat by fate.

I opened my mouth to say something, but felt that the language was really pale and weak.

It wasn't until a burly and handsome young man next to him said a few words in his ear that he revived his spirit and dealt with Wu Tao: "In fact, it doesn't matter, Wu. Even if we don’t agree with Lenovo’s Liu, we can still sell it. Google. And from the perspective of the continuation and development of Motorola’s mobile phone business, I think it’s more appropriate to sell to Sergey."

"Oh~" Wu Tao couldn't help showing a meaningful smile, "Sergey and Larry? These two guys don't have a small appetite! Tianqi Investment seems to have a lot of original stocks in Google. I have to ask about this."

Christoph's face suddenly turned pale, what else did Nima talk about? Looking back at the most trusted assistant next to him, the other party seemed to have nothing to say.

Two consecutive small movements made Wu Tao notice the burly big guy next to him. Thinking back to the previous introduction, this guy seemed to be Mike, a very ordinary name, so that he would not be able to remember the origin of this person for a while.

It seems that there was still too little study in the previous life.

Fortunately, at this moment, the secretary next to Christoph who had gone out to call, went back and whispered a few words between Christoph and Mike, and sat down honestly in the back seat.

After listening to the report, Christophe's face was really gloomy and dripping.

"Well, since Wu, you are as deliberate as you are here, let's talk about it. Now I am looking forward to what interesting cooperation can China Wu, as the soul of the international financial summit, propose?"

Wu Tao raised his brows and glanced over Christoph, who gritted his teeth and said these words, but he was not anxious: "Frankly speaking, Christoph, I am also looking forward to it, because I haven't thought about it yet. I suggest that we Both parties will take a short break, and there will be a happy negotiation result later."

After speaking, Wu Tao got up and left.

Ripping off is a technical job, especially to figure out the bargaining chips in hand, and master the degree between them.

Neither allow the opponent to pass the level easily, nor allow the opponent to break the pot.

Especially now that this guy still knows to remind himself of his international reputation, he needs to be more cautious.

As soon as he returned to the president's office, Qin Xiaoxiao called.

"Boss, the Zhongguancun side has been temporarily appeased. As for the price of Little Galvin and many negotiations, I have almost inquired about it. But as for Motorola, what is suitable for ripping off, I still need time to sort out. "

"Then first talk about the specific situation of Little Galvin's finding a husband's house for the mobile phone business." Wu Tao first grasped the main problem and said.

Qin Xiaoxiao said in a clear voice: "Little Galvin had contacted many prospective buyers before, and only two have actually entered the stage of substantive negotiations. One is Google and the other is Lenovo."

"On Google's side, I asked Larry, and the bid was 8.7 billion U.S. dollars. As for Lenovo, it was estimated to be around 11 billion U.S. dollars. Even if there is a deviation, it is not bad."

Wu Tao thinks of the 10.9 billion US dollars that Christoph has just challenged, and he feels that 11 billion is almost the same.

At first I heard a lot of things, but Wu Tao knew in his heart that if compared with Motorola in the same period in the previous life, the price was obviously underestimated.

It's a pity that Motorola is actually declining a bit quickly under the impact of the Lotus brand.

The waterloo of several new mobile phones in a row directly made little Galvin unable to withstand the pressure and decided to break his wrist.

But having said that, although the rise and fall of Motorola phones in the two generations were different, the results were surprisingly consistent.

In other words, it is the current situation. If little Galvin launches the mobile phone business a few years later, he might be completely smashed in his hands.

On this point, little Galvin still has a strategic vision.

Qin Xiaoxiao's voice continued: "For Motorola's mobile phone business, Liu Chuanzhi's psychological price should be around tens of billions. So the operating space left for us is this 1 billion US dollars..."

Wu Tao felt that this was open to question, but he did not interrupt Qin Xiaoxiao's report, "In addition, boss, we also noticed an interesting situation."

"tell me the story."

"Now Motorola is not only preparing to sell its mobile phone business, but also secretly contacting a Chinese company, saying it intends to acquire this Chinese company."

"Which Huaxia company is it?"


There was a thump in Wu Tao's mind, as if something hidden deep in his memory was pulled away in an instant, "Who specifically handled this matter?"

"Mike Zafirovski is said to be the most popular candidate for the next CEO. Little Galvin values ​​him very much!"

Hearing this, Wu Tao immediately connected this familiar name with the burly strange face in the meeting room just It turned out to be him!

No wonder.

Things are getting more and more interesting...

Huawei, which has sprung up in the past, was almost acquired by a foreign company at a price of 7.5 billion US dollars shortly after its development.

This became a hot topic after Huawei as a national brand went to the world.

And the manager of this matter is Mike Zafirovski!

I have to admit that this guy's vision is absolutely top-notch. It's a pity that the day did not meet the wishes. Mike missed the goal of becoming the CEO, and ultimately failed to become the CEO, which led to the complete abortion of the plan to acquire Huawei...

Fighting against such a person is fun to think about.
