Restart the Flying Age

Chapter 1227: The biggest gain no one knows

The ARM company at the beginning of 2003 is no longer the kind of little-known small workshop it was 2000 years ago.

I have to admit that the brains of the founders of ARM are truly flexible. Although Intel has been disgraced in the field of desktop PC chips, such frustration has brought them inspiration and found a path for ARM to truly belong to it.

Of course, there are many factors that make the boat turn around.

This new company established in the barn not only made a wise decision to change its business form, but even boldly retreated from the field of desktop PC chips and moved into the field of mobile chips.

Officially such a crazy decision, successfully allowed ARM to survive, and initially showed its edge.

However, the infinite glory is at the peak.

The current ARM company, far from its most brilliant peak, is still an entire era of mobile Internet.

Therefore, before the mobile Internet era is fully launched, it is definitely a wise and wise idea to find a way to become the chairman of ARM's board of directors.

In contrast, Apple arbitrarily withdrew from ARM for the original 1.5 million pounds. If they knew that they would not be able to buy it back for 8.5 billion dollars after many years, would they feel particularly regretful...

As for whether it can successfully enter the rising ARM now, Wu Tao is actually not worried.

As long as the Rothschilds are brought in and the price is attractive enough, nothing is impossible.

Even if the current ARM is asking for more premiums, it will not scare away such capital-heavy investors like Wu Tao. What's more, there is the endorsement of David Rothschild.

In short, if you buy it, you earn it.

The only trouble is that it is not convenient for Wu Tao to come forward in person. Otherwise, the guys who can't smell the meat will rush to follow the trend and give birth to a lot of extra tricks for this matter.

Therefore, the plank road must be clearly repaired and Chen Cangzhi must be kept secret in this matter.

Rao is so, Wu Tao is in a good mood.

After all, many of these disturbing thoughts came from an accidental ripping off.

It's also a windfall.

Perhaps when asked about this in an interview many years later, Wu Tao can also calmly say: There is no far-reaching planning or strategic layout here, it is purely a one-time skill.

Humming to the underground garage, Song Zhuang accompanied him to the car all the way, and then carefully left from another exit, just to avoid Li Yinxin, who had been guarding the front door for most of the day.

This stick girl is really twisted right now.

The team successfully left Yuanqi Technology Company, and Wu Tao left Li Yinxin behind. After picking up An Rong from Tian'an Computer Company, she stroked Yiren's delicate hands all the way.

An Rong was touched by him and smiled, "What is so happy?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I knocked on a small bamboo stick today and touched a big move by the way. There may be good value-added potential in the future."

An Rong asked with interest, "How much is the little bamboo stick, what are the big moves, and what is the good value-added potential?"

Wu Tao immediately explained the events of the past two days.

Hearing An Rong was thoughtful, "Hundreds of millions of dollars are said to have been taken up. In exchange, Tianan’s performance has increased so much, and I don’t know how much effort it took. No wonder so many people are addicted to the game of finance. With the capital game, the money is too fast. Christoph should be very depressed now, right?"

Wu Tao shook his head and smiled and said, "That's not necessarily..."

Coming out of the Capital Airport, Christoph and his party boarded the convoy arranged by Lenovo.

Along the way, the receptionist is always polite and thoughtful, which definitely makes people feel at home.

This is a high-level treatment that the two parties have not enjoyed before.

It is not difficult for Christoph to think of the joints. In his heart, he didn't know whether to resent Wu Tao for putting himself in such a way, or was grateful.

In short, the mood is very complicated.

Also in a complicated mood is Liu Chuanzhi, who has already rushed to the hotel where the Motorola delegation is staying.

Although the content of the cooperation between Yuanqi Technology and Motorola has been made public, and Wu Tao made it clear that he did not intend to engage in Motorola's mobile phone business, but it is clear that the negotiation has become more difficult and challenging.

Liu Chuanzhi had no intention of bargaining at all now. As long as he could sign the acquisition agreement at the other party's asking price, he would be grateful.

The Capital Hotel, which has just been shining brightly, is brightly lit.

Liu Chuanzhi waited sadly for Christophe and his party, who shook hands and greeted each other, and had dinner together.

Christoph and his party had just experienced the exhaustion of negotiating with Hua Xia Wu, and they had gone through the journey. They wanted to keep everything simple and rest as soon as possible.

However, Lenovo's arrangement has made people disrespectful and gracious.

During the banquet, Liu Chuanzhi and Christoph set up the old friendship of the Tsinghua Economic Management Advisory Committee.

Just like this, the favors have been sold to the young and old, but they still fall short of the subject.

Until finally Christophe lost his temper and took the initiative to say: "Liu, I have something to say. Motorola still insists that the price negotiated last time remains unchanged, so let's just talk about the matter, okay?"

Liu Chuanzhi was overjoyed, this was in line with his expectations. But he was reluctant to give in easily, "Christopher, as you know, we still have an annual semiconductor chip purchase agreement between us. This is actually a big effort for Lenovo, so please You still think about it again."

"Oh~" Christoph thoughtfully thought: "I forgot to say about this. This kind of agreed purchase agreement is unnecessary. After your company acquires the mobile phone business, you can purchase other mobile chips at will. ."

Liu Chuanzhi's eyes stared steadily.

Who gave you the courage to be so bold and generous?

However, Christophe would naturally not answer him, he had to figure it out for himself.

Of course, this matter itself is not difficult to figure out. As soon as Liu Chuanzhi raised his eyebrows, he almost thought that the blind confidence and optimism of this guy in front of him ~ must come from Wu Tao and the cooperation agreement that the two parties just signed recently.

It's Wu Tao again.

The influence of this person is truly extraordinary.

Liu Chuanzhi didn't feel too much emotion. He returned to the bargaining in front of him, and felt that it was not difficult to accept it.

Just accept it as soon as you see it.

Otherwise, there will be many dreams at night and other moths will come out.

After all, there is news from the United States that Motorola's stock has risen uncharacteristically. I don't know what other variables will be brought about by this momentum.

Therefore, Liu Chuanzhi gritted his teeth and immediately decided, "Then Christopher, that's it, we'll sign the purchase contract right away!"

Christoph looked at him unexpectedly: "Uh...well, Mr. Liu..."
